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Runway incursion accident - Lima, Peru
Posted by: flareslow
Date: November 19, 2022 07:12AM
Looks like an Airbus of some type. The article says no passengers or crew were killed, but the vehicle occupants were killed. Fire & Rescue personnel are usually trained not to enter a runway without clearance. Hard to say what happened here.

Edited for accuracy

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2022 07:26AM by flareslow.
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Re: Runway incursion accident - Lima, Peru
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: November 19, 2022 08:38AM
Ew... that sucked!

Could have sucked a LOT worse, too.

Fire truck appears to have turned from a taxiway (?) to cross the runway, and just a wild guess, was supposed to hold at that point for crossing clearance, but started across the active runway.

At least the second truck got the hose on the plane without delay...

Paul F.
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Re: Runway incursion accident - Lima, Peru
Posted by: Ombligo
Date: November 19, 2022 08:52AM
Read that one of the three truck occupants survived, he should be able to answer a number of questions.

But as stated, this could have been a lot worse.

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