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Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: gadje
Date: July 22, 2022 08:31AM
I used to put the eggs in cold water and then bring it to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes depending on how I like the eggs. But this website says I should boil the water first, then put the eggs in for 7-13 minutes depending on how I want the eggs. This seems to take longer, is there something wrong with my method?

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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: Acer
Date: July 22, 2022 08:39AM
I follow this method, from the Food Network (sans the soda, sometimes I add salt)
"Put the eggs in a large pot with a lid. Pour cool water over the eggs until fully submerged and add the baking soda to the water. Put the pot over high heat and bring to a boil. Once the water is at a rolling boil, turn off the heat and cover the pot with the lid. Allow the eggs to sit in the hot water for the following times according to the desired doneness: 3 minutes for SOFT boiled; 6 minutes for MEDIUM boiled; 12 minutes for HARD boiled. Shock under cold water."

The key is not to keep them under actual boil all that time, because that gives you overcooked, sulfury green yolks.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/22/2022 08:40AM by Acer.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: Fritz
Date: July 22, 2022 08:39AM
cold water start is what we use. doesn't seem to be an issue.
5 mins usually, then sit on no heat for 10-12.

"one door closes and another window opens"
Vlad the Impailer.

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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: Bixby
Date: July 22, 2022 08:45AM
Cold water start can have the affect of making the insides stick to the shell more, making it harder to peel cleanly. Other than that, personal preference I'd say.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: mattkime
Date: July 22, 2022 08:53AM
Cold water start can have the affect of making the insides stick to the shell more, making it harder to peel cleanly. Other than that, personal preference I'd say.


Although I've moved to using my instant pot to boil eggs. I do a dozen at a time.

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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: OWC Jamie
Date: July 22, 2022 08:57AM
Works every time.

If you're doing A BUNCH of eggs - no boiling, bake them!

Good Luck!
Jamie Dresser
Other World Computing
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: July 22, 2022 09:05AM
....seems we are going to.....eggxtremes....


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: Ombligo
Date: July 22, 2022 09:08AM
Cold water start can have the affect of making the insides stick to the shell more, making it harder to peel cleanly. Other than that, personal preference I'd say.


Although I've moved to using my instant pot to boil eggs. I do a dozen at a time.

Same here on all counts. Now it is six minutes in the instant pot for perfect, easy to peel eggs.

“No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.” -- François de La Rochefoucauld

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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: RgrF
Date: July 22, 2022 09:13AM
I follow the Julia Child dictate: eggs in pot, bring to boil, shut off heat, cover pot for 10-15 minutes (depending on size) and enjoy with your favorite cholesterol statin offset.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: freeradical
Date: July 22, 2022 09:58AM
I just use a small dedicated hard boiled egg cooker now. It’s small, cheap, and foolproof.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: July 22, 2022 10:01AM
.....I.V. treatment can be expensive so the eggs need to be handled....delicately....


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: d4
Date: July 22, 2022 10:27AM
I put the eggs into boiling water and set a timer at that moment for precise cooking time control. If I were to put the eggs into cold water, the timing will be way off.

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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: CJsNvrUrly
Date: July 22, 2022 11:11AM
Instant pot. Easy peasy.

bunny smileyCentral VA
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: August West
Date: July 22, 2022 11:33AM
Steam and into an ice bath, best I've found.

Early evening, April four
A shot rings out in the Memphis sky
Free at last, they took your life
They could not take your pride
In the name of love
In the name of love
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: A-Polly
Date: July 22, 2022 11:56AM
As mentioned by several above, it's the Instant Pot, for sure. Easiest peeling ever.

I use 5 minutes with quick cool down, but YM(and eggs)MV.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: Buzz
Date: July 22, 2022 12:13PM
I just use a small dedicated hard boiled egg cooker now. It’s small, cheap, and foolproof.

Can’t beat that 1950’s era Sunbeam Egg Steamer…..
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: Dennis S
Date: July 22, 2022 12:17PM
I make sure to use the same pan or pot on the same burner at the same temperature for the same length of time once I figure out which method works.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: mikebw
Date: July 22, 2022 12:20PM
Instant pot. Easy peasy.

This is the way.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: d4
Date: July 22, 2022 12:25PM
My wife swears by the Instant Pot. She hard boils eggs by the dozen, peels and puts them in the fridge. They come out perfect and are easy to peel.

BUT.... we don't permanently keep the Instant Pot on the kitchen counter, so when we need to use it, we have to lug out this big, 15lb appliance from the pantry to the counter. Then afterwards, there's a bit of rinsing, and drying before putting it away.

In this regards a small kitchen pot is so much easier and handy to use and clean when it's a few eggs. Plus, personally, I prefer freshly made, warm, soft boil eggs. Not 2-3 day old, cold hard boiled eggs from the fridge.

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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: July 22, 2022 01:14PM
....freeze your eggs.....


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: Buzz
Date: July 22, 2022 01:47PM
My wife swears by the Instant Pot. She hard boils eggs by the dozen, peels and puts them in the fridge. They come out perfect and are easy to peel.

BUT.... we don't permanently keep the Instant Pot on the kitchen counter, so when we need to use it, we have to lug out this big, 15lb appliance from the pantry to the counter. Then afterwards, there's a bit of rinsing, and drying before putting it away.

In this regards a small kitchen pot is so much easier and handy to use and clean when it's a few eggs. Plus, personally, I prefer freshly made, warm, soft boil eggs. Not 2-3 day old, cold hard boiled eggs from the fridge.

I love me some sliced, fridge-cold harbo’s on my my-not-for-breakfast salads.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: cbelt3
Date: July 22, 2022 02:03PM
I use a little hard boiled egg cooker. It steams the eggs in place. The water starts cold. Once the specified amount of water steams out, it sounds an alarm and I shut it off. Then the hard boiled eggs are doused in a bowl of icy water and left to cool for a while. Then refreigerated.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: July 22, 2022 03:07PM
August West
Steam and into an ice bath, best I've found.

This, also what Jacques instructs.

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: July 22, 2022 03:07PM
The only good thing about hard boiled eggs is the ease with which the yolk is separated and thrash.

Now poached or softboiled eggs are a different story — gift from the Gods.

I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

There’s trouble — it's time to play the sound of my people.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you cheer for.

Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom, it’s adolescence.

I've been to the edge of the map, and there be monsters.

We are a government of laws, not men.

Everybody counts or nobody counts.

When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

There is no safety for honest men except
by believing all possible evil of evil men.

We don’t do focus groups. They just ensure that you don’t offend anyone, and produce bland inoffensive products. —Sir Jonathan Ive

An armed society is a polite society.
And hope is a lousy defense.

You make me pull, I'll put you down.

I *love* SIGs. It's Glocks I hate.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: Michael
Date: July 22, 2022 03:23PM
Egg cooker. Just like mom showed me decades ago.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: Lux Interior
Date: July 22, 2022 04:01PM
So many methods.

So many choices.

The only thing that I have not seen above is, use older eggs. Maybe two weeks after purchase.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: pdq
Date: July 22, 2022 04:11PM

Now poached or softboiled eggs are a different story — gift from the Gods.

Been that way since my mom used to soft-boil an egg, crack the top and put a dollop of butter in there for me.

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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: A-Polly
Date: July 22, 2022 06:40PM
...when we need to use it, we have to lug out this big, 15lb appliance from the pantry to the counter...

Goodness, you must have an extra large Instant Pot! I have the regular 6-qt, but a couple of years ago bought the 3-qt "Mini" on sale at Amazon. So much easier to store and clean, it's a great size for one or two people and I use it all the time — much more often than the bigger one. Can still cook a dozen eggs at a time, or just a couple. Less volume to bring up to pressure makes it faster, too (that's just my perception, I haven't done any timed tests!).

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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: pqrst
Date: July 24, 2022 12:50PM
I keep a couple of liters of cold water in my frig to use for quick chilling boiled eggs (among other things). Handy cooking tool.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/2022 12:51PM by pqrst.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: dk62
Date: July 26, 2022 07:41AM
I put them in cold water (just cover, as the water quantity will change the equation) and take them out within a minute of boiling. No Salmonella yet, but will concede this will not be to most people's taste.
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Re: Boiling eggs: put eggs in first, or boil water and then put the eggs in?
Posted by: fauch
Date: July 28, 2022 04:54PM
I find that if I put cold eggs into boiling water they are far more likely to crack or explode than if they heat up with the water. So I usually put them in the pot and then turn on the heat.
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