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Wifi Flakiness Mystery
Posted by: graylocks
Date: May 01, 2024 01:15PM
I have an Arris SBG 8300 gateway modem. Don't remember when I bought it but it has been more than a year.

For the past few months the wifi would go out. Sometimes it's not immediately noticeable because wired devices, my iMac and my son's Xbox, continue working fine. Rebooting the gateway fixes it immediately. Sometimes it fixes itself. At first it was just a hiccup but in the past two weeks the outages have gotten much worse. A few days ago it happened about 18 times in one day. Sometimes for less than a minute; sometimes for 30 minutes or more.

How do I troubleshoot this? The outages are completely unpredictable. Since the wired devices aren't affected I assume it's not something wrong on Xfinity/Comcast's end. If the wired part is solid can I just hook in a wifi router to it and work around the issue?

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Re: Wifi Flakiness Mystery
Posted by: Fritz
Date: May 01, 2024 01:37PM
could be the radio, I'd guess an add on wifi would work.
but dunno Xfin/Com.
Maybe router needs a hard reset, which might change external (WAN) and internal (LAN) IPs.
you may find some help here.
When I had to deal with a clients Xfin router for port forwarding, I found good info there.

"one door closes and another window opens"
Vlad the Impailer.

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Re: Wifi Flakiness Mystery
Posted by: mattkime
Date: May 01, 2024 03:07PM
Sounds like its integrated into the cable modem. I always disable that router functionality and use my own router. I'm sure they often work fine but it sounds like this one isn't.

You could also try doing a factory reset and see if it helps - but its unlikely.

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Re: Wifi Flakiness Mystery
Posted by: TheTominator
Date: May 01, 2024 03:41PM
If the wired part is solid can I just hook in a wifi router to it and work around the issue?

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Re: Wifi Flakiness Mystery
Posted by: graylocks
Date: May 01, 2024 04:10PM
If the wired part is solid can I just hook in a wifi router to it and work around the issue?


Would a router hook into one of the ethernet ports?

If you want to fix our country, work with us in the states.

"Success isn't about how much money you make. It is about the difference you make in people's lives."--Michelle Obama
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Re: Wifi Flakiness Mystery
Posted by: TheTominator
Date: May 01, 2024 04:22PM
If the wired part is solid can I just hook in a wifi router to it and work around the issue?


Would a router hook into one of the ethernet ports?

Hook the WAN port (the upstream one) of the new router into a working ethernet port of the old router as if it was just another ethernet-connected computer on your network. You will be creating a brand new independent wireless network (unless you make special arrangements to have the router's coordinate their network configuration). If all you are doing is having each client device reach the Internet, that's all you really would need.

If you want to have each device talk to each other on the same local network (share hard drives, etc), you should probably unplug all of the other client ethernet devices from the old router and connect them to the LAN ethernet ports on the new router so that wireless and wired clients will be on the same router and thus the same network.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/01/2024 04:23PM by TheTominator.
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Re: Wifi Flakiness Mystery
Posted by: mattkime
Date: May 01, 2024 05:26PM
also look into disabling the old wifi and dhcp server. shoot, its been a while since I've done this. its probably worth looking it up by the model.

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Re: Wifi Flakiness Mystery
Posted by: graylocks
Date: May 01, 2024 05:45PM
Costco carries a TP-Link router but not in store. wouldn't have it until Monday and I'm leaving town again Wednesday. Amazon will deliver the same router tomorrow morning for $3 less. 30 days will give me enough time to see if it solves the problem.

I have probably 35+ devices on my network. Maybe I'll just change some of them tomorrow and see if the problem is solved.

If you want to fix our country, work with us in the states.

"Success isn't about how much money you make. It is about the difference you make in people's lives."--Michelle Obama
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Re: Wifi Flakiness Mystery
Posted by: C(-)ris
Date: May 01, 2024 07:03PM
I would check and see if there are any firmware updates for it. Run those and if you still have issues, do a factory reset. If it still acts up after that contact their support and see if they have any diagnostics or any other ideas. Most likely though, the wifi module inside it is slowly dying.

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Re: Wifi Flakiness Mystery
Posted by: special
Date: May 02, 2024 09:55AM
I had old WiFi routers die like that. they work fine for a few years, sometimes 3, sometimes 10 but eventually they die like that with random disconnects.
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Re: Wifi Flakiness Mystery
Posted by: Spiff
Date: May 02, 2024 11:42AM
This kind of thing happened to me with all of my apple routers. They were probably the worst wireless routers I have worked with (only one person's opinion - YMMV). I have found that Orbi mesh system works great for my large house.
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