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Does anyone have a telephone number for the Apple photo store?
Posted by: Gutenberg
Date: January 23, 2006 08:39AM
I sent three photos in through iPhoto and ordered 16 by 20 prints. They are of a newspaper front page. Well, they enlarged them so the bottom of the page is cut off. I have searched Apple and this forum and can't find a place to complain and get them to reprint them at 100 freaking percent. Help please?

Thanks, Gutie
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Re: Does anyone have a telephone number for the Apple photo store?
Posted by: Michael
Date: January 23, 2006 08:49AM
Last year I had a problem and couldn't find a phone number. I called Apple directly and was told it was only reachable by the email (apple->support->ipohoto->customer service->ordering prints, bottom of page).

Made me unhappy, but the email was answered quickly and to my satisfaction.
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Re: Does anyone have a telephone number for the Apple photo store?
Posted by: Gutenberg
Date: January 23, 2006 08:55AM
Thank you. I will try that. I have no idea whatsoever why the photos were enlarged. Grr.
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Re: Does anyone have a telephone number for the Apple photo store?
Posted by: jimbrady
Date: January 23, 2006 08:59AM
>I have no idea whatsoever why the photos were enlarged. Grr.

Maybe a quirk of aspect ratio (4:3 vs. 3:2 or verse visa)? Was there a standard size paper you ordered, that matched the shape of your photo?
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Re: Does anyone have a telephone number for the Apple photo store?
Posted by: pRON aHOLIC
Date: January 23, 2006 09:55AM
jimbrady Wrote:
> >I have no idea whatsoever why the photos were
> enlarged. Grr.
> Maybe a quirk of aspect ratio (4:3 vs. 3:2 or
> verse visa)? Was there a standard size paper you
> ordered, that matched the shape of your photo?

I don't see why iphoto can't deal with aspect ratio. It can tell you something is low resolution if you make a big print from a small file but can't calculate dimensions will cut off. So that's on apple because the general public doesn't deal in aspect ratios. Gutty, is that the issue or did they still goof it up?

Secondly, not having a phone number is just silly for a company with billion dollar sales quarters.


Join team 38910 folding! [] multi cpu-[]
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Re: Does anyone have a telephone number for the Apple photo store?
Posted by: Gutenberg
Date: January 23, 2006 10:06AM
I think it is aspect ratio, but nowhere on the site does it say "we are going to crop this any way we bloody well please to maintain an aspect ratio of 4:3."

Even if they are going to crop the photo they should ensure that all of the photo gets printed--if they decided they were going to enlarge, then enlarge north-south so all of it gets printed. The way they have done it, there is no way to mat the photo without losing part of it because it's borderless.

If they had just printed the photos at 100 percent everything would have been fine. Instead they are printed at about 145 percent, which gave the pictures a slight case of the jaggies to boot.

I sent an email and we will see what happens. Thanks all--
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Re: Does anyone have a telephone number for the Apple photo store?
Posted by: spearmint
Date: January 23, 2006 10:15AM
All automated? No person ever saw the photos?
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Re: Does anyone have a telephone number for the Apple photo store?
Posted by: rgG
Date: January 23, 2006 11:33AM
You said you can't mat it because it is borderless. Could you use some double stick tape to stick it to a larger piece of paper to give it border? Then you could put the mat on that. That is, if you can't get them re-printed. Hopefully you'll just get some new properly done prints.

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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Re: Does anyone have a telephone number for the Apple photo store?
Posted by: Gutenberg
Date: January 23, 2006 01:09PM
Sorry, rgG, that was a rhetorical rant. While I can understand borderless 4 by 6s and even 5 by 7s, why in the name of dog would they make a borderless 16 by 20? So I can keep stacks of them in my big old file box and flip through them when I feel sentimental?
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Re: Does anyone have a telephone number for the Apple photo store?
Posted by: rgG
Date: January 23, 2006 01:23PM
Sorry I didn't catch that Gutie. Be sure to let us know how it all turns out and what their rationale was for what they did.

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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