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Here's one you don't see every day...DayStar PowerPC 601 Processor Upgrade w/ RAM Expansion
Posted by: Harbourmaster
Date: November 13, 2007 09:02PM

Aloha, Ken

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Re: Here's one you don't see every day...DayStar PowerPC 601 Processor Upgrade w/ RAM Expansion
Posted by: OWC Jamie
Date: November 13, 2007 09:23PM
Heh, have one of those floating around the warehouse somewhere. smiling smiley I remember buying my first processor upgrade - a 33MHz 68040 Daystar for my IIcx.

Good Luck!
Jamie Dresser
Other World Computing
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Re: Here's one you don't see every day...DayStar PowerPC 601 Processor Upgrade w/ RAM Expansion
Posted by: davec
Date: November 13, 2007 09:40PM
For my first Mac (LC II), many years ago, I purchased a used MicroMac 50mhz 68030 upgrade with RAM slots. The upgrade cost me $40.00. This allowed me an amazing total of 26 MB of RAM! With the RAM and processor upgrade I was actually able to surf the internet (errr...crawl the internet). I still have that LC II safely tucked away in its original box. My good old turbo-charged Model T Mac!


...on the trailing edge of technology.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/2007 09:40PM by davec.
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Re: Here's one you don't see every day...DayStar PowerPC 601 Processor Upgrade w/ RAM Expansion
Posted by: laarree
Date: November 13, 2007 11:32PM
I had some Daystar PPC card that I used in a Quadra 950 for a long time.
I used that damn thing thru the late '90s until I bought a Smurf G3.

*We are just a quarantined people under an evil sun.*
--- Richard S. Shaver
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Re: Here's one you don't see every day...DayStar PowerPC 601 Processor Upgrade w/ RAM Expansion
Posted by: ka jowct
Date: November 13, 2007 11:42PM
One of the curbside Macs that I was able to resist taking home was a Quadra 950. That thing was heavy: too much work when I didn't even know if it was functional. Not to mention that first generation PowerMacs were ancient history by then.

If it had been on the curb right in front of my building, that would have been much harder to resist.
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Re: Here's one you don't see every day...DayStar PowerPC 601 Processor Upgrade w/ RAM Expansion
Posted by: laarree
Date: November 14, 2007 12:07AM
ka jowct
One of the curbside Macs that I was able to resist taking home was a Quadra 950. That thing was heavy: too much work when I didn't even know if it was functional. Not to mention that first generation PowerMacs were ancient history by then.

If it had been on the curb right in front of my building, that would have been much harder to resist.

Another thing I remember about the Quadra 950 was that it very physically awkward
and painful to put RAM in it--the slots had very tight, sharp metal clips of some sort.
The interiors of Apple's boxes have come a long way since then.

Oh yeah, it was also very fscking expensive.

*We are just a quarantined people under an evil sun.*
--- Richard S. Shaver
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Re: Here's one you don't see every day...DayStar PowerPC 601 Processor Upgrade w/ RAM Expansion
Posted by: ka jowct
Date: November 16, 2007 08:22PM
Another thing I remember about the Quadra 950 was that it very physically awkward
and painful to put RAM in it--the slots had very tight, sharp metal clips of some sort.

Yes, I've been wounded by a few Macs. And I've worked with a few that had somewhat fragile RAM slots, in that the bits into which you snapped the SIMMs to keep them firmly seated could be broken off fairly easily when removing RAM. I think my Mac II was one of those. I also remember that filling some of the slots in my IIci was quite awkward: very little room to maneuver.
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