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I HATE Windows and PCs!!!!!!!! Desktop organization app?? I want my Mac back!
Posted by: Jerry®
Date: November 19, 2023 04:22PM
All I'm trying to do is find a simple desktop organization app for my Windows 10 PC laptop - like something that will organize all the files on my desktop and put them into customizable folders and it has become a nightmare to find. I miss my Mac. It had a popular desktop organization app (that I can't remember the name of) that automatically organized and cleaned up the desktop and would - for example - put all my psd/jpg/png files into one folder, etc etc.....)

Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

Master Tinkerer Jerry®
My Amazon WISH List updated Jan 2025

Help me MacResource users, you're my only hope!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2023 04:22PM by Jerry®.
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Re: I HATE Windows and PCs!!!!!!!! Desktop organization app?? I want my Mac back!
Posted by: Tiangou
Date: November 19, 2023 04:52PM
All I'm trying to do is find a simple desktop organization app for my Windows 10 PC laptop - like something that will organize all the files on my desktop and put them into customizable folders and it has become a nightmare to find. I miss my Mac. It had a popular desktop organization app (that I can't remember the name of) that automatically organized and cleaned up the desktop and would - for example - put all my psd/jpg/png files into one folder, etc etc.....)

Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

It's called "stacks." Built into the OS.

Something similar is do-able under Windows.

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Re: I HATE Windows and PCs!!!!!!!! Desktop organization app?? I want my Mac back!
Posted by: mattkime
Date: November 19, 2023 04:57PM
Someone should make a Classic Mac OS finder app for OS X.

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Re: I HATE Windows and PCs!!!!!!!! Desktop organization app?? I want my Mac back!
Posted by: MacArtist
Date: November 19, 2023 09:20PM
Wait until you try to clone your OS drive. On a Mac, easy peasey. On Windows, you need an app for that. And you get tired in a hurry of offers of a free version that is crippled for your particular use.

So many things just work within the utilities Apple provides. On Windows, you might be able to do it in Command Prompt otherwise you’re buying an app.

“When a clown enters a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.”

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Re: I HATE Windows and PCs!!!!!!!! Desktop organization app?? I want my Mac back!
Posted by: chopper
Date: November 20, 2023 09:45AM
WHY are you using a Windows box?
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Re: I HATE Windows and PCs!!!!!!!! Desktop organization app?? I want my Mac back!
Posted by: kj
Date: November 20, 2023 11:25AM
WHY are you using a Windows box?

I think he uses it for gaming. Despite peoples' assurances that Macs can run "Triple A game titles", no one who uses their computer for gaming thinks Macs are a reasonable choice (and they aren't right now).

Best case is to have both, or a console, but I haven't always been able to afford that, so I would assume not everyone can.
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Re: I HATE Windows and PCs!!!!!!!! Desktop organization app?? I want my Mac back!
Posted by: Jerry®
Date: November 20, 2023 03:02PM
Wait until you try to clone your OS drive. On a Mac, easy peasey. On Windows, you need an app for that. And you get tired in a hurry of offers of a free version that is crippled for your particular use.

So many things just work within the utilities Apple provides. On Windows, you might be able to do it in Command Prompt otherwise you’re buying an app.

OMG SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Master Tinkerer Jerry®
My Amazon WISH List updated Jan 2025

Help me MacResource users, you're my only hope!
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Re: I HATE Windows and PCs!!!!!!!! Desktop organization app?? I want my Mac back!
Posted by: Jerry®
Date: November 20, 2023 03:05PM
WHY are you using a Windows box?

Because my mini had gotten so slow and corrupted plus I wanted to play the latest version of World of Warcraft, I bought (or was gifted) a 2016 Asus Nitro gaming laptop and I've been using it since my mini crashed (about 2 years ago). I HATE Windows. I want my Mac back!!!!!!!!!

Master Tinkerer Jerry®
My Amazon WISH List updated Jan 2025

Help me MacResource users, you're my only hope!
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Re: I HATE Windows and PCs!!!!!!!! Desktop organization app?? I want my Mac back!
Posted by: Jerry®
Date: November 20, 2023 03:08PM
WHY are you using a Windows box?

I think he uses it for gaming. Despite peoples' assurances that Macs can run "Triple A game titles", no one who uses their computer for gaming thinks Macs are a reasonable choice (and they aren't right now).

Best case is to have both, or a console, but I haven't always been able to afford that, so I would assume not everyone can.

One game (World of Warcraft) plus photo editing/basic video editing/basic sound (Garageband) editing. Plus email and web stuff. Here are the specs. I think mine has the i5 processor/16GB RAM/1TB Fusion drive (128GB SSD + 1TB 5400 SATA).

late 2012 mac mini specs

and here are the requirements for World of Warcraft:

Master Tinkerer Jerry®
My Amazon WISH List updated Jan 2025

Help me MacResource users, you're my only hope!

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2023 04:48PM by Jerry®.
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Re: I HATE Windows and PCs!!!!!!!! Desktop organization app?? I want my Mac back!
Posted by: kj
Date: November 21, 2023 01:14PM
I had forgotten what game you play, but sure, WoW plays fine on a good Mac, but it'll cost you 5x more to get that. You just need a cheap Mac and you can play WoW on your PC, huh. Or save up for an expensive Mac. I always see 1st gen MacBook Airs for around 350. Are those all scams, or can you really get one for that (I think that's all they are worth to me, though the market may disagree?).
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