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Anyone using Metronet for internet?
Posted by: rz
Date: February 16, 2023 11:33AM
We got a letter in the mail that "Metronet" is going to be installing fiber in our neighborhood. Never heard of them. Anyway, I checked out their prices, and they offer up to 2Gbps (up and down). The price for 2Gbps is $119 + taxes/month. 1 Gbps is $89+. They said there are no data caps. It didn't say it was a promotional price, so that might be their regular price.

They said it'd be several months before they're finished. Anyone using them? Opinions?
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Re: Anyone using Metronet for internet?
Posted by: sekker
Date: February 16, 2023 12:24PM
We've had them since early in the pandemic with '500' up and down.

They've been great, as reliable or more than our cable internet we replaced.

They have continued to improve in terms of notifying users of scheduled vs unscheduled outages.

I would get them again in a heartbeat. Not perfect, but quite good here in SE MN.
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Re: Anyone using Metronet for internet?
Posted by: rz
Date: February 16, 2023 01:32PM
I'm tempted to switch, but I have two email addresses with my current provider (Spectrum/Charter) that I've had for over 20 years. Don't use them a lot, but one of them is my Apple ID. I suppose I can slowly wean off of those emails and go with something new. Anybody else have any opinions?
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Re: Anyone using Metronet for internet?
Posted by: Gareth
Date: February 16, 2023 01:48PM
I would switch to fiber in a heartbeat if it was available to me. Sadly, it is not.

It is possible to change your Apple ID, although it you have any older devices, it can be a PITA (to impossible if you don't have access to the "old ID"). Newer devices can handle the change, but on an older device (I forgot which one), I couldn't re-log in to my new Apple ID, until I went and changed it back to the old ID, logged in on the old device, then logged out on that device. Went back and changed my Apple ID to the new one again, and then went back to the old device to log in with the new info.
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