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updates beginning at
Posted by: incognegro
Date: September 05, 2007 01:33PM
iPod nano front page:


and specs:

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Re: updates beginning at
Posted by: OWC Jamie
Date: September 05, 2007 01:35PM

Not on the front page yet but if you type it in it comes up smiling smiley

Good Luck!
Jamie Dresser
Other World Computing
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Re: updates beginning at
Posted by: incognegro
Date: September 05, 2007 01:44PM
downloading the 252 MB iPod Touch video... zipped!


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Re: updates beginning at
Posted by: particleman
Date: September 05, 2007 01:48PM
The nano 3G has a blue-white led backlight. Were LED backlights used before?
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Re: updates beginning at
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: September 05, 2007 02:39PM
No, I don't think LEDs were used before.


I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

There’s trouble — it's time to play the sound of my people.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you cheer for.

Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom, it’s adolescence.

I've been to the edge of the map, and there be monsters.

We are a government of laws, not men.

Everybody counts or nobody counts.

When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

There is no safety for honest men except
by believing all possible evil of evil men.

We don’t do focus groups. They just ensure that you don’t offend anyone, and produce bland inoffensive products. —Sir Jonathan Ive

An armed society is a polite society.
And hope is a lousy defense.

You make me pull, I'll put you down.

I *love* SIGs. It's Glocks I hate.
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Re: updates beginning at
Posted by: particleman
Date: September 05, 2007 03:27PM
The iPod Classic also lists a LED backlight in the tech specs..
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Re: updates beginning at
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: September 06, 2007 01:43AM
Actually it looks like some of the previous 'Pods *did* use LEDs for the backlight.

I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

There’s trouble — it's time to play the sound of my people.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you cheer for.

Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom, it’s adolescence.

I've been to the edge of the map, and there be monsters.

We are a government of laws, not men.

Everybody counts or nobody counts.

When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

There is no safety for honest men except
by believing all possible evil of evil men.

We don’t do focus groups. They just ensure that you don’t offend anyone, and produce bland inoffensive products. —Sir Jonathan Ive

An armed society is a polite society.
And hope is a lousy defense.

You make me pull, I'll put you down.

I *love* SIGs. It's Glocks I hate.
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