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AppleCare for 17" PB
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: January 28, 2006 08:30AM
My refurb 17" PB and I are coming up on our first anniversary together, so it's time to buy AppleCare. LA Computer has it for $259. Does anybody know of a better deal? I checked there, because that's the place I see mentioned most often.

Amazon has it for $349, so that's not a good deal, but I don't know where else to check.

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Re: AppleCare for 17" PB
Posted by: vicrock
Date: January 28, 2006 08:57AM
check out e-bay - I've gotten all of my applecare there.
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Re: AppleCare for 17" PB
Posted by: sydric
Date: January 28, 2006 09:07AM
Are you eligible for the Education price? It is less than LA Computer.
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Re: AppleCare for 17" PB
Posted by: spearmint
Date: January 28, 2006 09:12AM
You are a smart person for gettin it. Wish I had done the one year thing and get a new logic board for the iBook. Fried the power manager.

Da Good Life
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Re: AppleCare for 17" PB
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: January 28, 2006 09:16AM
I'm too chicken to buy on eBay. There's only one new one listed for the PB. Somebody else has an "open box", that they flatly refuse to refund on if there's a problem registering, and somebody is selling the code only. I'm the kind who would rather pay more and not have to worry about what I'm getting.

Am I eligible for the Education price? I think I should be, because I worked for a school district for years. I left before I was old enough to start drawing my retirement, though, so I have no way to document that I'm even a retired school district employee. sad smiley

Edit: I just saw your post, 'mint. I've been brainwashed by people here! I carried AppleCare on my very first Mac (a Quadra), and I never used it. I haven't bothered getting it since, but this guy was a refurb, so I've decided to be a bit more cautious.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/2006 09:21AM by AlphaDog.
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Re: AppleCare for 17" PB
Posted by: richorlin
Date: January 28, 2006 10:34AM
It's up to you and your conscience, but Apple doesn't verify that you are eliglble for the educational price. They take your word for it.
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Re: AppleCare for 17" PB
Posted by: SteveO
Date: January 29, 2006 01:01PM
LA Computer has the cheapest AC I've seen; I've used them for major purchases and have been completely satisfied.

BTW, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS get AC on any Mac purchase these days. This is not 10 or 12 years ago when you could buy a Mac and reasonably expect it to last 5-10+ years. I say this from experience, with AC and without it.
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