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Posted by: wowzer
Date: May 23, 2008 12:21PM
I can't get to stop spinning that little grey cirlce when checking for mail. The worst part is that importing mailboxes will cause me to lose my rulles (which is quite large). does a terminal spinning icon and does not quit properly as a result.

I've got 6 email boxes and therefore it's no trivial task to re-do all the mailboxes.

Has anyone run into this problem before and how do I troubleshoot it?


All I ever really needed to know, I learned from watching Star Trek.
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Re: Frustrating
Posted by: Fred_Also
Date: May 23, 2008 03:16PM
Rules are stored in ~>Library>Mail>MessageRules.plist

Copy that files from your old mail and put it in your new mail location.

Fred Also
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Re: Frustrating
Posted by: wowzer
Date: May 23, 2008 07:22PM
After much back-tracking (several hours), I can see that was having trouble downloading a single email. It was spam and a very improperly formatted email. The webmail program had trouble opening it as well.

Ultimately, I just deleted it, otherwise, I'd have my ISP create some sort of blocker/filter for them. What a pain.

All I ever really needed to know, I learned from watching Star Trek.
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