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Battery issues have me puzzled
Posted by: lost in space
Date: December 22, 2021 01:59PM
My late 2012 MBP with 10.15.7 has had a weak battery for some months now, but it worked and would maintain the sleep state overnight and longer. Suddenly last night after being plugged in all day and showing 100% charge, when I unplugged it, it instantly died. Seems normal enough for a dead battery, but the change was sudden. Now, it shows 100% charge in the menu and charging, but coconut shows no charging.

I'm puzzled that the clock doesn't keep the time when I unplug the charger. I thought it would keep the time.

Does all this sound normal? Or is there something going on with the power manager? Here's a screenshot of coconut from today, which shows capacity as it was before this trouble started. TIA.

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Re: Battery issues have me puzzled
Posted by: clay
Date: December 22, 2021 02:10PM
sounds like a dead battery to me.

PRAM battery may also be shot given its age. that would explain the clock. Though that should correct itself anytime it's connected to the 'net, assuming the "set date and time automatically" is checked in system prefs.
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Re: Battery issues have me puzzled
Posted by: GGD
Date: December 22, 2021 02:21PM
sounds like a dead battery to me.

PRAM battery may also be shot given its age. that would explain the clock. Though that should correct itself anytime it's connected to the 'net, assuming the "set date and time automatically" is checked in system prefs.

I don't think the unibody models with the internal main battery have a separate PRAM battery since the main battery is connected all the time, it acts as the PRAM battery. My experience from working on those models has been if the main battery is unplugged from the logic board the clock gets reset.
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Re: Battery issues have me puzzled
Posted by: Gareth
Date: December 22, 2021 02:24PM
Aren't those batteries rated for 1000 cycles? So you've gotten 75% more life than expected. Declare it dead and decide what to do next.
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Re: Battery issues have me puzzled
Posted by: Forrest
Date: December 22, 2021 02:29PM
Battery status is poor. Time to replace it.
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Re: Battery issues have me puzzled
Posted by: OWC Jamie
Date: December 22, 2021 02:30PM
Yeah, 1766 cycles = you are like SO far beyond rated duty cycle on that battery it's amazing it works at all still.

Apple's software will flag your battery over 1000 but normally even before that with "service battery".

Good Luck!
Jamie Dresser
Other World Computing
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Re: Battery issues have me puzzled
Posted by: lost in space
Date: December 22, 2021 02:53PM
sounds like a dead battery to me.

PRAM battery may also be shot given its age. that would explain the clock. Though that should correct itself anytime it's connected to the 'net, assuming the "set date and time automatically" is checked in system prefs.

I don't think the unibody models with the internal main battery have a separate PRAM battery since the main battery is connected all the time, it acts as the PRAM battery. My experience from working on those models has been if the main battery is unplugged from the logic board the clock gets reset.

I was thinking that might be the case. Not much need for a PRAM battery to keep the time if the battery isn't removable.

Suspicions confirmed. New battery is on order from our sponsor.

Thanks, all.

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Re: Battery issues have me puzzled
Posted by: mstudio
Date: December 22, 2021 03:24PM
lost in space
New battery is on order from our sponsor.
Thanks, all.

Good move, their Newer Tech battery is the bomb.
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Re: Battery issues have me puzzled
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: December 22, 2021 08:01PM
When an aging battery discharges quickly and charge quickly, it's a sure sign its capacity is shrinking and it's circling the drain.

When that happens instantly, as it plugging and unplugging, it's dead, Jim.

My motorcycle has a clock that powered contantly (drawing 2mA) but displays only with the ignition is on.

When starting the bike, if the clock resets to VCR time, the battery is not long for this or any world.

If not tended to immediately, it will die a sudden, and likely inconvenient death.

Batteries are like that, yeah they are.

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