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Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: D-Rod
Date: November 01, 2007 07:29AM
As rumored, Apple has quietly updated the MacBook tonight to the Santa Rosa architecture with mild speed bumps and the GMA X3100 integrated video.

White 13.3"
$1099.00 2.0GHz/1GB RAM/80GB/Combo/GMA X3100
$1299.00 2.2GHz/1GB RAM/120GB/SD-DL/GMA X3100

Black 13.3"
$1499.00 2.2GHz/1GB RAM/160GB/SD-DL/GMA X3100

Despite comparable clock speeds (2.0 -> 2.0GHz, 2.16 -> 2.2GHz) to the old models, the new MacBooks use the Santa Rosa chipset which boasts a faster 800MHz front side bus over the previous MacBook models. The introduction of the GMA X3100 video card also provides significant benefits over the previous models. The new specs can be seen at the Apple Store: []

Formerly known as Dennis R
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: microchip13
Date: November 01, 2007 07:35AM
Finally we're gone with the GMA950 graphics.

The X3100 is at least a bit better.

Security is just a word. The act of being secure is entirely different.
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Just because it has two clutches, shifts faster, uses a torque converter or has near-infinite gear ratios, requires less driver intervention and is more efficient doesn't make it better in my opinion.
Save The Manual Transmission
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: OWC Jamie
Date: November 01, 2007 07:36AM
That's a really nice bump really for the price. Can't wait to see how they perform!

Good Luck!
Jamie Dresser
Other World Computing
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: john dough
Date: November 01, 2007 07:36AM
Also, these MacBooks can handle up to 4GB of RAM. Nice!
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: Chupa Chupa
Date: November 01, 2007 07:54AM
With the X3100 added the MB is a pretty beefy "entry level" laptop now. Adequate video was the one thing the MB was really missing. Now it has it. I bet it gives the MBP 2.2 a run for the money in benchmarks on everything except the most extreme video rendering applications.
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: papercup
Date: November 01, 2007 08:36AM
"In return, the MacBook Pro now takes advantage of improvements in Intel's processor design and includes a $250 option for a 2.6GHz Core 2 Duo on all 2.4GHz models. The faster 250GB hard disk is also an option for all 15-inch and 17-inch systems."
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: Jem
Date: November 01, 2007 08:49AM
Wonder how the GMA X3100 stacks up against the 128MB GeForce 8600M GT in the MacBook Pro.

I actually like the smaller form factor of the MacBook, and having just received my refurb MBP Apple was destined to do this so I'd be afflicted with buyer's remorse :}
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: Sam3
Date: November 01, 2007 09:54AM
Could Apple finally ditch the combo drive? DVD burners are quite inexpensive these days that it seems silly to limit a machine by a combo drive. Even lower priced entry-levels Windows PC's come with DVD burners nowadays.

What I'd really like to see is a 10" or 11" sub-notebook. I still lovingly pull out my Duo 230 occasionally and sigh. That was a nice machine.
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: Mactel
Date: November 01, 2007 10:28AM
The MacBook of my dreams would have an LED screen, light up keyboard and the case would be the same black metal used on the new iPod classics. Now that would be sweet!
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: Chupa Chupa
Date: November 01, 2007 10:36AM
Could Apple finally ditch the combo drive? DVD burners are quite inexpensive these days that it seems silly to limit a machine by a combo drive. Even lower priced entry-levels Windows PC's come with DVD burners nowadays.

What I'd really like to see is a 10" or 11" sub-notebook. I still lovingly pull out my Duo 230 occasionally and sigh. That was a nice machine.

Apple is using it to upsell to the $1299 model so I doubt you'll see them ditch it soon. People come in for the $1099 model and then see the value for "just $200 more" getting a slightly faster processor, 85% more HD space and a DVD burner.
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: robfilms
Date: November 01, 2007 11:37AM

i believe u have brought up the issue of dumping the combo drive on a previous thread. i agreed with u then and i agree with u now.

i recogonize that apple with their superdrive equipped laptops is trying to hit a price point. but being able to burn to dvd (and eventualy burn to the winner of the toshiba/blu-ray war) is part of the integrated apple expereince. it is the success of that experience that has continued to make apple such an accessable platform.

apple should have their low end macbook cost a shade under $1k and come equipped w/an internal dvd player/burner and a graphics card which can handle everything except high def final cut pro/compressor/live type level video editing.

just one person's thought.

be well

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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: incognegro
Date: November 01, 2007 11:55AM
I tried to find info at Apple's site, but I can't find any reference to the last bit of this paragraph, which I received via Apple Sales Web email:

"New features include Intel Core 2 Duo processors at 2.0GHz or 2.2GHz, an 800MHz frontside bus, Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 graphics, 4MB of shared L2 cache, support for up to 4GB of main memory, and a larger 250GB CTO hard drive option. MacBook is now lighter (5.0 lbs) with a new keyboard layout, and it supports one high-powered USB port."

So what's a high-powered USB port? For running external hard drives on a single cable?

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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: ka jowct
Date: November 01, 2007 12:31PM
I wonder what's new about the keyboard layout. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like they went back to the really excellent type of keyboard that they used in the iBooks.
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: November 01, 2007 12:52PM
I tried to find info at Apple's site, but I can't find any reference to the last bit of this paragraph, which I received via Apple Sales Web email:

"New features include Intel Core 2 Duo processors at 2.0GHz or 2.2GHz, an 800MHz frontside bus, Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 graphics, 4MB of shared L2 cache, support for up to 4GB of main memory, and a larger 250GB CTO hard drive option. MacBook is now lighter (5.0 lbs) with a new keyboard layout, and it supports one high-powered USB port."

So what's a high-powered USB port? For running external hard drives on a single cable?

Prolly meant "high-speed port"?

It is what it is.
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: JoeH
Date: November 01, 2007 12:57PM
incognegro, that the high-powered USB port is for running external drives would be my guess as well. As of the last time I checked, the USB standard still only requires and has standard support for 500 mA of 5 V current on a port. No one standard for how a device requests and gets more than that. But with all the USB2 iPods and external drives out there needing more than that, it was time for the MacBook to have it available to compete with other laptops.

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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: jdc
Date: November 01, 2007 02:04PM
ka jowct
I wonder what's new about the keyboard layout. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like they went back to the really excellent type of keyboard that they used in the iBooks.

it was only an internal update kj

wife loves her macbook keyboard, and shes a pretty decent touch typer -- when i showed her the keyboard on my new imac was the same layout, she said "cool" -- which is saying a lot for her with regards to anything tech/computer wise

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: Harbourmaster
Date: November 01, 2007 02:59PM
Finally we're gone with the GMA950 graphics.

The X3100 is at least a bit better.

Still no dedicated VRAM .... tongue sticking out smiley

Aloha, Ken

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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: AllGold
Date: November 01, 2007 03:23PM
Definitely time to ditch the combo drive. I think nearly everyone would be willing to pay the extra $4 it costs Apple for the superdrive. Obviously, it's about Apple trying to make more money though.

I'm not positive but I think the keyboard change is to match the layout of the new aluminum keyboards. Basically just the function keys are different.
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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: incognegro
Date: November 01, 2007 03:44PM
check this out:


"How to visually identify a MacBook (13-inch Late 2007)"

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Re: Macbooks quietly updated last night
Posted by: ADent
Date: November 01, 2007 07:10PM
Now when will the mini (or will it be nano?) get rid of the GMA950?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/01/2007 07:10PM by ADent.
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