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Reviewed: Hitachi's Massive One-Terabyte Hard Drive
Posted by: Harbourmaster
Date: April 12, 2007 01:38PM
The new Deskstar 7K1000 can hold 150 high-def movies or more than 300,000 high-res photos.


Data storage doesn't tend to elicit wows or water-cooler conversations, but that's about to change: Hitachi's new Deskstar 7K1000, the first hard drive to reach one terabyte, is here--and it's worth the hype.

Based on our exclusive evaluation, this gonzo-size drive is a keeper, scoring near the top on our performance tests. But be prepared to pay a premium for this drive's high performance and high capacity.


Aloha, Ken

“I have developed significant attachments to several members even though I wouldn't recognize them if I sat next to one on a park bench. I'm often tempted when in an airport to walk around, hollering "The Løpe", to see if anyone other than the Homeland Security people will acknowledge me. ” - The Løpe

“Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people. The general government ... can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an oligarchy, an aristocracy, or any other despotic or oppressive form, so long as there shall remain any virtue in the body of the people.” — George Washington

“Public virtue cannot exist in a nation without private virtue, and public virtue is the only foundation of republics.” — John Adams

“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” — Benjamin Franklin

"Every single terrible thing you see on Facebook — be it some sort of horrible right wing nonsense or a confusing and annoying product decision — is made in pursuit of growth. Every bit of damage that Meta has caused to the world has been either an act of ignorance or deliberate harm, at many times tweaking the product to make it harder or more annoying to use so that you will log onto Facebook or Instagram multiple times a day and spend as much time on there as possible." Ed Zitron
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Re: Reviewed: Hitachi's Massive One-Terabyte Hard Drive
Posted by: rz
Date: April 12, 2007 01:56PM
In the article they complain about the high price ($399) but that's actually not a bad price for the first consumer model, considering many retail places charge about $200 for a 500GB drive. I'm sure the online price is probably a bit cheaper, and once others come out, the prices will start dropping. When they hit around $200 online, I'll be in for 4 of them.
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Re: Reviewed: Hitachi's Massive One-Terabyte Hard Drive
Posted by: Zoidberg
Date: April 12, 2007 02:36PM
I remember my first HD upgrade, it was on my PowerBook 160. I went from 40 MB (that's megabytes, kids, not gigabytes) to like 250 MB. I figured it'd take years to fill up that space.

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Re: Reviewed: Hitachi's Massive One-Terabyte Hard Drive
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: April 12, 2007 02:40PM
Yeah, they're way off the mark as far as the price goes.

These are people who probably would complain that "only stupid people would buy an 8G nano when for almost the same money you could get a 30G iPod".

Although they could be the type that would say "Get a real mp3 player-- get a Zune!"

I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

There’s trouble — it's time to play the sound of my people.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you cheer for.

Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom, it’s adolescence.

I've been to the edge of the map, and there be monsters.

We are a government of laws, not men.

Everybody counts or nobody counts.

When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

There is no safety for honest men except
by believing all possible evil of evil men.

We don’t do focus groups. They just ensure that you don’t offend anyone, and produce bland inoffensive products. —Sir Jonathan Ive

An armed society is a polite society.
And hope is a lousy defense.

You make me pull, I'll put you down.

I *love* SIGs. It's Glocks I hate.
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Re: Reviewed: Hitachi's Massive One-Terabyte Hard Drive
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: April 12, 2007 02:48PM
And they could have mentioned that it's a 7200rpm SATA HD. (If they did, I missed it.)

I don't know what the buffer/cache size is, either 8 or 16MB.

I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

There’s trouble — it's time to play the sound of my people.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you cheer for.

Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom, it’s adolescence.

I've been to the edge of the map, and there be monsters.

We are a government of laws, not men.

Everybody counts or nobody counts.

When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

There is no safety for honest men except
by believing all possible evil of evil men.

We don’t do focus groups. They just ensure that you don’t offend anyone, and produce bland inoffensive products. —Sir Jonathan Ive

An armed society is a polite society.
And hope is a lousy defense.

You make me pull, I'll put you down.

I *love* SIGs. It's Glocks I hate.
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Re: Reviewed: Hitachi's Massive One-Terabyte Hard Drive
Posted by: Will Collier
Date: April 12, 2007 06:42PM
Cool. A year from now I'll put four or five of them in a RAID 5.

Ralph, my first Mac, an SE/30, had a 40GB drive, and it took me nearly five years before I needed DiskDoubler to eke out more space. That same year I paid $1 a MB for a 320MB external drive. Urgh.

Don't even get me started on the TRS-80 Model 1's cassette deck, either...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2007 06:43PM by Will Collier.
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Re: Reviewed: Hitachi's Massive One-Terabyte Hard Drive
Posted by: OWC Larry
Date: April 12, 2007 06:56PM
32mb buffer! smiling smiley

OWC Larry
Other World Computing
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Re: Reviewed: Hitachi's Massive One-Terabyte Hard Drive
Posted by: mikebw
Date: April 12, 2007 11:35PM
So will the natural progression follow as it did with the GB drives?
I can recall - 1GB, then 2GB, 4, 6, 10, 13, 20, 30, 40, 60, 75 (deathstar), 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 250, 300, 320, 400, 500, and 750.

I mean, the way things go, 1TB in a few years is gonna seem lame. Prepare for the Petabyte now. Yes, that's People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal-bytes. What has the world come to?
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Re: Reviewed: Hitachi's Massive One-Terabyte Hard Drive
Posted by: Numo
Date: April 13, 2007 09:25AM
So will the natural progression follow as it did with the GB drives?
I can recall - 1GB, then 2GB, 4, 6, 10, 13, 20, 30, 40, 60, 75 (deathstar), 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 250, 300, 320, 400, 500, and 750.

I mean, the way things go, 1TB in a few years is gonna seem lame. Prepare for the Petabyte now. Yes, that's People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal-bytes. What has the world come to?

This discussion makes me wonder how greatly expanded storage capacity might drive (no pun) the development of entirely new software applications.

Anyone care to speculate?
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