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MBP- remove and replace key's easy?
Posted by: jardster
Date: July 17, 2007 09:35AM
The "R" key on my MBP has been sticking a little. Doesn't really get stuck, just not the same bounce as the other keys. As I looked at it, it looks like there is a little dollup of sticky stuff under the lower right portion of the R key. Is there any EASY and SAFE way to remove the key, clean up the "stuff" and then replace the R key?

Edit- Well, I tried the old, "shove the corner of a piece of paper in there" trick and got most of the stuff out. I tried finding instructions at apple's support, but couldn't find it.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2007 09:40AM by jardster.
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Re: MBP- remove and replace key's easy?
Posted by: OWC Jamie
Date: July 17, 2007 09:39AM
Not easy to do - I use a plastic pry tool, to remove 4 "F" keys on 12" PB G4s all the time. You just have to determine which side to lift on, to release the snaps under the key itself, it's a scissor action to do so.

They CAN break easily especially if you hit them at an angle, with a book or something like that - then you replace the whole key and scissor action from a donor keyboard.

Good Luck!
Jamie Dresser
Other World Computing
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