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Sony PS3 $399 coming...
Posted by: AAA
Date: October 02, 2007 04:42AM

for the holidays. The $250 Wii makes PS3s a hardER sell, I'm guessing.
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Re: Sony PS3 $399 coming...
Posted by: mikebw
Date: October 02, 2007 05:07AM
Doesn't make a difference to me. I'm sure they will sell more at this price than before, but the audience being targeted by Nintendo is really not the same as who Sony is looking at so it doesn't really matter.

Now as a Blu-Ray player it's another issue. I probably won't buy it though, rather get a dual format player, or just wait for one format to die.
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Re: Sony PS3 $399 coming...
Posted by: AAA
Date: October 02, 2007 05:47AM
Sure the audience is not the same, in general. But if PS3s were $99, I'm sure there would be buyer AND software/game companies looking at the platform. So, price IS somewhat a variable in sales. The market can only be either 1) PS1&2 upgraders 2) new entrants to gaming consoles 3) users of other game consoles.
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Re: Sony PS3 $399 coming...
Posted by: walscobry
Date: October 02, 2007 06:15AM
The PS3 is a joke right? I mean it makes me laugh pretty hard.

Sony and all of it products are very poor in design, quality and performance. Avoid any and all Sony and sony sub brands (Columbia Records, etc)
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Re: Sony PS3 $399 coming...
Posted by: Chupa Chupa
Date: October 02, 2007 06:41AM
Doesn't make a difference to me. I'm sure they will sell more at this price than before, but the audience being targeted by Nintendo is really not the same as who Sony is looking at so it doesn't really matter.

Now as a Blu-Ray player it's another issue. I probably won't buy it though, rather get a dual format player, or just wait for one format to die.

Sony is being forced to come out with a "budget" model b/c of the the XBOX 360, not the Wii. Right now you can get an XBOX 360 for $350. The least expensive PS3 is still $499. For the $150 difference you could buy 3 XBOX 360 games.

The Wii is in a class by itself and isn't really taking may sales away from either of the "serious gamer" boxes. (That is not a knock on the Wii, I love mine, but the Wii titles are more on the kiddie/cute side). The real problem w/ the PS3 though is it doesn't have a killer app like Halo. Everything on the PS3 is available on the XBOX 360 or is just ho-hum.
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Re: Sony PS3 $399 coming...
Posted by: incognegro
Date: October 02, 2007 11:31AM
you sure can fold a lot of proteins on a PS3, and it's also a Blu-Ray player, which cost about the same as a PS3, or more.

i want a 360, just for Bioshock.

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Re: Sony PS3 $399 coming...
Posted by: SLM
Date: October 02, 2007 12:07PM
you sure can fold a lot of proteins on a PS3...

You sure can. winking smiley

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Re: Sony PS3 $399 coming...
Posted by: JJ
Date: October 02, 2007 06:41PM
Chupa Chupa

Sony is being forced to come out with a "budget" model b/c of the the XBOX 360, not the Wii. Right now you can get an XBOX 360 for $350. The least expensive PS3 is still $499. For the $150 difference you could buy 3 XBOX 360 games.

But if you want to play HD movies, you have to buy the $180 external HD DVD drive (making the 360 a $530 purchase). The PS3 on the other hand has a Blu-ray DVD drive installed.

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