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Speaking of The Beatles, FYI a new edition of Curvebender's Recording The Beatles is in the works
Posted by: JoeM
Date: October 13, 2021 08:00PM
It's been sold out for some time but I see Curvebender Publishing has announced an expanded edition is coming. I bought one of the original copies at $100 when they first published it. (It's now selling between $900-$2K, used) I kick myself for passing on their second book: Places I Remember, when it first came out for $495. It's out of print and now goes for from $1,300 to $5K. After I let the second book slip and then couldn't get it I did get their 3rd book Kaleidoscope Eyes: A Day In The Life of Sgt. Pepper for $495. but that is still available and has not increased in value at this point.

They are obviously pricey but if you are a Beatles fan or book collector or interested in how the Beatles recorded, Recording The Beatles is a beautiful collection of interesting recording information.
There are other books out that are much cheaper that detail the Beatles recordings but this baby is the Cadillac of them all.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2021 08:01PM by JoeM.
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Re: Speaking of The Beatles, FYI a new edition of Curvebender's Recording The Beatles is in the works
Posted by: jonny
Date: October 13, 2021 11:13PM
I have a long enjoyed “The Beatles: recording sessions” by Mark Lewisohn. Pretty much read it cover to cover. And used copies can be found for less than $10.
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Re: Speaking of The Beatles, FYI a new edition of Curvebender's Recording The Beatles is in the works
Posted by: JoeM
Date: October 14, 2021 07:45AM
I have a long enjoyed “The Beatles: recording sessions” by Mark Lewisohn. Pretty much read it cover to cover. And used copies can be found for less than $10.

I have that one as well. It's a great book but doesn't go into the detail that the Curebender book covers regarding gear and recording techniques.

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