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Posted by: gadje
Date: September 20, 2022 05:14AM
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: Microman
Date: September 20, 2022 10:09AM
So help me kill them... These small buggers require me to make sure the kitchen is spotless, and I just got done spraying the perimeter of house.
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: SDGuy
Date: September 20, 2022 12:44PM
gift link


"For every person, there are about 2.5 million ants"
thankfully, I really only see my portion of them once a year, when San Diego gets hot & dry for a month or so.
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: September 20, 2022 12:45PM
So help me kill them... These small buggers require me to make sure the kitchen is spotless, and I just got done spraying the perimeter of house.

Best commercial product I've found for once they've broken through the lines is Terro Ant Bait... Liquid in a little trap. At first, they're all in there (many getting stuck and dying) and gobbling it up... then, after a while, they look a little sick... They take stomachs full of it back to the next, and barf it up for the rest of the ants (hey, don't judge, it's what ants do...). Then THEY get sick as more ants that are feelin' poorly bring it back. Then, after a day or two, the trap has a bunch of stuck ants in it, but, there are no more ants in your kitchen.

Paul F.
A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca c. 5 BC - 65 AD
Good is the enemy of Excellent. Talent is not necessary for Excellence.
Persistence is necessary for Excellence. And Persistence is a Decision.



Eureka, CA
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: vision63
Date: September 20, 2022 12:47PM
Paul F.
So help me kill them... These small buggers require me to make sure the kitchen is spotless, and I just got done spraying the perimeter of house.

Best commercial product I've found for once they've broken through the lines is Terro Ant Bait... Liquid in a little trap. At first, they're all in there (many getting stuck and dying) and gobbling it up... then, after a while, they look a little sick... They take stomachs full of it back to the next, and barf it up for the rest of the ants (hey, don't judge, it's what ants do...). Then THEY get sick as more ants that are feelin' poorly bring it back. Then, after a day or two, the trap has a bunch of stuck ants in it, but, there are no more ants in your kitchen.

A just culling.
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: testcase
Date: September 20, 2022 03:38PM
Another vote for TERRO.
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: Grateful11
Date: September 20, 2022 03:51PM
When we had the house treated for termites this Spring, the big black ants started staggering out onto the patio eventually dying, lots of them. We used a local company that's been doing this for 75 years and they know this area. The price was very reasonable. They inspected the entire house and said we're good for probably 10 years.

If I were going to do a trench treatment myself I'd use this.
Termidor SC

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Re: Ants!
Posted by: vision63
Date: September 20, 2022 03:52PM
Another vote for TERRO.

You have to admire a product that allows you to see them die.
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: Frank
Date: September 20, 2022 04:35PM
I battle ants of every size all the time. Its Hawaii, they love it here. I've tried the liquid Terro in various applicators. Sometimes they attract ants for weeks on end so not so good for use inside. They also leak and make a mess. I've settled on Amdro granules spread around the house perimeter and elsewhere. When they are inside I use regular ant spray in very limited amounts or, in the kitchen, I use regular cleaner like 409. I keep the counters and sinks very clean and spray around each sink drain with a shot of 409 (or similar) every night. The invasive species people were going house to house checking for fire ants in our yards and they agreed that the Amdro granules work the best.

Amdro Ant Block Home Perimeter Ant Bait, 1LB 8oz (24 Oz) $14.27 @ Amazon
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: lost in space
Date: September 20, 2022 04:52PM
Like PaulF, that's how Terro worked for me.

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Re: Ants!
Posted by: testcase
Date: September 20, 2022 09:02PM
Another vote for TERRO.

You have to admire a product that allows you to see them die.

The multiple times I’ve used Terro, I’ve NEVER seen ANY ants (dead or alive) IN or around the clear Terro trap. I guess the ants simply consume the “bait” and go back to their nest.
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: Diana
Date: September 20, 2022 09:51PM
Another vote for TERRO.

You have to admire a product that allows you to see them die.

The multiple times I’ve used Terro, I’ve NEVER seen ANY ants (dead or alive) IN or around the clear Terro trap. I guess the ants simply consume the “bait” and go back to their nest.

I have seen ants in the kitchen; one Terro trap was set and subsequently filled with ants. The second one is about half full. No more ants. Some ants were seen in a steady stream going up the side of the building, and a Terro placed in the pathway at ground level put an end to that. This is in an unoccupied place I’m using as a studio.
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: rich in distress
Date: September 20, 2022 10:02PM
Terro on the shopping list.
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: $tevie
Date: September 20, 2022 10:53PM
Another vote for Terro. Paul's description is exactly what we've experienced.

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Re: Ants!
Posted by: ArtP
Date: September 20, 2022 11:31PM
The original like made The Daily Show with Trevor Noah tonight....

Gotta try the Torro also - I see ants trying to gobble on the dry kitty food on occasion - also wish I had seen this post before they got into a almost full bag of sugar earlier this summer.
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Re: Ants!
Posted by: Phy
Date: September 21, 2022 05:55PM
My quick fix is to spray the visible ones with 409, which wipes them out instantly.
I also put 409 in the mop water and that seems to repel them.
And I also like Terro around entry points to the house.

But— I learned the hard way that if I spill the smallest amount of sugar water from the hummingbird feeders, there will be ants on it within a very short time. They must be psychic!

"Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry." -William Butler Yeats
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