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Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: fromish
Date: April 04, 2008 03:51PM
My wife and I are off to Seattle for a week. We plan to hit bookstores, museums and parks-any suggestions for restaurants, activities, parks for day hikes, tours, must see locations? We will be staying in the University district and using public transit.

Thanks in advance-
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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: Racer X
Date: April 04, 2008 04:08PM
well, send me a PM. I live in North Seattle, and am in the greennlake area most days (stalking MAVIC and his wife), and that's just a few miles from The U District.
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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: graham1352
Date: April 04, 2008 04:14PM
If you like real Italian food, try the small restaurant called Ciao Bella.
It's near U-Village on 45th Street. Fantastic food.
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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: lafinfil
Date: April 04, 2008 04:37PM
Racer X
well, send me a PM. I live in North Seattle, and am in the greennlake area most days (stalking MAVIC and his wife), and that's just a few miles from The U District.

This is where he sticks you for $10 each to tour The Seattle Buick Museum®

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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: April 04, 2008 04:56PM
Depends on the weather, but I always suggest riding the ducks as the first thing to do in Seattle. []

It's a good way to give someone an overview of the city. Since you're already in the U district, you'll see some of that anyway (the tour doesn't go there.)

The arboretum is near the U district []

You can take a walk around (~3 miles) and stop at stop and get a coffee and pastry at Revolutions Coffee & Bakery.

There's the Burke Museum []
Museum of History and Industry [] (you'll find out Elmers glue, the hacky sack and the automatic transmission were invented here. They'll no doubt also be a biased source of Microsoft fanboyism)

You could take a bus down to the Seattle Center. The Dalai Lama will be here starting next Friday.

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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: anonymouse1
Date: April 04, 2008 07:40PM
Ride the ferries and fly a kite off the end

Visit the Science Fiction Museum

Eat dinner at Tilth restaurant, or Flying Fish--unbelievably good food at both.

Go to Jazz Alley.

Don't miss Pike Place Market.
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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: deckeda
Date: April 04, 2008 08:30PM
Salty's on Alki Beach [] Coconut shrimp, mmm.

Queen Anne neighborhood; Kerry Park. Bring camera. Then come back at night. Bring camera.

I was also a sucker for Snoqualmie Falls [] << waterfall is controlled and rarely as big as in the picture but you can walk around down near the bottom. Public transit isn't going to take you there. (Not really in Seattle.)

Maybe checkout Discovery Park.

Space Needle.

If you like aircraft there's a very good in-door museum at Boeing Field. Ford Tri-Motor, Stealth Bomber or some such.
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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: M>B>
Date: April 04, 2008 08:43PM
Everything above and below is great, but you must visit the Downtown Public Library , it is around 4th and uphill for two blocks+-


Just Google koolhaas for more info!

Also, if you are an aeronical person research the Boing museum out side of town...

[fficial&hs=7Cx&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=Rem+Koolhaas&spell=1" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">]
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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: graham1352
Date: April 04, 2008 08:50PM
And of course visit the Apple Store in U-Village
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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: beerman
Date: April 05, 2008 12:32AM
We usually stay at the bellevue westin which is quite nice. Then we shop at the bellevue shopping center. Fortunately there are some good restaurants right next door. mcormick and schmicks is one of our favorites.

Some fun things to do are boat tours of the harbor, space needle, science center, zoo, museum of flight etc. Get a city pass and have fun. [] . I'm not a big fan of pike place market, but everybody should see it once.
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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: ztirffritz
Date: April 05, 2008 08:19AM
skip Seattle and go to Portland.

MacResource User Map: []#
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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: maco
Date: April 05, 2008 12:43PM
I'm not a big fan of pike place market, but everybody should see it once.

If you go to Pike Place Market, you can go to the 1st Starbuck's. It is right across the street. My daughter thought that it was a cool thing to do.
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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: fromish
Date: April 06, 2008 08:03AM
Great, substantial, useful ideas and recommendations.

Thank you!
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Re: Suggestions for a Seattle visit next week
Posted by: bruceko
Date: April 06, 2008 05:36PM
Visit the Chittenden Locks in Ballard
If you like fish and chips try the Lockspot tavern at the north side entrance to the locks.
The after interviews for The Deadliest Catch were filmed there.

Also the Seattle Art Museum downtown, the new Seattle art sculpture park at the north end of the waterfront (just north of the Pike place Market) and the Seattle art museum Asian exhibit in volunteer park.
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