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My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: spearmint
Date: November 24, 2007 07:56PM
I just checked Office Depot out at the mall a couple blocks away for entertainment and exercise. Normally find them nice places with friendly people but expensive. Way back by the furniture section away from printer section was a pile of Brother MFC 440cn's for $60.

I was very interested and went home to check out specs and compatibility which were not on box and there no display models to check out. Went home and found out it was an $200 or more retail price unit that worked with 10.2.8. Ate lunch and went back to buy one an hour later.

Went to pile and price was pulled off plastic thingie so there was no price at all. Told employee who checked number and said it was $119.95 special. Still a good deal but twice the posted price I first saw and more than I wanted to spend for my limited printing. Got into friendly discussion with him and store manager and long and short was they refused to admit mistake and hinted at my imagination. Could have been the case but I wrote it down 1st time along with model to check on web. I wanted to know who took price down and why. Friendly but uncooperative. Thinking about it no real apology either.

No printer for me. Still wonder what happened and why on late Saturday afternoon. Consoled myself at the Taco Bell off the "Value Menu" and came back home still without printer. Tough for me to make buying decisions and will have remain in search mode. Just checked for lowest price and came up with this. Note $80 price on first listing. Checking it out the lowest was actually $120. Another come on. []


Da Good Life

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/24/2007 08:17PM by spearmint.
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: OWC Jamie
Date: November 24, 2007 08:00PM
That's a shame - those are awesome units.

Good Luck!
Jamie Dresser
Other World Computing
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: sydric
Date: November 24, 2007 08:04PM
Office Depot insisted I present them with a physical coupon for a web coupon(code) I used on an item I ordered for in store pick up. In other words, I used a code for $15 off of $100 and the manager refused the sale since I did not have the actual coupon with me. I left and don't plan on going back.
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: spearmint
Date: November 24, 2007 08:11PM
OWC Jamie
That's a shame - those are awesome units.

If I wanted to spend that much money it would open a whole new search environment. Found unit in printer section on display and it was nice looking. Document feed and flatbed. Dang.

Da Good Life
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: space-time
Date: November 24, 2007 08:22PM
yeah, according to this site [], it should be priced for $60 at office depot. Price will change tomorrow. It seems interesting that is a network ready printer, I was contemplating getting one, since it has ADF and it would reduce the clutter on my desk by scanning some of the papers I now file.


I think it's worth 60 bucks even for the scanner alone. But I didn't get it, I think I will get an all-in-one laser later on and keep the Canon inkjet now for color prints.
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: space-time
Date: November 24, 2007 08:26PM
So the price should have been 100-40MIR=60, but you also get $10 gift card. Are you saying they did not honor this price?


EDIT: something is wrong, they now show a different printer, and if you click "buy it now" the price is 99.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/24/2007 08:33PM by space-time.
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: space-time
Date: November 24, 2007 08:27PM
buy it online NOW before the price change tomorrow
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: DavidS
Date: November 24, 2007 09:05PM
I have last year's model, the MFC-420CN. Nice printer with great features. However, it stops printing if any of the ink carts is dry. And, it lists the ink carts as dry when they have about 10% left.

Also, it the print heads seem to go out of alignment periodically and need recalibrating. I've never had issues like that with any other printers I've owned. Still, for $60, it is a great deal.
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: Numo
Date: November 24, 2007 09:38PM
I don't know if this is anything close to what you are looking for, but the Brother® Refurbished MFC-5440CN Color Flatbed All-in-One will be $30 at Staples' Cyber-Monday sale.

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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: spearmint
Date: November 24, 2007 09:39PM
I just got off the phone for the easy rebate and will get printer tuesday. 6-8 weeks for rebate. I hate them but the nice lady on the phone walked me through it. Complemented lady greatly and said no more Office Depot for me. She said "That's what I want to hear."

Good work gang. Got me off the snide and into the fray. Good for the economy. Do I get a cheapskate high maintenance idiot printer moron Leader? Probably a sigh of relief for putting up with me.


I am going to make another post but how do you calibrate printer??

Da Good Life
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: November 24, 2007 09:43PM
Cheapskate High Maintenance Idiot Printer Moron Leader!!!!!! smiling smiley

Why don't you wait until you get the printer before you ask about calibration? I seem to remember that it was a pretty straightforward part of the installation process for mine. Unless you mean calibration of the color, but I don't think you do.
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: spearmint
Date: November 24, 2007 09:49PM
I don't know if this is anything close to what you are looking for, but the Brother® Refurbished MFC-5440CN Color Flatbed All-in-One will be $30 at Staples' Cyber-Monday sale.


I would have bought that but too late. I could say well it is refurbished but never have a problem with that.The number being higher indicates it might be a step up but seems the sa e retail price. $30 for this baby?? Hll of a deal. Get on it folks. I do not know how I would have found this. I think I learned something here about economics of search they did not teach me in grad school.

Time for one of those Turkey Pot Pies I went to three different stores to get best price. Saved 25¢.

Da Good Life

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/24/2007 09:52PM by spearmint.
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: incognegro
Date: November 24, 2007 10:01PM
will you be using it for proofing ads in B&W?


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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: DavidS
Date: November 24, 2007 10:06PM
I don't know if this is anything close to what you are looking for, but the Brother® Refurbished MFC-5440CN Color Flatbed All-in-One will be $30 at Staples' Cyber-Monday sale.


For $30, that is very tempting. I may buy it just to have as a backup in case my current printer starts giving me more problems.
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: lafinfil
Date: November 24, 2007 10:08PM
will you be using it for proofing ads in B&W?


: -D

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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: spearmint
Date: November 24, 2007 10:18PM
I am just using for printing letters and funsie photos. Just a basic printer and copier. My $49 seven year old scanner is fine but having an all-in-one is cool. Needed printer too. Other got broke in moving

No proofing or fine work.

Da Good Life

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/24/2007 10:29PM by spearmint.
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: spearmint
Date: November 24, 2007 10:48PM
I don't know if this is anything close to what you are looking for, but the Brother® Refurbished MFC-5440CN Color Flatbed All-in-One will be $30 at Staples' Cyber-Monday sale.


The 4440 cn is a slightly higher end unit than 5440. 4440 has LCD screen and faster among other features. That 5440 would have been sufficient and is one good deal. Sells for just less than $200 retail. Must not dwell on the missed opportunity and instead wait by doorstep for delivery.

Da Good Life
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: blooz
Date: November 24, 2007 11:13PM
You may be sometimes confused but you're not a "moran."

And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.
—Friedrich Nietzsche
Western Massachusetts
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: Jimmypoo
Date: November 25, 2007 05:46AM
I'm seeing this unit for $50 after rebate, not $30. The REBATE is $30.

Is someone nuts here?

Also -- is someone getting a different web page than me for the above link?

(those are two different questions......)
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: h'
Date: November 25, 2007 11:34AM
And $70+ for a set of replacement cartriges? Or is there a cheap option out there?
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: Numo
Date: November 25, 2007 05:57PM
And $70+ for a set of replacement cartriges? Or is there a cheap option out there?


There's a 30% off coupon listed earlier in the forum.
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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: Numo
Date: November 25, 2007 05:58PM
I'm seeing this unit for $50 after rebate, not $30. The REBATE is $30.

Is someone nuts here?

Also -- is someone getting a different web page than me for the above link?

(those are two different questions......)

Deal is on Monday only:

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Re: My intended printer turned into an Office Depot pricing disaster.
Posted by: Sam3
Date: November 25, 2007 06:40PM
Probably what originally happened is someone else also came across the printer after you did, minty, they took it up to the register and got it for that price, but the floor staff was alerted to the pricing error and they went and removed it.
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