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Changing wireless password Linksys Router
Posted by: MartyStickle
Date: August 10, 2008 05:57AM
I'm at my sister's house and she does not know the password of her router. I've tried every connection and can't determine it. She's using a pc laptop, which works fine wireless. I'm plugged in using ethernet and that works fine. Can someone talk me through changing the wireless password using her pc? Be gentle to someone who's a bumbling idiot when doing network stuff please.

She's on dsl through Embark and using a Linksys WRT300NV1 wireless broadband router.

Mucho thanks for any help.
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Re: Changing wireless password Linksys Router
Posted by: modelamac
Date: August 10, 2008 06:20AM
Linksys typically has a "admin" password as default, with nothing in the User name blank spot. Assuming she has not changed the password, try that.

You can also go to the Linksys site/support and find info to help.

There should be a "reset button (very small) on the unit that will reset it to factory default settings. "admin" should then work as a password, but you will have to redo any changes/special settings she had.

Ed (modelamac)

Trying to figure out some people is like trying to smell the number 9.
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Re: Changing wireless password Linksys Router
Posted by: IronMac
Date: August 10, 2008 07:46AM
I'm at my sister's house and she does not know the password of her router. I've tried every connection and can't determine it.

Hey, it's working! ;)

What modelamac said...reset the router.
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Re: Changing wireless password Linksys Router
Posted by: MartyStickle
Date: August 10, 2008 07:51AM
Hey thanks guys, but strange as it may seem, my sister found a scrap of paper and lo and behold it had the password on it. So, we're good to go.
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Re: Changing wireless password Linksys Router
Posted by: MacArtist
Date: August 10, 2008 08:02AM
Am I the only one amazed that Marty's sister actually changed the router from its default user name/password?

Any way, at least things worked out.

“When a clown enters a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.”

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Re: Changing wireless password Linksys Router
Posted by: MartyStickle
Date: August 10, 2008 08:09AM
Am I the only one amazed that Marty's sister actually changed the router from its default user name/password?

Yes, I'm amazed also. But she didn't do it. Must have been done by the phone company guy who was here installing the equipment. I think the password is the serial number of the router, which I guess is as good as any.
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