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a USB question
Posted by: Fritz
Date: April 26, 2007 07:40PM
is there a way that one could use one keyboard to simultaneous access to Macs?
Sort of a USB "Y". Or is the USB protocol such that it wouldn't work?


Quod suus via crustulum saxum

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Re: a USB question
Posted by: mattkime
Date: April 26, 2007 07:43PM
what are you trying to do? they are kvm switches which let you switch between two machines but putting the same info into two machines doesn't make sense.

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Re: a USB question
Posted by: Fritz
Date: April 26, 2007 07:48PM
except if you're paranoid.

actually trying to play 2 ProTools LE systems, simultaneously, because the client wants a back up, but doesn't want to pay the bill for PT HD, or DV Toolkit that would do the job.

I tried midi via 2x2 MidiMan box. PT isn't very midi savvy and wants (I believe) a round trip of midi to function. The Mbox 2 Pro boxes see the midi, but not the app.


Quod suus via crustulum saxum

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Re: a USB question
Posted by: timg
Date: April 26, 2007 07:57PM
oooooh, that kind of keyboard .....
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