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Please help me decide
Posted by: Linda2
Date: June 26, 2007 12:48PM
I am probably going to buy a MacBook Pro 17" this week and I would appreciate some advice. This afternoon I am going to the Apple Store to compare machines but I value your opinions.

What do you think of the glossy screen? What about the HD screen option? I would really like to have the 250 GB hard drive but it's only 4200 rpm. I am currently using a PowerBook with a 5400 rpm hard drive. Will I notice any difference?
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Re: Please help me decide
Posted by: Zoidberg
Date: June 26, 2007 12:55PM
It's been covered here a few times in the past, but my take was the same. I couldnt' decide if I wanted glossy or matte. FWIW, I work on my MacBook Pro, it's not just a "hobby Mac" so take that as you will.

Glossy or Matte Screen. I went with glossy and I'm damn glad I did. The screen is gorgeous when watching a movie, working on an InDesign layout, or editing a pic in Photoshop. YMMV, of course, but having worked on a matte one as well, I'm very happy I went with glossy. In the places I've worked I've never noticed an issue with glare.

HD Screen Option. Huh? Not sure what you mean.

Drive Speed vs Size. What are you going to be doing? I'd rather have a 7200 rpm 160GB drive than a 4200 rpm 250GB drive, but that's my opinion. Do you need a lot of extra space? Also keep in mind that 7200 250s are in the pipeline for Q3 or Q4, according to various online sources (e.g., [] ). Going from a 5400 down to a 4200 you might not notice anything, though.

Some additional reading on the subject:








For more memory, you can do better than Apple's pricing: []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/26/2007 12:56PM by Zoidberg.
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Re: Please help me decide
Posted by: ka jowct
Date: June 26, 2007 01:47PM
Will you need the additional drive capacity on a regular basis: will you regularly be away from your normal work locations, doing stuff that would require more than the 160GB of disk space?

If not, instead of going with the slower 250GB at this point, you could add an external FW drive. You'll need one (or more) anyway. You could get a more portable external for travel.

"Other World Computing (OWC) announced today the highest capacity 7200RPM portable, bus-powered storage solution on the market - the Mercury On-The-Go 200GB portable hard drive... The Mercury On-The-Go is blazing fast -- up to 50% faster than other (notebook) 7200RPM drives...

In addition to the 200GB 7200RPM drive, OWC now offers a 250GB 5400RPM Mercury On-The-Go portable solution available with FireWire 800/400/USB 2.0 and eSATA + USB 2.0 ports.

Both drives are available immediately through OWC and other retailers. Includes a carrying case, FireWire 400/800 cables, USB cable, Prosoft DataRescue III for OS X and NovaStor NovaBackup for Windows. All Mercury-On-The-Go models are covered by a one-year warranty and are compatible with Apple OS Versions 8.5 through 9.2.x; Apple OS X 10.0.3 and higher (including OS X 10.4.x); and Microsoft Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP.The OWC Mercury On-The-Go 200GB 7200RPM Portable Drive is priced at $359.99 and the Mercury On-The-Go 250GB 5400RPM Portable Drive is $319.99. For more information, see: [];
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Re: Please help me decide
Posted by: Harbourmaster
Date: June 26, 2007 02:05PM
Ralph, The HD screen option gives you 1920 x 1200 resolution, same as a 24" widescreen!

If you have excellent eyesight and need the screen real estate it might be worth it but I would have to see one in person before making that kind of buying decision myself...

Aloha, Ken

“I have developed significant attachments to several members even though I wouldn't recognize them if I sat next to one on a park bench. I'm often tempted when in an airport to walk around, hollering "The Løpe", to see if anyone other than the Homeland Security people will acknowledge me. ” - The Løpe

“Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people. The general government ... can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an oligarchy, an aristocracy, or any other despotic or oppressive form, so long as there shall remain any virtue in the body of the people.” — George Washington

“in America the law is king. For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be King; and there ought to be no other." -- Thomas Paine
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Re: Please help me decide
Posted by: Zoidberg
Date: June 26, 2007 02:15PM
Okay. Didn't research the 17's much; didn't realize there was an option on the screen beyond the glossy/matte issue. (I stuck with the 15" MBP (and later got an external ACD 23") to keep things über-portable.)

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Re: Please help me decide
Posted by: Harbourmaster
Date: June 26, 2007 04:26PM
The high res screen just became an option with the new "Santa Rosa" based Macs...

Aloha, Ken

“I have developed significant attachments to several members even though I wouldn't recognize them if I sat next to one on a park bench. I'm often tempted when in an airport to walk around, hollering "The Løpe", to see if anyone other than the Homeland Security people will acknowledge me. ” - The Løpe

“Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people. The general government ... can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy, an oligarchy, an aristocracy, or any other despotic or oppressive form, so long as there shall remain any virtue in the body of the people.” — George Washington

“in America the law is king. For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be King; and there ought to be no other." -- Thomas Paine
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Re: Please help me decide
Posted by: Linda2
Date: June 27, 2007 10:30AM
Everyone, thank you so much for answering. I decided to go with the glossy screen and the 160 gig hard drive at 7200 rpm but not the high resolution screen.
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