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Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Acer
Date: December 11, 2021 10:56AM
Do you or have you used a traffic radar detector?
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67 votes were received.
Never 49
Used to, but not any more 14
Have one now 4
MAVIC reads the speed limit signs aloud for me 0

These were all the rage for a while, 80s & 90s maybe. Seems like I don't hear much about them any more. Anyone here did or still use one?

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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: December 11, 2021 11:20AM
I used to, for a lark, for awhile, but not any more.

The lights and noise were cool ECM, but buggy back then, and I seldom drove like a detector would help.

I've known a lot of guys who always said/say 'it saved my bacon many times'.

My response is 'You're driving wrong'.

I do appreciate the 'It keeps me honest' attitude, though

An old Garmin GPS did the same with a speeding alert that could be set for 5 or 10mph over the limit of where ever you were, a very neat feature.

I wish Maps did the same, and was available offline.

I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

There’s trouble — it's time to play the sound of my people.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you cheer for.

Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom, it’s adolescence.

I've been to the edge of the map, and there be monsters.

We are a government of laws, not men.

Everybody counts or nobody counts.

When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

There is no safety for honest men except
by believing all possible evil of evil men.

We don’t do focus groups. They just ensure that you don’t offend anyone, and produce bland inoffensive products. —Sir Jonathan Ive

An armed society is a polite society.
And hope is a lousy defense.

You make me pull, I'll put you down.

I *love* SIGs. It's Glocks I hate.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: OWC Jamie
Date: December 11, 2021 11:23AM
Mess with the rest, go with the best.

Valentine One Gen 2

Good Luck!
Jamie Dresser
Other World Computing
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: rz
Date: December 11, 2021 11:32AM
No. I tend to drive over the speed limit, but not usually enough to be pulled over. Haven't gotten a speeding ticket in about 35 years.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Rick-o
Date: December 11, 2021 11:36AM
Never seemed to need one when I was younger. Now, since retiring from my day job, I hardly ever speed.

I set the cruise 2 mph above the speed limit, and if someone thinks I'm going too slow, they can pass!

Mr. Lahey: Why don't you get a life Rick? Why don't ya go to community college like Julian here. Hey, I got a good idea. You could teach, livin' in a car and growin' dope 101.

Ricky: Hehe. And you can teach how to get drunk, get fired from the police force, become a... lousy trailer park supervisor that sucks, hangs around with a @#$%&' idiot that doesn't wear a shirt, and looks like a dick but thinks he looks good... 101.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Speedy
Date: December 11, 2021 11:53AM
OWC Jamie
Mess with the rest, go with the best.

Valentine One Gen 2

By the time it picks up the laser, you’re toast. But for regular radar, I’m sure it works well.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: mstudio
Date: December 11, 2021 11:57AM
Never have used one and I tend to drive over the limit too often. Last time I got a speeding ticket was over 25 years ago and the last time I was stopped was about 8 years ago. I was sure I was getting a ticket but when the officer came back to my car, she handed me my license and told me to be more careful and let me go. Busy Milwaukee traffic and I was definitely in the wrong and I admitted it to her.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: December 11, 2021 12:05PM
I wonder how valuable radar detectors are when every new car with adaptive cruise-control is pumping out radar signals.

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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: freeradical
Date: December 11, 2021 12:32PM
OWC Jamie
Mess with the rest, go with the best.

Valentine One Gen 2

By the time it picks up the laser, you’re toast. But for regular radar, I’m sure it works well.

Yeah, you pick up the radar signal due to reflections and bends, but the laser is only detectable when it directly hits you.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Carm
Date: December 11, 2021 12:45PM
I use Waze on the freeway, works most of the time. False positives keep me honest.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: December 11, 2021 12:48PM
OWC Jamie
Mess with the rest, go with the best.

Valentine One Gen 2

Think it got surpassed by the Uniden R7.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: OWC Jamie
Date: December 11, 2021 12:53PM
Not hardly LOL.

Look at any of the vehicles that run the Cannonball. They're not using a Uniden.

Waze coupled with a detector is a great combo.

OWC Jamie
Mess with the rest, go with the best.

Valentine One Gen 2

Think it got surpassed by the Uniden R7.

Good Luck!
Jamie Dresser
Other World Computing
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Lux Interior
Date: December 11, 2021 01:05PM
Illegal here (VA).
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Filliam H. Muffman
Date: December 11, 2021 01:18PM
Yeah, depends on the state. As mentioned, detectors are illegal in some states. No detector for at least 9 years.

Waze has usually been very good for warnings, but the cops can use it to alert them when they have been seen. I am especially alert if they are not where someone said they had been.

In tha 360. MRF User Map
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: December 11, 2021 01:18PM
I wonder how valuable radar detectors are when every new car with adaptive cruise-control is pumping out radar signals.

I've wondered this, too. Can LEOs detect the difference? I imagine the detector has a great deal more signal, but I don't know. \

*&™@^#% Connecticut.

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Thrift Store Scott
Date: December 11, 2021 01:19PM
OWC Jamie
Mess with the rest, go with the best.

Valentine One Gen 2

By the time it picks up the laser, you’re toast. But for regular radar, I’m sure it works well.

Back in the 70s and 80s, every year or so Car And Driver magazine would do a comparison test of radar detectors and that was their conclusion, too.

In or around 1980 they did a test comparing various vehicle's radar detectability, i.e. which vehicles were harder or easier to for radar to see. Metallic paint (which then contained tiny bits of aluminum) was highly reflective of radar across the board. The then-new Corvette with it's plastic body, minimal chrome trim, hidden headlights, and side surfaces angled slightly upwards or downwards, wasn't detectable until it was almost right on top of the radar gun whereas the the then-current Porsche 911 with it's relatively flat side surfaces and exposed headlights was detectable from a long, long way off. In a general sense, these results mirrored those Lockheed got when doing research for their "Have Blue" minimal aircraft radar signature project.

I wonder how valuable radar detectors are when every new car with adaptive cruise-control is pumping out radar signals.

I'd guess the two systems use different frequencies since one is more close-range and the other is more long-range, but I don't know for sure.

WARNING- If I posted a link in the above message, assume it is at minimum "NSFW- Language". Occasionally you'll be wrong.

Lie to me if you must, but don't lie to me and insult my intelligence at the same time.

Resist the Thought Police: George Orwell's book 1984 was meant as a warning, not an instruction manual.

"Political correctness is just intellectual colonialism and psychological fascism for the creation of thought crime" - Steve Hughes

What's my "Super Power"? I can make active threads go stone-dead with a single post. I try to use this power only for good and not for evil but, you know... stuff happens.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2021 02:10PM by Thrift Store Scott.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Sarcany
Date: December 11, 2021 01:25PM
Filliam H. Muffman
Waze has usually been very good for warnings, but the cops can use it to alert them when they have been seen. I am especially alert if they are not where someone said they had been.

Cops leave Waze on all the time so they hit top-rank pretty quickly.

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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Rolando
Date: December 11, 2021 01:35PM
LASER jammers are available...

San Antonio, TX (in the old city)

"All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke
“Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." - Eli Weisel

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt (1918)

"I don’t want to see religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it." - Billy Graham 1981

"Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise" - Barry Goldwater
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: freeradical
Date: December 11, 2021 02:27PM
The police can detect the local oscillator in a radar detector.

Sometimes. It's a cat and mouse game. Good shielding and so on in the better units can help with this.

The British used to have vans that they drove through neighborhoods to catch people who weren't paying their TV tax.

Back in the 1980's Radio Electronics magazine had an issue where the main project was police radar jammer. You could order all the parts and circuit board via mail order.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2021 02:31PM by freeradical.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: jdc
Date: December 11, 2021 03:09PM
Slow TF down.

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Speedy
Date: December 11, 2021 04:40PM
The British used to have vans that they drove through neighborhoods to catch people who weren't paying their TV tax..

They did the same in the Twin Cities because people would have a receiver dish mounted on the back wall of a room pointed at the transmitter with a window of their home in between. I guess people thought if the dish was located 12 feet from the window on a wall that deep in a room, it couldn’t be detected.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: DinerDave
Date: December 11, 2021 04:59PM
For me it was back in the 80's.
Laws became tougher with not allowed to be visible on dashes, etc,
so that was the end of detector use for me.


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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: ArtP
Date: December 11, 2021 05:49PM
Back in the late 80's and much of the early 90's me and some buddies used to make a yearly Spring pilgrimage from Michigan to Miami for a music convention.

We used to have a radar detector and it worked pretty well but hard to break back down to the speed limit when pushing 85 or 90 -lol

I try not to speed in my old age or at least try and keep up with the flow of traffic
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Thrift Store Scott
Date: December 11, 2021 06:16PM
The British used to have vans that they drove through neighborhoods to catch people who weren't paying their TV tax..

An article on the BBC TV Detector vans-

They did the same in the Twin Cities because people would have a receiver dish mounted on the back wall of a room pointed at the transmitter with a window of their home in between. I guess people thought if the dish was located 12 feet from the window on a wall that deep in a room, it couldn’t be detected.
Was this over-the-air pay TV service, or something else?

WARNING- If I posted a link in the above message, assume it is at minimum "NSFW- Language". Occasionally you'll be wrong.

Lie to me if you must, but don't lie to me and insult my intelligence at the same time.

Resist the Thought Police: George Orwell's book 1984 was meant as a warning, not an instruction manual.

"Political correctness is just intellectual colonialism and psychological fascism for the creation of thought crime" - Steve Hughes

What's my "Super Power"? I can make active threads go stone-dead with a single post. I try to use this power only for good and not for evil but, you know... stuff happens.
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: qdog2
Date: December 11, 2021 08:53PM
They are illegal in Va.

Portsmouth, Va
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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Racer X
Date: December 12, 2021 01:31AM
The police can detect the local oscillator in a radar detector.

Sometimes. It's a cat and mouse game. Good shielding and so on in the better units can help with this.

The British used to have vans that they drove through neighborhoods to catch people who weren't paying their TV tax.

Back in the 1980's Radio Electronics magazine had an issue where the main project was police radar jammer. You could order all the parts and circuit board via mail order.

My old house mate built a cable box that way when they were analog.

“A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand.” Seneca the Younger

The police have no duty to respond. See Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005) or Warren v. District of Columbia[1] (444 A.2d. 1, D.C. Ct. of Ap. 1981)

Judge Lee wrote that “we cannot jettison our constitutional rights, even if the goal behind a law is laudable." 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

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Re: Nosey poll: Do you use a radar/lidar detector in your vehicle?
Posted by: Speedy
Date: December 12, 2021 11:17AM
Thrift Store Scott
The British used to have vans that they drove through neighborhoods to catch people who weren't paying their TV tax..

An article on the BBC TV Detector vans-

They did the same in the Twin Cities because people would have a receiver dish mounted on the back wall of a room pointed at the transmitter with a window of their home in between. I guess people thought if the dish was located 12 feet from the window on a wall that deep in a room, it couldn’t be detected.
Was this over-the-air pay TV service, or something else?

It was 30 some years ago so I no longer recall the service but it may have been a movie service. It was transmitted from the tallest building in Minneapolis.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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