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Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: brofoski
Date: January 25, 2006 03:22PM
I've never played a brass instrument before, but would like to try the trombone. I know Bach is a good name, and I saw this ad for one, but it is almost 20 years old:


I was just wondering what sort of things I should look for, if I go check it out. Is this a good price? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: blusubaru
Date: January 25, 2006 03:50PM
I'm a reed player, but did Music Education for my first two years in school. You'll want to check: Spit valve on the end of the slide (does the cork sit flush with the hole), check the tuning slide on the top (does it move in and out freely). Those are the serious things. Other things to take into account would be serious dents and pitting. Usually that's all cosmetic, but could be a bargaining chip. Tbones are fairly simple instruments. Couldn't tell you on the price. I would call a local music store as if you were the one trying to sell it. Also, when you go to look at it, ask the current owner if he/she can play it briefly to demonstrate it's in working order.
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: hal
Date: January 25, 2006 03:56PM
dyslexsia.... I thought you wanted to buy a used tombstone....
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: 3d
Date: January 25, 2006 03:58PM
I guess the most important thing to test out on a trombone is the slide. The seller should have "slide oil" on hand. Give it a few squirts and slide it. It should be smooth and stick free. Test out the slide lock and spit valves.

He doesn't mention anything about a case but im assuming it comes with one. Check the case and instrument to see if it's stolen property from a college or school. Any strange letters or initials, painted/etched onto the case(?)

Oh,,, and for chrissakes, throw out those mouthpieces. Not sure why he is even listing them in the ad. Gross!

I do not play the trombone. I'm more of a Baritone Horn kinda guy smiling smiley
I sat next to the trombone players for 3 years in JHS band class. So that's about all i know.
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: Billybob
Date: January 25, 2006 05:13PM
Check eBay for price range.

I, like you, just started playing a brass instrument, the trumpet. I purchased a used one off of eBay and it looks like hell. However, all the slides work, the valves move, so I guess I lucked out. Needless to say, I don't recommend eBay for purchasing instruments.

If you have someone who plays the trombone, take him with you and have him test it for you. If you're just interested in playing, don't be too concerned about how it looks. Look for signs of repair. Is there soldering in strange places and does it look like it's been repainted?

Good luck!
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: brofoski
Date: January 25, 2006 05:42PM
Thanks for the all the advice. Are used mouthpieces really that gross? I would think a metal mouthpiece would clean up ok, as long as it isn't too old.
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: blusubaru
Date: January 25, 2006 05:45PM
A used brass mouthpeice isn't nearly as much of an issue as a reed/woodwind. Sanitize it and you're fine.
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: Buckeye_Sean
Date: January 25, 2006 06:29PM
Played trombone for over 8 years. Even played in a jazz band back while in high school. Gave it up...

Bach is a good name. As others have mentioned, check the slide for dents and to see if it sticks or not. The finish and overall condition can affect value. You'll probably notice more wear around the holding areas near the slide and brace. As for the spit valve you do want it to align correctly, however not a problem if it doesn't. Most of the time you'll need a new spring and cork anyway. As for the mouthpieces, just boil them or soak in alcohol to sanitize. They're metal so the surface is all that needs cleaned. (Even cheap mouthpieces are like $50 a pop as I recall.)

Good luck!

MacBook Pro 2.0GHz quad-core Intel i7
IMac 27" 3.4GHz quad-core Intel i7
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: Guitarman
Date: January 25, 2006 06:42PM
What's the difference between a trombone and a chainsaw?


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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: Seacrest
Date: January 25, 2006 06:56PM
make sure it's not a rusty trombone.
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: ajakeski
Date: January 25, 2006 08:03PM
Pull off the outer slide and check to see that the plating on the inner slides is in good shape. Imperfections in the slide will cause the finish to wear off over time. Once the plating is gone the raw brass will begin to oxidize and the oxidation will cause poor slide action.
If you end up buying it, go to your local music store and buy some SuperSlick slide grease. it's better than oil and will even make a questionable slide playable.
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: 3d
Date: January 25, 2006 08:13PM
Re: Used mouthpieces
You can soak the mouthpiece in alcohol for an hour then boil it for 4 hours and it'll still have the kooties in my opinion :-P I guess this is personal preference. You can just get a brand new one for $20(?).

It's pretty much some dude's spit recepticle. You wanna put that on your lips? Be my guest. Me? I'll get one at the store all wrapped up and in a box. Shiny and new. Thank you very much smiling smiley

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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: Racer X
Date: January 26, 2006 12:37AM
3d Wrote:
> Re: Used mouthpieces
> You can soak the mouthpiece in alcohol for an hour
> then boil it for 4 hours and it'll still have the
> kooties in my opinion :-P I guess this is
> personal preference. You can just get a brand new
> one for $20(?).
> It's pretty much some dude's spit recepticle. You
> wanna put that on your lips? Be my guest. Me?
> I'll get one at the store all wrapped up and in a
> box. Shiny and new. Thank you very much

you probably insist on shrink-wrapped virgins too.
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: Michael
Date: January 26, 2006 07:25AM
3d Wrote:

> It's pretty much some dude's spit recepticle. You
> wanna put that on your lips? Be my guest. Me?
> I'll get one at the store all wrapped up and in a
> box. Shiny and new. Thank you very much

Yeah, but what if someone had bought it, used it, and then returned it? It could be a never-ending concern...

Me, since I follow the "10 second rule" about dropped food, I'd boil, and blow!

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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: incognegro
Date: January 26, 2006 12:51PM
dammit, seacrest beat me to it.


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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: wowzer
Date: January 26, 2006 06:28PM
Racer X Wrote:
> you probably insist on shrink-wrapped virgins too.

ROTFLMAO. Didn't even think about this one. Too funny, RacerX.

As for sharing mouth pieces...I wouldn't though...there's just something quite weird about using someone else's mouth piece.

I'm an ex-tubist...played for about 10 yrs. I bought a trombone many years back...and the slide is a really important thing. Sticking slides are a PITA. Age of a brass instrument isn't that much a problem, as the ones I used at school were about 20 yrs old. They played just fine.


All I ever really needed to know, I learned from watching Star Trek.
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Re: Need some advice about buying a used trombone
Posted by: 3d
Date: January 27, 2006 07:53AM
There are some people in this world who buy used underwear in second hand stores because they see no problem with it. Just wash it with some bleach and hot water. You're good to go. Is there anything sanitarily wrong with it after washing? Nope.

Would i do it? No way.
Personal preference.

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