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Radiohead: which album sounds similar to "The Bends?"
Posted by: pinkoos
Date: February 13, 2008 10:40AM

I have The Bends and absolutely love it. I also have OK Computer and In Rainbows and like those as well, but they are just not as melodic as The Bends.

Sifting through reviews of the other albums, it's difficult for me to get a gauge on which other of their albums are less "experimental" and more tuneful.

Anybody have any idea?


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The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Re: Radiohead: which album sounds similar to "The Bends?"
Posted by: prof
Date: February 13, 2008 10:54AM
The Bends is the apex of that kind of stuff before Radiohead became more experimental.
You'd have to look at any release before that one to get at least some that feel but The Bends really was their perfection of that style. Gotta love a band that dedicates it's album to Bill Hicks!
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Re: Radiohead: which album sounds similar to "The Bends?"
Posted by: SLM
Date: February 13, 2008 11:01AM
Pablo Honey is the only album that comes close to being less "experimental" and more tuneful.

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Re: Radiohead: which album sounds similar to "The Bends?"
Posted by: mattkime
Date: February 13, 2008 11:15AM
Yeah, you're more into earlier radiohead. you might look into the My Iron Lung EP which has some B-sides which are great songs.

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Re: Radiohead: which album sounds similar to "The Bends?"
Posted by: michaelb
Date: February 13, 2008 12:42PM
As SLM says, Pablo Honey is going to sound like the Bends. But in the end all their albums are great, and Kid A is maybe their best, much more listenable then the much more hyped Ok. So you have to get Kid A too.
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Re: Radiohead: which album sounds similar to "The Bends?"
Posted by: Silencio
Date: February 13, 2008 01:09PM
I wrote off that band for way too long because I couldn't stand that "Creep" song for years and years. I've come around, though, and Kid A was the starting point for me.
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Re: Radiohead: which album sounds similar to "The Bends?"
Posted by: pinkoos
Date: February 13, 2008 01:55PM
Sounds like I'd do well to check out Kid A. Thanks.
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Re: Radiohead: which album sounds similar to "The Bends?"
Posted by: SLM
Date: February 13, 2008 02:48PM
I wrote off that band for way too long because I couldn't stand that "Creep" song for years and years. I've come around, though, and Kid A was the starting point for me.

Funny, I did too, it wasn't until my sister visited in '95 and was playing Just that they first piqued my interest. But it wasn't until the following year when I caught them on tour with Spiritualized on the OK Computer tour that I really changed my mind about them, I had actually went to see Spiritualized but Radiohead (who were headliners) were actually very very good, granted the live show was amped up a lot more than their recordings, even by their own admission... what Thom Yorke referred to as their AC/DC period at the opening of the show, lol.

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Re: Radiohead: which album sounds similar to "The Bends?"
Posted by: Silencio
Date: February 13, 2008 04:05PM
Yeah, I kind of blew it by not going to the Radiohead / Spiritualized show when they came to town ten years ago or whatever it was. Bet it was amazing! It's hard to top Spiritualized live, so that took some guts by Radiohead to pick them as their openers.
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Re: Radiohead: which album sounds similar to "The Bends?"
Posted by: Mactel
Date: February 13, 2008 08:05PM
Radiohead is touring the US again. Woohoo!
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Re: Radiohead: which album sounds similar to "The Bends?"
Posted by: incognegro
Date: February 13, 2008 09:33PM
and now for something completely different (and even MORE experimental)...

After a cease & desist put the breaks on Amplive's Radiohead In Rainbows remix project, the online music community reasonably wondered if the tracks would ever see the light of day. Well, here they are.

While the Oakland producer/DJ acknowledges that he probably should have contacted Radiohead (who were not involved in the project) to seek approval prior to making his interpretations publicly available, an agreement has been reached between all involved parties and Amplive has been granted permission to release Rainydayz Remixes for free to the general public. Effective immediately, the eight-track record is available here.

Rainydayz Remixes is composed exclusively of source material pulled from In Rainbows, re-envisioned by Amplive and complimented by vocal work from Too $hort, MC Zumbi of Zion I, Chali2na of Jurassic 5, Codany Holiday, and Del The Funky Homosapien.

Track list:

01 Rainydayz
02 Video Tapez (Ft. Del The Funky Homosapien)
03 Nudez (Ft. Too $hort & MC Zumbi of Zion I)
04 Weird Fishez
05 All I Need
06 15 Stepz (Ft. Codany Holiday)
07 Reckonerz (Ft. Chali2NA)
08 Faustz
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