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Medical care after major surgery question
Posted by: davemchine
Date: February 16, 2023 12:23PM
A friend of a friend is having major surgery and will need care afterward. Her spouse has flat out said he can't do it. What do people without a caregiver do after major surgery?

Ukulele music I couldn't find anywhere else.
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Re: Medical care after major surgery question
Posted by: TL
Date: February 16, 2023 12:48PM
The friend should discuss with their surgeon’s staff. Post op care is critical, and I guarantee they have run across similar situations before. They should be able to offer suggestions and/or referrals depending on exactly what is needed

Generally, depending on care needed, options might include asking a friend to help out, arranging home health visits, a short stay in a rehab facility, etc
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Re: Medical care after major surgery question
Posted by: rgG
Date: February 16, 2023 01:17PM
It is expensive, but I know people who have hired private duty nurses to stay with them after surgery.
There are agencies that handle the placement.

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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Re: Medical care after major surgery question
Posted by: Tiangou
Date: February 16, 2023 01:28PM
Medicare will often pay for an aid to visit for x hours on y days per week after a procedure.

The hospital should have more info on this and if they haven't already had the discussion by the time your friend checks in for surgery then your friend needs to demand a patient advocate to get things rolling.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2023 01:29PM by Tiangou.
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Re: Medical care after major surgery question
Posted by: rz
Date: February 16, 2023 01:40PM
Depends on several things: what kind of surgery, what kind of care they require (and how often), and how old they are.

I had major abdominal surgery back in 2016. My insurance paid for a certain number of home health visits. But my wife did a lot. I was (and still am) too young for Medicare. Also, I wasn't completely bedridden and mainly only needed the visits for wound care.

In your friend's case, I certainly hope her spouse can do some things for her. Maybe once he sees how much it can cost for someone to be there all day, he'll find that he can do some or all of it.
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Re: Medical care after major surgery question
Posted by: S. Pupp
Date: February 16, 2023 03:17PM
The hospital social worker should be able to provide options.
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Re: Medical care after major surgery question
Posted by: Fritz
Date: February 16, 2023 09:14PM
in my experience with my da 20 years ago, what Tiangou & Pupp say worked. Neither my mum or brother or myself had any idea what we'd be up against and were not prepared. I finally got it, but I don't think my mum or brother did. Still the extra help was awesome.

"one door closes and another window opens"
Vlad the Impailer.

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