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Bambu Labs X1C 3d printer update
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: August 28, 2024 09:01AM
I got this printer during Bambu's anniversary sale. The reviews were really good and the ability to print using multiple filaments seamlessly were a big selling point. I've been using the printer for not quite 2 months. The short is that I should have upgraded to this printer a long time ago.

My first printer was a Lulzbot Taz 6. It was one of the better consumer friendly printers when it was released. It has a good print bed size, automatic bed leveling and decent print quality. It was pretty easy for a newbie to start printing with. It wasn't very fast and required calibration.

A few years ago, I added an Ender 3 V2. Not as easy to use but it provided some flexibility that the Taz didn't. I did some upgrades to make it better but it required tweaking to keep it printing well.

The Bambu is a huge upgrade. The print quality exceeds that of both the Taz and the Ender. The print speed is incredible, as is the print tolerance. Threaded parts or those that are supposed to slip together just do. The AMS, which holds 4 filaments, is awesome. I can print multi-color or not have to switch filaments when printing different objects.

sPrint bed adhesion is awesome withou having to use glue, hairspray, etc. And prints just pop off when cool. Support removal is much easier and the support face much smoother than with the other printers.

I just wish that I could use flexible filament in the AMS. There are reports of being able to do so, but I haven't figured it out yet. Print quality with TPU (flexible filament) is really impressive. I've printed some gaskets, plugs and grommets. All came out great.

If you're thinking about getting into 3D printing, definitely put a Bambu Labs printer at the top of your list.
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Re: Bambu Labs X1C 3d printer update
Posted by: Tiangou
Date: August 28, 2024 10:29AM
The short is that I should have upgraded to this printer a long time ago.

But think about what you’ve learned keeping those “beater” printers chugging!

I’ve picked up mad skills on my Ender. Could swap the hot end on that printer while blindfolded at this point.

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Re: Bambu Labs X1C 3d printer update
Posted by: bazookaman
Date: August 29, 2024 07:23AM
We have a Bambu something or other at one of our offices. The single most annoying thing about it is that you have to have an account to print to it, and only one account can be "logged" into at one time. So if the boss prints something, then I want to print something, I have to log him out and log myself in. Too bad for him, though, if he leaves and wants to print something remotely, b/c I was the last one to log in, now he cannot. It's really dumb. Maybe they've fixed it by now though.

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Re: Bambu Labs X1C 3d printer update
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: August 29, 2024 08:01AM
We have a Bambu something or other at one of our offices. The single most annoying thing about it is that you have to have an account to print to it, and only one account can be "logged" into at one time. So if the boss prints something, then I want to print something, I have to log him out and log myself in. Too bad for him, though, if he leaves and wants to print something remotely, b/c I was the last one to log in, now he cannot. It's really dumb. Maybe they've fixed it by now though.

Not sure if they have or haven't. I use mine at home and am the only user. The printer is by no means perfect but it's print quality and ease of use is better than the other printers in it's price range.
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Re: Bambu Labs X1C 3d printer update
Posted by: special
Date: August 29, 2024 09:17AM
can you use it without the "cloud"? what happens if Bamboo goes out of business, is the printer usable or it is a 3D brick?
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Re: Bambu Labs X1C 3d printer update
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: August 29, 2024 10:21AM
You can use it without the cloud. Save print files to microSD card and put card in the printer.
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