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Too many choices! Height Adjustable Laptop Stand Needed.....
Posted by: Buzz
Date: March 18, 2023 07:27PM
Got a MBP that's going mobile around here....., table hopping around the home here, anyway. Tables of various heights, and distances from where user's butt/body is gonna be parked. Surf-shopping is mind-boggling for such an inanimate object. There are tons of choices, and price points, for so many similar devices w/ solid 4+ star ratings.

Looking for height adjustable unit w/ rotation. Intuitively, it looks like the dual arm units would be preferable to single arm, though am open-minded for convincing argument for a single arm. Please give shout outs for your fave rotating, height adjustable laptop stand(s) here, and LMK why you like 'em (other than rando pick).

cool smiley
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Re: Too many choices! Height Adjustable Laptop Stand Needed.....
Posted by: rgG
Date: March 18, 2023 07:46PM
I bought this one for my sister in law and I later bought one for myself.

Laptop Stand Holder Adjustable Height, LOTEYIKE Aluminum Portable Laptop Riser for Desk with Foldable Hook, Multi-Angle Computer Stand for Laptop Compatible for MacBook Air/Pro, 10-17" Notebooks, Grey []

You are correct, there are too many options. Lol

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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Re: Too many choices! Height Adjustable Laptop Stand Needed.....
Posted by: mattkime
Date: March 18, 2023 08:32PM
Is the stand going to stay in one place or will it travel? Note that if it travels, you'll want to bring a keyboard.

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Re: Too many choices! Height Adjustable Laptop Stand Needed.....
Posted by: Buzz
Date: March 18, 2023 09:24PM
Is the stand going to stay in one place or will it travel? Note that if it travels, you'll want to bring a keyboard.

Wired Logitech G mouse, and bluetooth keyboard will travel w/ it to at least three different heights of tables.

"You are correct, there are too many options. Lol"

Amen. Since ours is gonna be movin' and shakin', we're going heavier than what you and your sis'n'law got, plus it's gotta twist and turn for multiple viewing angles in some locales, so we're scouting somewhat pricier models. For damn near our entire Mac laptopping history, we've been using Road Tools/Targus Podium CoolPad's, both the full size, and travel models. This is our first foray into such an adventurous laptop stand.
Still have/using a Traveler rev from OWC that's >20+ y.o.....
Had to replace earlier MWSF acquisition that client insisted on relieving me of.

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Re: Too many choices! Height Adjustable Laptop Stand Needed.....
Posted by: Fritz
Date: March 18, 2023 10:00PM
of those posted, #2 would be my choice. don't like the counterbalance of any of the others. Nor would I trust a single arm.
But I would prolly go for the LOTEYIKE that rgG posted.
Mostly for the counterbalance as well.

I've had my laptop yanked and pulled and nearlyed (ok, not a word, but you get the idea) many times, so I bought something very low to the ground, basically a tilter.
Unfortunately, I don't see it carried anywhere anymore. It is something like this.

"one door closes and another window opens"
Vlad the Impailer.

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Re: Too many choices! Height Adjustable Laptop Stand Needed.....
Posted by: Buzz
Date: March 18, 2023 10:35PM
" I bought something very low to the ground, basically a tilter....."

No joy for low-to-ground at present..... gotta get something that can elevate this time around..... that also has w/ swivel hips.....

and again, since we're goin' mobile around the home locale, it's gotta be sturdy. Definitely fishin' in an unfamiliar pond, w/ too many fishies.
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Re: Too many choices! Height Adjustable Laptop Stand Needed.....
Posted by: Rolando
Date: March 19, 2023 12:40AM
I got this one at Amazon for my WFH laptop. It raises the screen to about the same as my dual monitor setup.

Its cheap and durable.
Folds flat for travel.
I used one of these with my Wallstreet Powerbook and ADB Keyboard and Mouse, back in the 90s.
Comes in Multiple Colors

San Antonio, TX (in the old city)

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