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My next rig - MacPro or iMac?
Posted by: Buckeye_Sean
Date: June 26, 2007 12:11PM
My work entails mainly prepress/graphic design stuff and software for wide format printing. I still have about 6 months of AC left on my DP G5 and thought it might be time to unload and get a new rig and finally upgrade to CS3.

Been looking at the MacPros, but they are quite expensive - not to mention the cost of extra ram.

Also, kind of interested in the iMac (24") but I still am leary about the computer/screen all-in-one deal. Also, no PCI slots if I need them in the future.

One other thing to mention is that I will have to upgrade my monitors. The 2 Lacie Electrons I have are nearing their end. Definately will have to make the switch to LCD. Apple? Dell? etc.? Need at least 20" - preferably 24".

Anyone other graphic pros in the same situation? Just need some input.

MacBook Pro 2.0GHz quad-core Intel i7
IMac 27" 3.4GHz quad-core Intel i7
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Re: My next rig - MacPro or iMac?
Posted by: lipskidder
Date: June 26, 2007 12:18PM
I just asked the same thing-ish:


I love my LaCie I have attached to my G4. It's still running great so if I get the MacBook Pro, I will just leave that one going.
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Re: My next rig - MacPro or iMac?
Posted by: JoeM
Date: June 26, 2007 04:00PM
Not sure if the imac will do everything you need at large formatt size with CS3 but I think jdc mentioned a while back that he was thinking about one. I just sprung for a MacPro 2.66 with 4 GB ram and 2 Dell 24" LCDs and I'm really happy with the whole system.

I'm doing more large booth graphics lately and last project was a 20x20 with four 4' high x 16' long overhead graphics that had my G4 933 struggling.

Got a 10x20 to do this week so I can't wait to see the MacPro chew it up and spit it out smiling smiley

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Re: My next rig - MacPro or iMac?
Posted by: incognegro
Date: June 26, 2007 08:51PM
It always looks funny to see a computer described as a 'rig.'
I know it fits the definition; it just looks funny (to me).

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Re: My next rig - MacPro or iMac?
Posted by: AllGold
Date: June 26, 2007 11:27PM
Mac Pros are pricey but probably not any more than your G5 if you got it new.

An iMac has 2 CPU cores (at 2.16GHz or 2.33GHz) and supports a max of 3GB RAM and one hard drive. A stock Mac Pro has 4 CPU cores at 2.66GHz, supports a Ton-O-RAM™ (expensive though), and you can easily add internal hard drives up to a total of four.
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Re: My next rig - MacPro or iMac?
Posted by: jdc
Date: June 27, 2007 12:04AM
how many PCI cards are you using now?

im 99.99% sure that im replacing both my G5s with 24" imacs -- macpros are just too much $$$

even refurbs are too much. i bought my G5s as refurbs, think i paid $1599 for them

however, im wating for the new ones with the same santa rosa chip as the MBPs -- plus the ability to use 4 gigs of ram

im not pushing huge graphics -- a 500 meg illustrator file might be the biggest single file i work with regularly -- but im sure the imac can handle it

it will mean dumping a 24" Dell and maybe a 20" too, but i need to move forward

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: My next rig - MacPro or iMac?
Posted by: AllGold
Date: June 27, 2007 12:58AM
confused smiley The stock Mac Pro is $500 more than a 24" iMac.

Sure, no built-in monitor on a Mac Pro but still, confused smiley
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Re: My next rig - MacPro or iMac?
Posted by: Zoidberg
Date: June 27, 2007 09:27AM
If you don't need PCI cards, go with the iMac.

Wait a bit; new iMacs are overdue, but that's just my opinion.

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Re: My next rig - MacPro or iMac?
Posted by: Buckeye_Sean
Date: June 27, 2007 09:49AM
My line of thinking is that I also bought my refurb DP G5 for less than $1400. The minimal refurb MacPro will set me back $2k....just doesn't seem like the math is right. Meanwhile I can get a 24" refurb iMac for $1699 which includes a monitor.

Just had another thought...

However, I could get rid of the Dell and just fly solo with the MacPro for both platforms...hmm, that is a thought. Anyone else get rid of their PC and running both Windows and Mac OS on one machine only?

MacBook Pro 2.0GHz quad-core Intel i7
IMac 27" 3.4GHz quad-core Intel i7
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Re: My next rig - MacPro or iMac?
Posted by: AllGold
Date: June 27, 2007 12:52PM
OK, here's the math. A Mac Pro gives you more than double the amount of CPU power over an iMac (not to mention the extra RAM and hard drive capacity).

So take two 24" iMacs at $1999 and one Mac Pro at $2499.

= $2500 for the Mac Pro

= $4000 for the 2 iMacs
- $600 x 2 = -$1200 because you get 24" monitors with the iMacs

= $2800 for the iMac guts vs. $2500 for the Mac Pro OR...

= $4000 for the iMacs vs. $3700 for the Mac Pro plus two 24" monitors

For refurbs, the difference gets closer because you're getting two discounts on the two iMacs but you still haven't made up for the extra capabilities of the Mac Pro.

In the interest of full disclosure I must admit my bias. I did not buy my Mac Pro. It was a replacement from Apple for a faulty refurb G5 dual 2.0. However, I did pay $1999 for the G5 refurb and since it was such a POS for so long I also paid $2499 for a new G5 dual 2.3 before they replaced the refurb. I then sold the 2.3.

If it weren't for Apple giving me a Mac Pro as a replacement, I would probably still be using the G5 2.3. I probably would also be lamenting the cost of a Mac Pro. ;) But after using the Mac Pro I would never go back.
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