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Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: guitarist
Date: June 07, 2008 10:28AM
Feel free to post your complaints here.

Those of you that aren't in the Pacific NW, feel free to make fun of our regional handicap.

This season has been unusually wet, even for this area. I think I've seen the sun a total of four times this spring.

How are my fellow natives holding up?

Driven to thoughts of escape? Emergency trips to Las Vegas?

Suppressing latent homicidal impulses, waiting for the sun to come out?
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: ztirffritz
Date: June 07, 2008 10:38AM
To be honest, it has been rough in the 'Palm Springs' of Washington too. It has been un-seasonably cool, and it has been overcast and raining more often than not.

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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: Markintosh
Date: June 07, 2008 10:42AM warming...right. It has been a cool and windy and foggy spring/early summer. I am ready for some heat.

“Live your life, love your life, don’t regret…live, learn and move forward positively.” – CR Johnson
Loving life in Lake Tahoe, CA
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: deckeda
Date: June 07, 2008 10:44AM
Try to hang in there, it's almost July, and that means sun sun sun in Seattle.

(To those unfamiliar with Seattle's unusual weather, July is a month where it's RARE for people to go elsewhere on vacation, because it's normally perfect sun and temps.)
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: guitarist
Date: June 07, 2008 11:03AM
A few years ago I heard a meteorologist on the radio explaining our region's weather system, and got this insight--which I wish I had learned earlier, it makes sense--he said that the Pacific ocean takes about a month longer to warm up, up here, than it does for the rest of the west coast.

Summer starts about a month late here.

Once we get to about July 10th, that's the crossover. The weather is predictably dry and warm all the way until Labor Day. Six weeks, no measurable rainfall. Very short summer. Some years better than others. And some occasional very hot summers.

Remember, July 10th is when summer starts.

That explains why July 4th is traditionally cold here! I can think of several times where we've had freezing rainstorms on July 4th. That's extreme, but ever since I can remember, I've needed to remember to wear sweater to go watch the fireworks.

We also enjoy some very warm and pleasant Septembers, into October. Then by mid-October, we get a stormy season. And on rare occasions, a snowfall in October or early November. Then January is dry. According to the meteorologist, January is the driest, sunniest month of the year. And we often have very mild winters.

It's June, and I haven't seen the sun in weeks. It's driving me nuts!
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: Acer
Date: June 07, 2008 11:25AM
93 here in Pittsburgh. What was that you were saying about global warming?
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: June 07, 2008 11:42AM
I'm a native and usually impervious to rain and gray skies, but the weather this year is seriously taxing my patience. Often when we have a crummy start to summer we've at least had some decent late winter and early spring days. Not this year. As long as I don't think about all the work outside that's going undone, I can handle it, but, by now, even I'm ready for some sun and warmth. According to the extended outlook, we can expect this to last through June, too. sad smiley
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: rgG
Date: June 07, 2008 11:51AM
It has been in or around the 90's all week here just north of Atlanta, and we are still in a major drought. It did rain a little at our house last night, but it is hot and dry, and terribly humid, right now.

I'm not sure I could take weeks of rain with little or no sun, but too much sun heat and humidity are pretty rough, too.

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: bfd
Date: June 07, 2008 11:53AM
A few years ago I heard a meteorologist on the radio explaining our region's weather system, and got this insight--which I wish I had learned earlier, it makes sense--he said that the Pacific ocean takes about a month longer to warm up, up here, than it does for the rest of the west coast.

Summer starts about a month late here.

Once we get to about July 10th, that's the crossover. The weather is predictably dry and warm all the way until Labor Day. Six weeks, no measurable rainfall. Very short summer. Some years better than others. And some occasional very hot summers.

Remember, July 10th is when summer starts.

That explains why July 4th is traditionally cold here! I can think of several times where we've had freezing rainstorms on July 4th. That's extreme, but ever since I can remember, I've needed to remember to wear sweater to go watch the fireworks.

We also enjoy some very warm and pleasant Septembers, into October. Then by mid-October, we get a stormy season. And on rare occasions, a snowfall in October or early November. Then January is dry. According to the meteorologist, January is the driest, sunniest month of the year. And we often have very mild winters.

It's June, and I haven't seen the sun in weeks. It's driving me nuts!

Same thing down in the far southwest corner (only different) … The large pool of relative cold water in the Pacific doesn't heat up to over 68º until late June - that's the tip point.

Meanwhile the deserts and everything to the east fries in 120º degree heat. The upward convection created by the heat of the deserts creates a vacuum which sucks in the cooler marine air. The air condenses as it approaches the mountains and forms the low clouds and fog we get. We don't get the rain, but we get the May grey and June gloom. People who hit the area in May and June ready for a vacation at the beach are always disappointed by the weather around here. Memorial Day weekend was epic in that regard. Not one minute of sun within 10 miles of the beach, and the temp never reached 65º
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: deckeda
Date: June 07, 2008 12:34PM
I'm not sure I could take weeks of rain with little or no sun, but too much sun heat and humidity are pretty rough, too.

Been in the ATL for 8 years. Lived in the Seattle area for about 6 before that. The weather in Seattle will be rainy/drizzly for months at a time, essentially. You get used to it to some extent.

When the sun comes out in Seattle it's like all-of-a-sudden you can clearly see mountains all around in the distance, and it's a truly stunning site and you wonder why everyone doesn't move there.

The bummer for me about the ATL isn't the heat or humidity --- but lack of a friggin' BREEZE once in a while. Haven't noticed? --- wait until one of our smoggier days comes up in a few weeks. There will be zero breeze, it's part of a smog recipe. And cars. And traffic.I hear that contributes as well ...
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: graham1352
Date: June 07, 2008 12:52PM
Sorry Seattlites the past few weeks of rain may be my fault, I hear it's
the curse of buying a telescope......
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: JoeH
Date: June 07, 2008 01:01PM
Well, here in W. Mass., after almost a week of highs no more than in the low 70's and overnight lows around 50, we are about to have a four day stretch of 90+ highs. With drying off some rain from the last couple days, it looks like we are in for some sticky weather.

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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: Black Landlord
Date: June 07, 2008 01:14PM
But, doesn't the sun come out every day around 1 PM?
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: June 07, 2008 01:28PM
Well, here in W. Mass., after almost a week of highs no more than in the low 70's and overnight lows around 50, we are about to have a four day stretch of 90+ highs. With drying off some rain from the last couple days, it looks like we are in for some sticky weather.

The 70s???!!!! Man, that would feel like a heatwave here! I'm looking at the reading for the outside temp right now, and it's 53 at 11:30 a.m., and if it makes it to 60 this afternoon, it will wind up warmer than the last few days.
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: DaviDC.
Date: June 07, 2008 01:55PM
The 1st year I lived in Mobile, AL the rain depressed the hell out of me. Later I learned it's the wettest city in the continental US so I bought a decent raincoat & umbrella & learned to enjoy it.

At least down there it comes in fairly predictable spurts with bouts of sunshine for days at a time, unlike the near constant overcast of the Seattle area.

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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: Dick Moore
Date: June 07, 2008 02:25PM
This is a La Nina year, not that that's any consolation. It's not just that it's rainy, it's damn cold, consistently 8-10 degreesw below normal. I can remember wetter Junes here but not any colder ones. But the birds and squirrels don't seem to mind, and the Rhodies are just magnificent. Grass is growing like all get-out and it's too wet to mow. Gotta get out a scythe.

Summer after July 10 is right on -- you not only need a sweater to watch the fireworks on the 4th, but you often need an umbrella.

This is the first year that I've seriously thought about a "winter" trip to Mexico in June...

What it is, man, a low-down and funky feelin'
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: Racer X
Date: June 07, 2008 03:44PM
I don't care about the rain so much. What's pissing me off is that I can't drive my droptop much yet, and my damn grass won't die off. I keep having to mow the damn yard! The money I save by not paying the neighbor kid to mow my grass is gas money for the Skylark. It's pissing me off!
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: vicrock
Date: June 07, 2008 03:57PM
Actually, someone did a study a number of years ago, and found that in Western WA, the suicide rate goes up when there are too many sunny days in a row. Seems like once we acclimate, too much sun in stressful!

Up here on the Olympic Peninsula we get far less rain than Seattle - but still have a lot of gray days. But also quite a bit more sun once the "blue hole" opens up - for example yesterday - I had to go to Silverdale - on the way home it was raining cats and dogs until I got to Chimacum, and at the house, it was a bright sunny day - go figure!
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: beerman
Date: June 07, 2008 09:37PM
Ya, it's cold here also. I was supposed to go camping this weekend. Feels like summer will never get here. I leave on the 14th for arizona though!
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: M A V I C
Date: June 07, 2008 11:30PM
The weather is predictably dry and warm all the way until Labor Day. Six weeks, no measurable rainfall. Very short summer. Some years better than others. And some occasional very hot summers.

I think the guy was joking. The weather is never predicable here. Yes, July-September tends to be the best but the only thing predicable is the unpredictability.

I don't mind the rain. In the winter I really like it. You gotta adapt.

Now if you want to complain about the drivers... I just drove from LA to Seattle and WA drivers are the worst.

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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: Racer X
Date: June 08, 2008 01:13AM
Oooooh, a new car to identify you by as you are driving home. Can you transfer the transponder to it for me so I know when to sneak out of your house?
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No sympathy for you!
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: June 08, 2008 09:42AM
While it's not too bad yet, we're in an Official drought here in a few counties in the SF/EB area.

It's one of those fun times when you're asked to conserve water as much as possible, some restrictions are in place, and you may be told afterwards that you've conserves so much that enough water wasn't sold and now the price must go up. <whew>.

Time for a Diet Dr. Pepper.

I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

There’s trouble — it's time to play the sound of my people.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you cheer for.

Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom, it’s adolescence.

I've been to the edge of the map, and there be monsters.

We are a government of laws, not men.

Everybody counts or nobody counts.

When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

There is no safety for honest men except
by believing all possible evil of evil men.

We don’t do focus groups. They just ensure that you don’t offend anyone, and produce bland inoffensive products. —Sir Jonathan Ive

An armed society is a polite society.
And hope is a lousy defense.

You make me pull, I'll put you down.

I *love* SIGs. It's Glocks I hate.
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: guitarist
Date: June 08, 2008 12:07PM
The weather is predictably dry and warm all the way until Labor Day. Six weeks, no measurable rainfall. Very short summer. Some years better than others. And some occasional very hot summers.

I think the guy was joking. The weather is never predicable here. Yes, July-September tends to be the best but the only thing predicable is the unpredictability.

I don't mind the rain. In the winter I really like it. You gotta adapt.

Now if you want to complain about the drivers... I just drove from LA to Seattle and WA drivers are the worst.

Nope. Meteorologist was not joking. As a profession, they're not known for being particularly funny. The error I made might have been "...predictably WARM and dry" July and August are not necessarily warm. But they are predictably dry. Statistically, from July 10th until end of August, there's little or no measurable rainfall. Doesn't mean it's sunny. And doesn't mean it's warm. It just means, there's no rain for that six week period. True every single year? Of course not. But it's the rule, it's the driest period all year, in the Pacific Northwest.

Having lived and worked in LA for a year, then returned to Seattle, I agree. I like LA drivers a LOT better than Seattle drivers. I like driving in LA a lot better than Seattle. Here we have miserable traffic, AND terrible, inattentive, selfish, hostile, passive-aggressive drivers. LA has miserable traffic, but as a whole, they have mature, skilled, brisk, alert drivers. The difference is dramatic.

When you drove back, did you take 101? It's quite a scenic drive.
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: Filliam H. Muffman
Date: June 08, 2008 12:15PM
M A V I C pointed out to me a couple of years ago that it is warmer in Seattle than San Francisco in July and August. The weather charts are about halfway down the page.

Seattle []
San Francisco []

In tha 360. MRF User Map
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: btfc
Date: June 08, 2008 12:24PM
Snow here!
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: chapba_99
Date: June 08, 2008 03:46PM
lol, just moved to Cle Elum, bout an hour east of seattle, and today it finally got above 70 degrees!! I work for the Forest Service and we have totally shut down any prescribed fires due to the wet weather. Hope it gets nice soon cuz this SW kid misses the sunsad smiley
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: Black Landlord
Date: June 08, 2008 04:03PM
Filliam H. Muffman
M A V I C pointed out to me a couple of years ago that it is warmer in Seattle than San Francisco in July and August. The weather charts are about halfway down the page.

Seattle []
San Francisco []

I once compared and found that Seattle and Chicago get almost the exact amount of rainfall.
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: June 08, 2008 04:18PM
Black Landlord
I once compared and found that Seattle and Chicago get almost the exact amount of rainfall.

As a native Northwesterner, I've heard more people complain about the gray skies than the actual amount of rain that falls. And it is true there are a lot of days that are dry - and gray. Yesterday and today are good examples, although this year it's also unseasonably cold. I think I heard where rain did fall in some places, although I live about 35 miles south of Seattle, and we didn't have any. The other thing is that rain often falls more slowly here than in many other parts of the country. I'm tossing out numbers to use as an example next, so don't take me seriously, but Chicago might have three inches of rain in a couple of days during a storm, whereas it might take two weeks for that much to fall around here - drip, drip, drip, for days on end.

The severity of the weather varies rather astonishingly within just a few miles, too. The mountain ranges to both the east and the west of the lower Puget Sound region create what's called "convergence zones." The weather can be much more severe in those areas than a short distance away. I happen to live in one of the banana belt areas, where the weather is often milder, even when big fronts are moving through.

It's really okay if no more of you want to move here; it's too crowded already. Visit, bring money, leave it, and then go home. smiling smiley
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Re: Official Seattle rain suicide hotline
Posted by: guitarist
Date: June 08, 2008 09:32PM
Black Landlord
Filliam H. Muffman
M A V I C pointed out to me a couple of years ago that it is warmer in Seattle than San Francisco in July and August. The weather charts are about halfway down the page.

Seattle []
San Francisco []

I once compared and found that Seattle and Chicago get almost the exact amount of rainfall.

Yeah, Seattle doesn't get much volume. It just mists all the time, and is cloudy more days than most places. When I first moved here, from the southwest, and saw what passes for rainfall here, I said "you call this RAIN?". It's more like drizzle. We almost never get thunderstorms, or even real raindrops. It's just like a leaky faucet...drip...drip...drip...

I don't mind the rain. I'd like to see it warm up a little. It's like we're still stuck in late winter here!
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