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New concrete patio: Smooth or Broomed?
Posted by: steve...
Date: December 01, 2021 08:02PM
The forms are ready and they'll pour the cement in the morning.

I'm thinking smooth since there are evergreens (needles) on three sides and it would be easier to sweep/clean. It hardly ever freezes here so traction is not an issue.

Northern California Coast
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Re: New concrete patio: Smooth or Broomed?
Posted by: jdc
Date: December 01, 2021 08:13PM
we got the lightest broom they could do.

They wouldn't let us do smooth. Some sort of a Calif code?

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: New concrete patio: Smooth or Broomed?
Posted by: Don C
Date: December 01, 2021 08:16PM
I had my front porch poured last spring and they swept it and I am not real happy with it. I don't like the feel of it, andI expect to replace the door sweep every year or two as those rough edges take their toll. OTOH water, let alone ice, on the porch and the steps are probably a serious slip and fall hazard so rough is probably safer.
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Re: New concrete patio: Smooth or Broomed?
Posted by: bobinmurphy
Date: December 01, 2021 08:46PM
Smooth concrete (not cement which is the powder binder that when mixed with sand and gravel becomes concrete) can be as slick as ice when it becomes wet. Either a light broom to rough up the surface a bit or a light sprinkling of sand on it before it dries and hardens is the best solution.
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Re: New concrete patio: Smooth or Broomed?
Posted by: Speedy
Date: December 01, 2021 08:52PM
There is smooth and then there is smooth. Neither our steps, sidewalk or driveway is brushed but they certainly aren’t smooth like glass. Yes, they can be slippery when ice coated but so would they be if brushed. I vote smooth for easy care.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: New concrete patio: Smooth or Broomed?
Posted by: Thrift Store Scott
Date: December 01, 2021 09:14PM
Smooth concrete (not cement which is the powder binder that when mixed with sand and gravel becomes concrete) can be as slick as ice when it becomes wet. Either a light broom to rough up the surface a bit or a light sprinkling of sand on it before it dries and hardens is the best solution.
The sand sprinkle option sounds like the best one overall to me. Not as rough or obvious as broomed, but still good grip.

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Re: New concrete patio: Smooth or Broomed?
Posted by: testcase
Date: December 01, 2021 11:47PM
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Re: New concrete patio: Smooth or Broomed?
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: December 02, 2021 10:11AM
Lightly broomed, or sanded. Slick concrete can be VERY slippery!

Paul F.
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Eureka, CA
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Re: New concrete patio: Smooth or Broomed?
Posted by: rz
Date: December 02, 2021 01:50PM
We have a sunporch at our new house that had a concrete floor, and a large rock garden. With 5 cats, there was no way we were having an indoor rock garden (a.k.a. world's largest litter box). So we took out the rocks, and had concrete poured. The rest of the floor was "knockdown"... sort of an orange-peel like surface. I think they use a paintbrush to sort of shake water droplets on it. The new floor matches what was there.
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Re: New concrete patio: Smooth or Broomed?
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: December 02, 2021 03:55PM
For a patio, I'd to lightly swept or sidewalk smooth.

Reminds me of someone who's son painted the drive way of an old Oakland home.

It was maybe of 30's (?) vintage, with a separate garage below street level, along side the basement.

It was fine until we got some constant rain.

She couldn't get up the driveway, two parallel rows of concrete stones with ridges built in, sidewalk smooth.

But once paint with some high-gloss paint, it was a slip-n-slide in the wet.

Repainted with fine sand added and all was well.

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Re: New concrete patio: Smooth or Broomed?
Posted by: bruceko
Date: December 03, 2021 04:55PM
Probably to late but I would do an exposed sand micro etch finish with a surface retarder
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