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what do we like for low end B&W laser printers (network capable)?
Posted by: clay
Date: September 18, 2021 07:13PM
I've had Brothers for forever. Latest model 2170w is done with its drum. No way I'm ponying up $100 for a brand name drum. Kind of scared of trying remanufactured/3rd party versions that I've seen for cheaper. This printer has been good to me, but I'm tempted to just put the money towards something new. Problem is, looks like everything is basically out of stock or cost is 2x of normal retail.

B&W laser with ethernet ideally (wireless only is acceptable if that's the only option) are the two features I need. If it came with duplex, I'd take it, but it's not really worth much to me.

Something like the HLL2370DW seems just about right. Only seeing refurb models in stock anywhere for a shade under $100. For something I buy/replace every 6-10 years, I'd rather buy new if I can.

Any hot tips?
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Re: what do we like for low end B&W laser printers (network capable)?
Posted by: anonymouse1
Date: September 18, 2021 07:21PM
I've done incredibly well with used HP small workgroup BW Laserjets. I buy one about every 5 years or so for $25-$50 on Craigslist, buy new HP OEM toner carts on Ebay, and everything just works.
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Re: what do we like for low end B&W laser printers (network capable)?
Posted by: Spiff
Date: September 18, 2021 07:58PM
Yeah, my HPm506 stopped working over Ethernet and have not gotten it to work again, yet. Even with firmware update.
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Re: what do we like for low end B&W laser printers (network capable)?
Posted by: anonymouse1
Date: September 18, 2021 09:12PM
I stick to the older ones with fewer than 30,000 pages printed. Like these: []

Yeah, my HPm506 stopped working over Ethernet and have not gotten it to work again, yet. Even with firmware update.
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Re: what do we like for low end B&W laser printers (network capable)?
Posted by: Ken Sp.
Date: September 18, 2021 11:13PM
Wasn’t there an old meme here that included the ability for the printer to also do proofs? :-)
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Re: what do we like for low end B&W laser printers (network capable)?
Posted by: MikeF
Date: September 19, 2021 12:00AM
This one [Brother HL-L6200DW] -- cheapest from one of these two (have never ordered from them, so don't know how reliable):
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Re: what do we like for low end B&W laser printers (network capable)?
Posted by: Robert M
Date: September 19, 2021 07:09AM

3rd party drums for that model run from $20 to $25 or so. I would buy a 3rd party drum from a reputable vendor/company and give it a shot. Worst case, it doesn't work and you recycle the whole shebang. Best case, you're printing until such a time that you need to replace the drum or toner cartridge again. Not a bad gamble for $20 to $25.

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Re: what do we like for low end B&W laser printers (network capable)?
Posted by: Fritz
Date: September 19, 2021 10:25AM
I have an AIO Canon. Mine is ~ 12 years old using after market toner with no issue.

"one door closes and another window opens"
Vlad the Impailer.

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Re: what do we like for low end B&W laser printers (network capable)?
Posted by: MrNoBody
Date: September 19, 2021 10:43PM
MRF resident Brother fanboy here.

I'd look for a deal on the HLL2370DW. If it's a Brother factory refurb,
grab it. Never had an issue with theirs.
specs: []

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Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2021 10:53PM by MrNoBody.
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Re: what do we like for low end B&W laser printers (network capable)?
Posted by: clay
Date: December 03, 2021 07:57AM
Update -

Tried a 3rd party drum, print quality was quite poor so I returned it.

Then tried a first party drum. List price about $90 new from Amazon, but they had an Amz Warehouse "used" version for about $30, so I did it. Working like a charm!
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