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just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: mattkime
Date: November 02, 2022 01:50PM
I'm still kind of new to this eye glasses thing. About a year and a half ago I was given a prescription for glasses. Going into the appointment I had a general idea that maybe my vision wasn't as sharp as it had been but I was surprised that it was off as much as it was. I guess it had been some time since I had seen an eye chart. Anyway, I wear my glasses about 80% of the time and my biggest complaint about the arrangement is keeping the glasses clean. Oh, its presbyopia.

I went back today, about a year and a half later. This time I'm impressed by the efficiency. 30 minutes in and out. This time the doctor tells me I should get bifocals and sends me on my way. I mention my interest in contacts but he dismisses the idea - "Get the glasses, you'll use them more" He also told me to use my existing glasses for driving. He says that I'll have a lot less eye strain with the new prescription - but eye strain has never been one of my complaints.

Should I get the new prescription filled or ignore it? I really wish I could try before I buy. I do like having sharp vision.

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: anonymouse1
Date: November 02, 2022 02:08PM
I tried bifocals, and they never worked for me.

I'm lucky, my closeup vision is pretty decent, so I just got skinny glasses that I can look under.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Janit
Date: November 02, 2022 02:13PM
What are the prescriptions as written for the two pairs of glasses?

It's hard to have an opinion without knowing what kinds of corrections you were given.

I'm not an eye doctor, but I have been trouble-shooting my own glasses since the third grade.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Michael
Date: November 02, 2022 02:32PM
My wife tried out bifocals by buying some on Zenni. She had been using reading glasses and distant glasses separately and decided to get cheap bifocals without any of the several upcharges just to see if she would like them. I don't remember exactly what they cost but Zenni says their bifocals start at $17 (plus $5 to ship). My wife liked them fine and so bought some with more attractive frames and also bought thinner lenses. She paid about $60 for the pair she now wears daily. I went from no glasses to bifocals in one visit when I was in my mid-40's. It was interesting to be able to see much better all the sudden! I buy mine from Zenni and pay about $70 for them. I've been buying the same frame for at least a decade; I get a new sript about every 2 years and replace the old pair. I used to buy an extra pair to just have but now I keep my last pair in case something happens to my current pair. That's never occurred but I do keep them.

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Diana
Date: November 02, 2022 02:38PM
Are the corrections the same for both eyes? If so, contacts may be okay for you, BUT….

How often do you look around your current glasses? As in, over the top for more distant objects. If you do it often, then contacts will not really work for you. Additionally it is easy to mix up the contacts unless there is some marking on them (experience here). Bifocals work if you can train yourself to ignore the “line” between the two strengths. Progressives don’t have the line but a more gradual gradation. If you are subject to vertigo a wavering vision issue can trigger it off, so progressives may not work for you. Separate glasses are a pain in that you are constantly changing glasses, or at least I seem to be; I tend to leave my glasses laying around and sometimes leave them in inconvenient places. I don’t want to go to trifocals as I don’t want to be that person who is constantly tilting my head just to see through the appropriate lens.

The only way you are going to know what works for you is to try it out. There are a few places that will allow you to have a set made and as long as long as it is under the warranty period make changes (Eyemart Express is the one my mom has been working with). Call around and ask.

I have worn glasses since I was three; I started with bifocals in grade school. I also have balance issues as well as vertigo. Yay me. So bifocals it is for me.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: November 02, 2022 02:41PM
…..tried bi…….in college…..experimenting…..


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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: davemchine
Date: November 02, 2022 02:43PM
I bought bifocals and didn’t like them at all. The reading area was far too small. Several years later I told my eye doctor that and he gave me another pair that had a much larger reading area and that helped quite a bit.

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: zachdog
Date: November 02, 2022 02:51PM
In the same boat here. My computer monitor is a good two feet from me, pushed all the way to the window. Anything closer is a blur. Getting older is the worst!
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: jonny
Date: November 02, 2022 02:53PM
I buy my bifocals in Zenni too, but only pay about $25
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: mattkime
Date: November 02, 2022 03:13PM
>How often do you look around your current glasses?


>What are the prescriptions as written for the two pairs of glasses?

OD - sphere: +1.25 - cylinder: -1.50 - axis 095 - add +1.50
OS - sphere: +1.00 - cylinder: -0.75 - axis 065 - add +1.50

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: rgG
Date: November 02, 2022 03:41PM
I would go straight to progressives
A lot of people have trouble going from regular bifocals to progressives, so just skip that step, would be my advice.
I have worn progressives for years, but my husband could never get used to them.
I have worn glasses or contacts since I was about 3 or 4.
I had regular bifocals starting about grade 2
I have my current progressives from Zenni and have bought from them for many years.
I agree that you should try a cheap pair of progressives from Zenni and see if you like them.
They could be about $50, depending on the frames
They usually have sale codes around the holidays, if you like them and want to upgrade.


Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2022 03:43PM by rgG.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Ombligo
Date: November 02, 2022 03:45PM
I hated progressives, just been using basic bifocals with no issues.

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Cary
Date: November 02, 2022 03:52PM
I use bifocals generally, could not handle progressives.

I do have a pair of reading only glasses for the computer - using bifocals with a larger screen led to a stiff neck for me.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Fritz
Date: November 02, 2022 04:00PM
I hated bi's. I wear contacts 99% of the time I'm outside the house as my glasses are thicker than a politicians head in a swamp. (?)

I wear progressives the rest of the time. Put 'em on once and never looked back (that wasn't intentional). I use them at home to go from the telly, to the comp, to the kitchen blah, blah, blah.


never do yesterday or today what you can put off til tomorrow or next year.

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: lost in space
Date: November 02, 2022 04:04PM
I tried bifocals, but couldn't get used to the line, so I went to progressives which took some getting used to. At first, it seemed I could only tolerate progressives if they were high-end, like Zeiss. Since then, lower-priced progressives have improved enough that I can handle them fine now. I also keep a cheap single-vision pair for computer and workshop use. Switching between single-vision and progressives was unpleasant, but after a few weeks, it's no longer an issue.

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: November 02, 2022 04:46PM
I went from dollar store reading glasses to one pair of progressives, and a pair of "computer glasses" (reading glasses but they focus more at desktop monitor distance than at 'holding a book' distance).

The progressives are my driving, doing errands, and 90% of life glasses. Getting USED to them (and their bit of distortion between the "distance" part, and the "reading" part) took a solid two months for me... but, the weird thing is, I don't even see it any more. It was VERY prominent, and annoying, but, now it's gone. My brain adapted.

Having my pair of "computer glasses" for close up work is a god-send too. If I just want to read a menu, or a package at the store, the progressives are great... but, if I want to READ, or use the computer, or work at my reloading bench or workbench, the computer glasses are a godsend.

If you get a prescription for progressives, I like someone elses idea of getting a "cheap" pair for $50-60 off Zenni, and then try them for a couple months to get used to them. THEN decide if the more expensive pair is worth it. My computer glasses are Zenni "cheapo's"... my good pair suffered a bit of an accident. They'll work for another year until I get a new 'scrip, and get good ones. I like the frames better on the Zenni's, anyway.

Paul F.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Lizabeth
Date: November 02, 2022 05:01PM
Whatever you decide if you are in front of a computer most of the day get a dedicated pair of computer distance glasses. A friend recommended that and I have never regretted it.

I am very nearsighted so taking glasses off to read something isn’t a problem.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: rgG
Date: November 02, 2022 05:51PM
Whatever you decide if you are in front of a computer most of the day get a dedicated pair of computer distance glasses. A friend recommended that and I have never regretted it.

I am very nearsighted so taking glasses off to read something isn’t a problem.

I agree with a dedicated pair of computer glasses, if you work at one. Progressives give me neck pain trying to get the right tilt for the screen
I have a computer pair of glasses in addition to my progressives.

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: mattkime
Date: November 02, 2022 06:07PM
I'm interested in the dedicated computer glasses idea. How would I go about making that happen? Do I give them my prescription and say "gimme 'puter glasses plz!"

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Grateful11
Date: November 02, 2022 07:02PM
I had no issues with going with bifocals. My first pair of non-readers were bifocals. I went with progressive the no line ones. My biggest problem is backing up anything with them, everything seems to be feet in distance off.

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: rgG
Date: November 02, 2022 07:10PM
I'm interested in the dedicated computer glasses idea. How would I go about making that happen? Do I give them my prescription and say "gimme 'puter glasses plz!"

Yep, they have a “computer glasses” option

Zenni has a formula based on that “add” for reading to get to your computer glasses.
That said, I sit pretty close to my screen, so my regular reading glasses work better for me than the slightly less strong computer glasses, so it depends on your desk set up.
I think you can chat or call the Zenni reps and they can give you more info, based on how far you sit from your screen.

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2022 07:11PM by rgG.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: samintx
Date: November 02, 2022 08:25PM
I tried the no bifocal look glasses and they didn’t work. I like the obvious bifocal cut classes. Dr also did computer Glasses for me.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2022 08:26PM by samintx.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: testcase
Date: November 02, 2022 10:28PM
I skipped bifocals and went straight to progressive lenses years ago. No regrets. old fogey smiley
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I'd rather not.
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: November 03, 2022 05:07AM
I've never use bifocals, and have always used progressives.

I didn't adapt, I just did.

I'm cool like that.

I had a pair of computer glasses made from the same Rx and they didn't seem particularly effective, so I used my normal 'daily drivers', no problem.

Now I sit back farther from the screen than when I worked, so distance is no factor.

Should I get the new prescription filled or ignore it? I really wish I could try before I buy. I do like having sharp vision.

If you're talking about trying bifocals, I have no idea.

But if just comparing with and without the new correction in general, your optometrist should have been able to show you the difference between old and new for distance and reading.

In my last exam, the doctor set my old and new prescriptions in the phoropter and instantly A/B'ed both so I could see the improvement, both near and far.

This doesn't help test how you'd handle bifocal lenses.

As whether or not to upgrade your Rx, only you know that.

Presbyopia can be really really annoying if it affects your reading.

Putting on some cheap CVS/AMZ readers may be ok for sitting at home, reading from your easy chair.

But trying to read fine print on the fly, at the market or somewhere, gets old quick.

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Michael
Date: November 03, 2022 05:50AM
I'm interested in the dedicated computer glasses idea. How would I go about making that happen? Do I give them my prescription and say "gimme 'puter glasses plz!"

We got computer glasses from Zenni. Here's the site I used to calculate the appropriate strength: []
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Fritz
Date: November 03, 2022 06:46AM
told my opto that I wanted something for a 10' focal to wear over my contacts. work as expected from about 3' to 10', depending on ambient light.


never do yesterday or today what you can put off til tomorrow or next year.

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Re: I'd rather not.
Posted by: mattkime
Date: November 03, 2022 08:24AM
But if just comparing with and without the new correction in general, your optometrist should have been able to show you the difference between old and new for distance and reading.

Ug, I wish he would have done that!

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Janit
Date: November 03, 2022 09:51AM
>What are the prescriptions as written for the two pairs of glasses?

OD - sphere: +1.25 - cylinder: -1.50 - axis 095 - add +1.50
OS - sphere: +1.00 - cylinder: -0.75 - axis 065 - add +1.50

Do you know what the prescription is for your current pair of glasses? That will give you some context for your doctor's advice.

As to whether you will find the reading correction useful, you can go into a drugstore and try some cheap +2.5 readers to see if they are more comfortable for reading than your current glasses. +2.5 is the sum of the sphere and the add above. There would be a mismatch between your eyes of .25 diopter, and you won't have the cylinder and axis corrections but they would still be informative.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: A-Polly
Date: November 03, 2022 10:16AM
I use bifocals and had no problem getting used to them. The line has never been an issue (I don't even notice it). One pair set for computer work (top portion of the lens) and reading/close up (bottom), and another for driving, with long distance (the larger part) over reading.

IIRC, they measured my vision specifically for the computer distance (a bit more than arm's length for me), it wasn't just an average between distance and reading.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: mattkime
Date: November 03, 2022 11:17PM
>What are the prescriptions as written for the two pairs of glasses?

OD - sphere: +1.25 - cylinder: -1.50 - axis 095 - add +1.50
OS - sphere: +1.00 - cylinder: -0.75 - axis 065 - add +1.50

Do you know what the prescription is for your current pair of glasses? That will give you some context for your doctor's advice.

As to whether you will find the reading correction useful, you can go into a drugstore and try some cheap +2.5 readers to see if they are more comfortable for reading than your current glasses. +2.5 is the sum of the sphere and the add above. There would be a mismatch between your eyes of .25 diopter, and you won't have the cylinder and axis corrections but they would still be informative.

I should call optometrist's office to see if I can get that info. I'm kind of annoyed it wasn't covered in the visit.

I'll try some +2.5 glasses but I did an online test (I know, I know) that seemed to indicate to me that +2.5 was much higher than needed. I'm not sure what to make of it. Maybe I'm better at contorting my eyes into working than other numbers would indicate. Heh, just read this - "are you holding menus at arm's length?" - I've seen my wife do this but I hold things at normal length. Testing myself with small print - hm, yes, sometimes moving a few inches further away will increase sharpness but this is all within normal reading distance.


Oh, strangely my wife can't really help me. Her vision has needed significant correction for most of her life so my meander into presbyopia is largely unfamiliar to her.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/03/2022 11:23PM by mattkime.
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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: mattkime
Date: November 04, 2022 02:34PM
I tried on some readers - they mostly seem unnecessary to me. +2.5 basically made me blind for everything but reading.

I spoke to someone at the optometrists office who largely agreed that I could skip the bifocals for now. I'll get a new pair of glasses with the new prescription.

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Re: just got back from the eye doctor....lets talk bifocals
Posted by: Janit
Date: November 04, 2022 06:33PM
I tried on some readers - they mostly seem unnecessary to me. +2.5 basically made me blind for everything but reading.

That sounds about right. The reading portion of the proposed bifocal prescription would be +2.5.

If you stick with the single-vision prescription, just pay attention to whether you start to get headaches or tightness around the eyes when you do a lot of reading. That's the best indicator that you are starting to ask your eyes to do something they don't want to do.
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