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Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: Jp!
Date: July 17, 2007 12:01PM
Sounds yummy.


Recovering from lungectomy is tough, painful. Good luck to him.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2007 12:16PM by Jp!.
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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag, leaving it inside him
Posted by: Racer X
Date: July 17, 2007 12:11PM
and yet he still got on that plane when told he shouldn't by the health dept.
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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag, leaving it inside him
Posted by: jardster
Date: July 17, 2007 12:14PM
My reading doesn't say they are leaving the bag in him. They are going to seal the bag while it is still in him to prevent outside contamination... then they will presumably take out the bag and lung portion.

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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: decocritter
Date: July 17, 2007 12:50PM
This is a classic case where somebody(lots of somebodies) is lying.

The guy who has TB (and did not think it was serious). And the CDC is doing a major BS job.

I really resent this. I hope the folks suing him win.

I wonder how many other infectious diseased folks get on airplanes or cross borders (illegally) bringing disease into this country?
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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: Jp!
Date: July 17, 2007 01:07PM
global travel has really caused problems (though small in numbers some might say)
-zebra mussels
-infectious diseases
-terrorist (I know...originated that morning internal, not international)

Anyway...I sympathize with anyone undergoing lung surgery. He'll not likely ever fully be back up to his old capacity.
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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: billb
Date: July 17, 2007 01:22PM
Doesn't go into details, but remove a section:

If you believe what's being reported about anything these days.
I don't think we'll ever get the whole story of what happened.
Either too many covering up mistakes or too many coevering up lies or some combination.

That photo is old.

I knew someone who had a whole lung removed.
Stupid B#@!#@ continued smoking.
Still functioned fine (could work), just no more 50 yard dash or multiple flights of stairs.
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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: mattkime
Date: July 17, 2007 01:31PM
>>I wonder how many other infectious diseased folks get on airplanes or cross borders (illegally) bringing disease into this country?

Ever wonder how many we export??

Nice job on working in the xenophobia.

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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: Jp!
Date: July 17, 2007 01:33PM
well, he specifically brought it in. Why are you so quick to label/judge/slam? It's a statement against ease of travel from area to area. That could be LA to Kansas City. I see your point, but just stop reading some psychological basis for slamming my wording into it.
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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: spearmint
Date: July 17, 2007 01:33PM
Everytime I go to the Veteran's Admin I get tested for TB. There is some bad stuff out there.

Da Good Life
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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: threeprong
Date: July 17, 2007 02:34PM
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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: outcast
Date: July 17, 2007 02:52PM
I bet he sells the sealed bag on eBay.

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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: decocritter
Date: July 17, 2007 03:15PM
This is a classic case where somebody(lots of somebodies) is lying.

The guy who has TB (and did not think it was serious). And the CDC is doing a major BS job.

I really resent this. I hope the folks suing him win.

I wonder how many other infectious diseased folks get on airplanes or cross borders (illegally) bringing disease into this country?

And into other countries. But - I am most concerned with this country.

I live next door to the CDC and many of the doctors live at my community. Horrifiying things are happening on the infectious disease front and much of it connected to immigration without health screening.

I am always suspicious of someone that uses the "xenophobia" label.

This post is about spreading diseases.

Are you illegal or something??
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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: mattkime
Date: July 17, 2007 03:23PM
>>connected to immigration without health screening.

You don't need to immigrate to a country to spread disease, only spend a little bit of time across borders.

To solve the problem of easy travel spreading disease, you need to turn the clock back a generation.

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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: billb
Date: July 17, 2007 03:47PM
More than a generation works, too.

European settlers brought some fairly nasty stuff that The America's indigenous had no resistance to. :-)

It's a very old problem that still exists today. Thankfully on a much smaller scale.

The lung tissue better not float up on a New Jersey beach. Although this tale would accomodate that failure as well.
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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: kj
Date: July 17, 2007 03:50PM
I think there is good reason to be concerned about illegal immigration and infectious disease:


The reasons are obvious to anyone who cares to think about it. What we should do about it is debatable though, of course.

As far as the guy's lung, I knew a girl who lost a lung in a car accident who was able to swim in the junior olympics, so that alone shouldn't necessarily affect him hugely. I would imagine he might have other/additional long-term health issues though. kj.
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Re: Tuberculosis guy operation: Sealing TB inside plastic bag.
Posted by: space-time
Date: July 17, 2007 04:00PM
talking about immigration, I was in the US for 11 years (graduate student, h1-b work visa) before I took the medical exam to get my green card. If I were sick, I could have spread disease very easily during those 11 years. No one asked me anything about immunization, HIV, TB, hepasitis, etc. until I applied for my green card.

Also, don't forget that the patient we're talking about here did not bring it in at all. As far as I understand, he was already in the US, then he LEFT and CAME BACK. If anything, he took it OUT, definitely did not BRING IT IN.
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