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A public apology to pinion... seriously
Posted by: jimbrady
Date: December 16, 2005 08:56PM
Sorry. Bygones.

I piled on with the conventional wisdom against pinion's earlier thread ("will I get banned over there" or some such)...

The conversation (over there) was useful in the context of the DM forum, though (agreeing with our majority), not helpful for us. I'd like to think we're the enlightened ones, so we don't need to have backslapping circle-perks proclaiming the bass-ackwardness of our DM compadres. That said, I think there's legions of people over there without a clue, and (worse) many more who'd prefer not to have a clue.

Etiquette might suggest that, if you start a thread over there, you should let it live or die on its merits. If we see it, great.

If you see a thread where delusion is trumping reason (or delusional posters are running amok), post a link.

Yes, I'm thinking too much about this. Those who (like me) posted 5000 times or more over there, should be careful of taking a superior attitude.
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Re: A public apology to pinion... seriously
Posted by: Jimmypoo
Date: December 17, 2005 03:45AM
I happen to take my superiority over lesser (99% of you) mortals quite seriously.
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Re: A public apology to pinion... seriously
Posted by: JoeBob
Date: December 17, 2005 06:43AM
I just emailed the mods over there and asked them to delete my account.
No regrets.
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Re: A public apology to pinion... seriously
Posted by: Jack D.
Date: December 17, 2005 07:05AM
Jimmypoo Wrote:
> I happen to take my superiority over lesser (99%
> of you) mortals quite seriously.

I'm flattered that I am even considered a lesser mortal! Pee bucket sir?

- Jack D.

New tasteless sig coming soon!
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Re: A public apology to pinion... seriously
Posted by: pinion
Date: December 18, 2005 03:43AM
Doh, sorry. I'm not trying to be an @#$%& for not accepting your apology but I think we got it worked out in PM. Besides, you were pretty much justified since I'm the one that screwed up. I blame my newbness.

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