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tried to make him stay in NY, but he said NO, NO, NO!. . .Torre says NO. . .!
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: October 18, 2007 10:25PM
. . .thank you!

I doubt any one hasn't heard but here you go!



I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: tried to make him stay in NY, but he said NO, NO, NO!. . .Torre says NO. . .!
Posted by: Drew
Date: October 18, 2007 10:41PM
I'm not sure why, but I really enjoy seeing the Yankees in turmoil. It will make for a pleasant winter season.
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Re: tried to make him stay in NY, but he said NO, NO, NO!. . .Torre says NO. . .!
Posted by: MacArtist
Date: October 18, 2007 10:51PM
Kind of feel the same way, Drew. I think I feel that way because money alone can't always buy you the world series.

I would love to see the Rockies take it all.

“When a clown enters a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.”

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Re: tried to make him stay in NY, but he said NO, NO, NO!. . .Torre says NO. . .!
Posted by: Drew
Date: October 19, 2007 01:11AM
They're going to pay boatloads of money to Posada and Rivera, neither of whom will have great years again. They'll lose A-Rod, who will go on to set the record for home runs in another park.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/19/2007 01:11AM by Drew.
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Re: tried to make him stay in NY, but he said NO, NO, NO!. . .Torre says NO. . .!
Posted by: Jem
Date: October 19, 2007 06:46AM
They're going to pay boatloads of money to Posada and Rivera, neither of whom will have great years again. They'll lose A-Rod, who will go on to set the record for home runs in another park.

There's talk that Boston may be interested in A-Rod... as much as that pains me as a Sox fan. Though as payback for stealing Johny Damon it might be palatable.

If we get Manny off the payroll we might actually be able to afford it...
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Re: tried to make him stay in NY, but he said NO, NO, NO!. . .Torre says NO. . .!
Posted by: Jimmypoo
Date: October 19, 2007 07:14AM
Payback for Damon? How about payback for BABE RUTH?

How about a spell which gives the NYY ~80 years of bad luck?

How about something to help Steinbrenner live to 160?!?!?

(that last one is even too much for me... even I don't want to hear about him
for that long)
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Re: tried to make him stay in NY, but he said NO, NO, NO!. . .Torre says NO. . .!
Posted by: Robert M
Date: October 19, 2007 07:33AM
Hi everyone,

Just a thought on this topic... I pulled this morning's issue of Newsday out of its plastic bag and what do I see? A special wrap around section devoted to Torre and the Yankees. My initial reaction was, "What a waste of space." I guess to fans of the Yankees, baseball and sports in general it's important but we could have easily done without a special wrap around section. I removed the section and tossed it elsewhere on the kitchen table for future recycling.

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Re: tried to make him stay in NY, but he said NO, NO, NO!. . .Torre says NO. . .!
Posted by: rz
Date: October 19, 2007 08:37AM
. . .thank you!

I doubt any one hasn't heard but here you go!


I hadn't heard, but then again I don't give a crap. I lost interest in baseball about 15 years ago.
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Re: tried to make him stay in NY, but he said NO, NO, NO!. . .Torre says NO. . .!
Posted by: The UnDoug
Date: October 19, 2007 09:28AM
And in related news, Amy Winhouse was arrested for posession of marijuana in Norway.

(this is related because the subject of this post is a play on the lyrics to Winehouse's song, "Rehab")

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Re: tried to make him stay in NY, but he said NO, NO, NO!. . .Torre says NO. . .!
Posted by: Buzz
Date: October 19, 2007 11:51AM
Incentive based based managerial contract like that had to be geared to force Torre to quit... what's he gonna do in a crunch? blow out a pitcher's arm so he can get a extra mil? when it wasn't the pitcher's fault they lost a couple of games they shouldn't have down the stretch? not Torre's style. Torre would get flack for over-using pitcher. Clearly the only way what was proposed works, is no injuries and Yanks cruise to title; any hiccups and Torre's on a hotter seat than he was. Now maybe he'll get to wrestle Rex Hudler for the Angels commentator job...

Sometimes it is what it is...
and then there's times when it's really better.

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Re: tried to make him stay in NY, but he said NO, NO, NO!. . .Torre says NO. . .!
Posted by: billb
Date: October 19, 2007 04:47PM
Don't commentators have to know how to smile ? :-)
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