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Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: March 22, 2008 06:36PM
Without going into detail, a close family member is slowly succumbing to cancer.

I'm the sort that does not want to give up hope although the prognosis is dim. The anecdotal stories of alternative cures or therapies I have found online are overwhelming and most are probably bogus. You folks are about as smart a bunch as any other I may encounter, so I pose the question here. As there is no one cancer and an individual's reaction to a given cancer varies greatly (along with the person's overall health snapshot) I realize I'm asking a bit much in the subject line. Yet, if some type of voodoo were to have a placebo effect for a short period of time, it would be worthwhile.

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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: deckeda
Date: March 22, 2008 06:41PM
My father-in-law was given about 6 or so months to live. He lived another 18 and w/o chemo; was cared for at home by his wife, a semi-retired nurse who knew a thing or two about detoxing the body and building the immune system. But that's not really what most people are willing (or necessarily should) do.
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: zero
Date: March 22, 2008 06:42PM
what kind of caner????????????????????????????
and what stage?
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: lafinfil
Date: March 22, 2008 06:54PM
My brother-in-laws sister was diagnosed with liver cancer and saw a number of top specialist, none of
which gave her much hope. She didn't respond to conventional treatment and prognosis wasn't good.

Not one to give up easily (she is a retired police chief) she went to work investigating and ended up
going for treatment in Texas (she lives in Florida)

The treatment wasn't some whacky alternative, but used some standardized things mixed
with what some would call alternative. I belive there was some emphasis on nutrition and
also so supplements involved.

Progress was slow but she kept getting better and has essentially been held in remission for the
last two years or so. She has a few minor set backs but has been holding her own and even went
back to work as a horse patrol training officer.

I can get some specifics from my BIL this weekend and send you further info.

FWIW - I was a volunteer "buddy" for several years at an adult cancer camp that was sponsored
by a hospital where I used to work. Twice a year (spring & fall) for about 6 years.

One thing I learned was that the will to beat it was a very powerful and even unexplainable.
I heard more than a few stories first hand from campers that for all practical purposes should
not have been alive. Even the doctors would tell you that they were puzzled

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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: Drew
Date: March 22, 2008 07:25PM
My wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, stage IIIc, last June. We live overseas and the doctors were unable to remove much of the cancer, so they put her on debulking therapy with chemo to shrink tumors before trying to remove them, and hopefully save other organs in the process. After 2 courses the tumors had grown and we were in desperate straits. My wife is a fighter and a self-advocate type. We have 3 school age children and she has a lot to live for. After a winding road of research, mainly by the internet, she found some other women who had been treated very effectively by a group of surgeons based in California. They are conventional doctors, but their approach is extremely aggressive, especially compared to Japan. She ended up having surgery in October and all cancer was removed. She is just finishing up her 8 courses of chemo and will go back to Cal. next month for a second-look surgery. We both believe her life was saved by these doctors.

Moral of our story? Be aggressive and look out for yourself. You are a much stronger advocate than another non-related person, no matter how qualified they are. Keep knocking on doors until the right one opens for you. We are also people of faith and believe that God was leading the whole time.

We have learned that cancer treatments vary. We found something that was extreme, but within the realm of medical reality. We also found a lot of the rather "whacky" information and were intrigued, though finally decided to stay within the conventional medical universe.

My prayers are with you. Cancer is insidious and its victims include family and friends of the patient. However, there are amazing things being done by qualified medical professionals and I urge you and your family member to never give up hope, never give up trying.
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: JoeBob
Date: March 22, 2008 08:14PM
As a rather skeptical member of the "conventional" medical community, I have seen some truly amazing recoveries from seemingly terminal illnesses.

My belief (FWIW), is that the outlook and mental state of the person with the cancer has a lot to do with survival.
Positive, upbeat people do better.
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: stephen
Date: March 22, 2008 09:02PM
Agreed on the be aggressive thing. I would also encourage you not to stop at the first hospital.

The best academic medical centers around the country are making amazing things happen.
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: tuqqer
Date: March 22, 2008 09:17PM
You'll find some interesting folks who've succeeded at []. It's the wild west over there. It's not for everyone, it takes days to find anything, and it's as far out as it gets, but amongst it all is some amazing healing stories.

M1 2020 Mac mini (16G 2T) Sonoma 14.x Dual 27" Dell S2722QC monitors M2 2022 13" MBAir (512G 16G)
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: MacMagus
Date: March 22, 2008 09:24PM
Many of my family members and close friends have suffered through cancer.

Some of them repeatedly.

I have learned a great deal from those people. Both the ones who lived and the ones who died.

I have become a firm convert in consulting specialists; getting second opinions even when you trust the first one; never relying on a GP or a busy doctor who only looks at your chart and never in your eyes; and going to a place that employs top doctors who specialize in treating people with your disorder even if it involves traveling great distances.

"Holistic medicine" and "alternative" therapies trade on gullibility and exploit people's desperation. Don't do it. It hurts more often than it helps and the few benefits are exaggerated by orders of magnitude.

When people are ill, they often hang on and follow authority figures who do not merit loyalty or respect. When a doctor (or a holistic quack) makes a pronouncement and shuffles a bunch of papers like he's studied them, people want to believe what he says is pravda. Don't believe. Question EVERYTHING. Do your own research about EVERY diagnosis, every surgery, every drug. Get copies of every piece of paper that any doctor gets about your case. Read it. Make notes. Understand.

It's exhausting, but it's necessary. It's your life at stake.
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: pipiens
Date: March 22, 2008 09:44PM
Listen to MacMagus.

You can get some help. Mark Renneker is an MD that specializes in being a patient's advocate. He and his team will also do research for you. I can have used him and recommend him.

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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: freescotland
Date: March 22, 2008 10:16PM
I also agree with MacMagus and pipiens.

My very best friend is convinced they helped add to the quality and even gave her some extra time.

The link is a good overview.
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: eburgian
Date: March 22, 2008 11:48PM

Written by a UCSD Psych Professor that refused to take the conventional route.
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: karsen
Date: March 22, 2008 11:57PM
My mother in law did well with []. She did major fresh vegetable juicing.
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: loveshine
Date: March 23, 2008 12:46AM
Many people have told me about this place:
I have heard that people get cured here.


This is a film in progress that has some resources:


Research and be in charge no matter how most Doctors treat you. Pick the treatment path YOU feel most comfortable with on all levels.

The best MDs I've been to use a whole person approach. They address all factors like diet, nutrients. humor, optimism, breathing, relaxation, and visualization, in addition to medications and/or treatments.
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: ztirffritz
Date: March 23, 2008 08:34AM
A very good friend of mine just went through a round of experimental treatment for liver cancer. She had 'microspheres' full of radioactive material injected and ruptured within millimeters of the tumor allowing for a much cleaner and concentrated treatment of the cancerous tissue while preserving the healthy surrounding tissue. She seems to be doing much better.


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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: mrmahann
Date: March 23, 2008 09:42AM
mom did chemo and radiation, but swears by pau d'arco. DRs said she made a miraculous recovery, chemo notwithstanding.

brother-in-law is on a diet that won't deprecate his immune system. has had 3 operations since 2001; one to remove some of his large intestine, 2nd to get the rest, and 3rd to remove most of liver (it grows back!). its not macrobiotic, but along those lines, but also he's to not eat stuff that will "clash" when digested.

wellwishes to him/her, and to you and your family.

be well,

mbp/1gen 10.5.2/1.83G/dvd/160G
openSuSE 10.3 and w2k on VMware
bronze lombard 400 10.3.9/400MHz/384M/6G

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/23/2008 09:44AM by mrmahann.
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: Ombligo
Date: March 23, 2008 11:39AM
I know several indiduals who have used Cascabel treatment from Central America with complete restorative results. If I'm ever diagnosed I plan to undergo it.

more details: []

tons more info on Peter and his treatments - google peter singfield, cascabel and belize

“No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.” -- François de La Rochefoucauld

"Those who cannot accept the past are condemned to revise it." -- Geo. Mathias

The German word for contraceptive is “Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel”. By the time you finished saying that, it’s too late
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: March 24, 2008 08:43AM
Thank you all so very much. I really appreciate it.
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Re: Has anyone experience with alternative cancer therapies that have worked (even a little)?
Posted by: loveshine
Date: April 10, 2008 12:19AM
Lots of good leads above.

I posted about the Optimum Heath Institute but was also trying to remember this guys name.

Finally located it. Aajonus Vonderplanitz



He has a strange name and is all about a radical raw diet. I have a friend who swears that he has cured people of incurable conditions.

I am just passing the info on but of course you have to be comfortable with what resonates with you as there are a lot of quacks out there.

The right treatment will resonate and remember people heal all the time in spite of what the doctors say. These days we have to do our own research because sometimes it's the treatment that actual causes the most harm. That goes for hospitals or quacks. Be well informed and follow your faith.

Peace and positive healing thoughts.
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