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In the day and age of Tivo, DVR, and Time Zones- some people still don't get it.
Posted by: Craig
Date: August 17, 2008 12:18AM
I have had DVR for about 5 years and I was always complaining that people would blurt out sports scores or show endings in the titles of posts. I rarely got any sympathy. But now that they have become more common place, I would think that people would get the idea that not all of us come to MacResource to be informed of up to the minute live sporting event results. Not to mention that there is east coast and west coast runs of many taped events.

I know the response. Don't come here if you don't want to know the ending. It isn't like I am going to or yahoo sports. Maybe I wanted to followup on a RAM question and BOOM- the suspense is over. I know the ending of the story before reading the first page.

Oh well, in the grand scheme of things it is no big deal. It just seems so unnecessary sometimes. As if the title can't be "Lets talk Olympic swimming" and have the same discussion inside. Anyway, I guess I will go watch an epic event for which I already know the ending now.

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Re: In the day and age of Tivo, DVR, and Time Zones- some people still don't get it.
Posted by: ADent
Date: August 17, 2008 12:52AM
Yes the LIVE coverage on the West Coast, with the LIVE logo in the upper right corner, is not live and apparently is delayed 3 hours.
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Re: In the day and age of Tivo, DVR, and Time Zones- some people still don't get it.
Posted by: Gareth
Date: August 17, 2008 01:20AM
I agree. People are kind enough to post *Spoiler Alerts* in their thread titles when talking about TV shows, why can't they do the same with sports?

I use to consider this a safe haven on the web to browse and enjoy while I wait, sometimes for something to come on, sometimes for me just to get around to watching it. Maybe I'll just have to spend more of my free time on eBay instead. No please, don't make do it, I'll just spend more money... : )
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Re: In the day and age of Tivo, DVR, and Time Zones- some people still don't get it.
Posted by: space-time
Date: August 17, 2008 06:19AM
look, I had no idea they were showing you tapes.

Be mad at NBC, not at me.

Talking about DVRs, how am I supposed to know when you finished watching the 'LIVE" (taped tape) race?
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Re: In the day and age of Tivo, DVR, and Time Zones- some people still don't get it.
Posted by: Blankity Blank
Date: August 17, 2008 06:45AM
I've always thought, going back as far as simple taping on a VCR, that a 24 hour window on spoiling things as early as the title of a thread was the civil thing to do. Just to give people who got stuck working or whatever at least a minimal chance to be able to open up a page and not have things spoiled.

But then I also figure that while some people spoil just out of over enthusiasm, some people spoil just because they can as one of those sorry displays of "power" you see so often on the net.
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Re: In the day and age of Tivo, DVR, and Time Zones- some people still don't get it.
Posted by: The UnDoug
Date: August 17, 2008 07:34AM
space-time's point is a valid one:

What is the "window" of viewing that must be allotted for those who've recorded a broadcast? In theory, somone could be on vacation, and not want to know who won American Idol, or won some Olympic event until they return.....2 weeks later. That seems like an excessive amount of time.

I'm more inclined to say that if (as you stated) if you don't want to hear a spoiler, then don't leave your home...don't turn on the TV...don't turn on the radio...don't use the internet...don't talk to anyone!

Extreme, I know, but how is anyone to know what sporting event (or other event) any other person has recorded? We simply can't talk about anything for some predefined period of time?

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Re: In the day and age of Tivo, DVR, and Time Zones- some people still don't get it.
Posted by: davester
Date: August 17, 2008 08:10AM
The "window" doesn't matter. All you've got to know is that you never announce sports results in the thread title and you add "Spoilers" to the title. Simple. Of course there are some people who probably enjoy spoiling your viewing (I'm thinking Jimmypoo here, spoiler extraordinaire).

"In science it often happens that scientists say, 'You know that's a really good argument; my position is mistaken,' and then they would actually change their minds and you never hear that old view from them again. They really do it. It doesn't happen as often as it should, because scientists are human and change is sometimes painful. But it happens every day. I cannot recall the last time something like that happened in politics or religion." (1987) -- Carl Sagan

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2008 08:12AM by davester.
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Re: In the day and age of Tivo, DVR, and Time Zones- some people still don't get it.
Posted by: TheTominator
Date: August 17, 2008 08:25AM
The simple rule is "don't put the spoilers in the subject line".

There doesn't need to be a window of time when you shouldn't do it. Just don't.

There is never the need to put "Rosebud is a sled" in the subject.

I realize that Subject writing is a skill that many people lack either in the context of e-mail or web posting. Consider the meaning of the word Subject. It means topic.

Some people just start writing and put the first sentence of their post in the subject line. They are confusing the Subject with the Body or the actual content of the post.

Some people choose to write a mysterious teaser with the sole intent of driving eyeballs to the body of the post without informing users in advance the nature of what is within. They are confusing the subject with I don't know what. But lacking anything remotely related to the content of the post, it sure isn't the subject.

Some people summarize the content and include any surprises. They are confusing the Subject with a Title. A newspaper story might write "Dewey Wins" as the title and elaborate it in the article. A subject for this would be "Results of Presidential Race".

I realize that some people won't change their approach to using the Subject line. I also find it unfortunate that the "ignore this user" feature hides the undesired post content but doesn't also hide the Subject line from that user.
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Re: In the day and age of Tivo, DVR, and Time Zones- some people still don't get it.
Posted by: SDGuy
Date: August 17, 2008 09:57AM
What davester and TheTominator said; also known as the "don't be a dumbass" rule of thumb...
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Re: In the day and age of Tivo, DVR, and Time Zones- some people still don't get it.
Posted by: Paul F.
Date: August 17, 2008 10:45AM

Paul F.
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This is not AGE of Tivo, and DVR.
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: August 17, 2008 02:55PM
Not even close. It's at most a DAY in the age, in the Great Scheme of things.

And I'm surprised that this is the first mention of the non-Live Olympic coverage, that this is the first mention of being disappointed by spoilers.

I often start a post with the first sentence showing in the subject line, and I suffer no confusion with the two. The first sentence usually indicates the subject when I do that.

I see this as a perfectly valid method of forum communication which reasonably considers the objective sensibilities of other readers.

There are apparently no Forum rules or guidelines regarding the use of the Subject box, though I wish there were.

Along with Tominator's observations (excepting my dissent with one aspect) of those who disappoint, I add:

Those who's subject is followed solely with a link, and no explanation of what awaits. Fortunately this forum's software give some information to help me decide whether or not to click.

Those who post a question as a statement. I'd like to see them us a question mark. Otherwise I think they actually have an answer which may interest me.

Those whose whose first paragraph appears in the Subject box. They must feel incredibly clever.

This is an informal, non-professional forum so I don't expect to see posts conforming to some advanced level of journalistic expertise. But a little common courtesy would be nice, though this may no longer be the Age for it.

Basically, I too feel it's fair to assume it's inconsiderate to put TV/movie/sports/competition spoilers of any kind in a subject line. This avoids any concerns about the "window". I complained about a spoiler and heard from the "I already heard about it so you should have too, too bad!" camp.

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