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Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: vision63
Date: September 18, 2021 03:48PM
I don't know what year this was, but Pillsbury was definitely making an argument for being the exalted cake mix GOAT. Yes mom. I will be enjoying that mixing bowl and mixer beaters too, you may not want to look cuz I'll be going all in on the batter. Bowl and blades. I knew it would be hours before I'd get to indulge in a slice.

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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: freeradical
Date: September 18, 2021 03:58PM
I've never bought a box of cake mix. I do however buy Pillsbury brand cake flour. I use it to make my own pastry flour. Two parts of cake flour to one part of all purpose flour (by weight) yields flour that has the same percentage of protein that professional pastry flour has. Try this when you make your own pancakes at home instead of using all purpose flour.
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: hal
Date: September 18, 2021 04:06PM
I haven't seen one of those since I moved out of the family house. Didn't they used to say 'Chocolate Cake' instead of 'Chocolate flavored?
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: Racer X
Date: September 18, 2021 04:18PM
Unless it contains a certain percentage of cocoa powder, and a certain percentage of cocoa butter, you can't legally call it chocolate. You need to call it chocolate flavor.

One of the candy bar companies cut out the cocoa butter and replaced it with cheap palm oil, and they REALLY got in trouble. Might have been Reeses and their Peanut Butter cups. They added corn syrup and took out cane sugar in the peanut butter too. That's why they melt on your fingers so easily. A Mars or Snickers bar does not behave that way.

“A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand.” Seneca the Younger

The police have no duty to respond. See Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005) or Warren v. District of Columbia[1] (444 A.2d. 1, D.C. Ct. of Ap. 1981)

Judge Lee wrote that “we cannot jettison our constitutional rights, even if the goal behind a law is laudable." 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: rgG
Date: September 18, 2021 04:35PM
Never heard of a Lord Baltimore cake, but I am down to try it. grinning smiley

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: Racer X
Date: September 18, 2021 04:51PM
Some of those styles/flavors are very regional. My partner and I watch a lot of stuff from the Food Network, sometimes just in the background. Halloween and "Holiday" Baking contests are going to start Tomorrow FYI.

Anyway, one of the baking contests had everyone doing a different region theme every week. One week I think was a Lord Baltimore cake.

“A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand.” Seneca the Younger

The police have no duty to respond. See Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005) or Warren v. District of Columbia[1] (444 A.2d. 1, D.C. Ct. of Ap. 1981)

Judge Lee wrote that “we cannot jettison our constitutional rights, even if the goal behind a law is laudable." 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: vision63
Date: September 18, 2021 06:07PM
I haven't seen one of those since I moved out of the family house. Didn't they used to say 'Chocolate Cake' instead of 'Chocolate flavored?

Boy v63 didn't care. He was just happy that there was cake. Any kind of cake.
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: Lemon Drop
Date: September 18, 2021 07:09PM
Never heard of a Lord Baltimore cake, but I am down to try it. grinning smiley

I haven't either, but my grandmother made a cake she called Lady Baltimore, the filling had dried fruit and nuts soaked in brandy.

Layers were white cake, maybe 7 minute frosting? I gotta look for her recipe.

We had a lot of winter birthdays and she'd make this, or fresh coconut. Or yellow cake with cooked fudge icing.

Some of the cake mixes now make excellent cakes, can't lie.
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: rgG
Date: September 18, 2021 09:49PM
Lemon Drop
Never heard of a Lord Baltimore cake, but I am down to try it. grinning smiley

I haven't either, but my grandmother made a cake she called Lady Baltimore, the filling had dried fruit and nuts soaked in brandy.

Layers were white cake, maybe 7 minute frosting? I gotta look for her recipe.

We had a lot of winter birthdays and she'd make this, or fresh coconut. Or yellow cake with cooked fudge icing.

Some of the cake mixes now make excellent cakes, can't lie.

Ooooo, I’ll take any or all of the above. They sound delicious.

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: Don C
Date: September 18, 2021 10:07PM
Had a buddy whose brand new PhD wasn't selling in the job market so he became the stay at home dad and did some cake baking on the side. He would make his cakes from scratch of course. One job came up so fast that he had to use a box of Jiffy mix and he got way more compliments on that cake than any of his scratch cakes. He decided that people like what they know.

(He later got a job teaching at a community college so his degree was not a complete waste of effort.)
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: September 19, 2021 09:25AM
Missing the orange

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: September 19, 2021 09:26AM
Never mind, orange is in the lower corner. All is good

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: September 19, 2021 01:54PM
Let them eat cake... lots and lots of cake.

It is what it is.
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: bfd
Date: September 19, 2021 03:22PM
Yellow Cake.
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: Rick-o
Date: September 19, 2021 04:01PM
I would like one slice of each, please.

I have to in order to know which flavor is best. yum smiley

Mr. Lahey: Why don't you get a life Rick? Why don't ya go to community college like Julian here. Hey, I got a good idea. You could teach, livin' in a car and growin' dope 101.

Ricky: Hehe. And you can teach how to get drunk, get fired from the police force, become a... lousy trailer park supervisor that sucks, hangs around with a @#$%&' idiot that doesn't wear a shirt, and looks like a dick but thinks he looks good... 101.
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Re: Pillsbury didn't mess around...
Posted by: freeradical
Date: September 19, 2021 05:19PM
Yellow Cake.

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