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What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: August 18, 2008 01:15PM
My late husband used double stick foam tape to attach one of those "sticky note" bulletin board things to the side of a filing cabinet. I no longer need it, and I'm having trouble getting the last of the stickum off of the wood. I have a pretty good collection of things that might remove the sticky part, but I'm not sure which one will leave the finish undamaged. Suggestions, please? Thank you!
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: cbelt3
Date: August 18, 2008 01:23PM
Undu, murphy's oil soap, fingernail
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: SteveO
Date: August 18, 2008 01:29PM
Ditto above, or Palmolive, or goo gone (read label for goo gone). Just make sure you wipe away any remaining residue from the palmolive or whatever. Use a soft cloth and rub gently for best results.
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: August 18, 2008 01:32PM
Fingernail ain't gonna do it, because that's my first weapon of choice. I have Murphy's Oil Soap, so I'll try that next. No Palmolive. What about Goof Off? I'll go read the label on it, because it might be similar to Goo Gone. ? Maybe. Thank you.
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: billb
Date: August 18, 2008 01:39PM
olive oil and lemon (orange too) peel are supposed to be safe for wood.
I've used orange peel to remove ink from things. Might even soften that glue.
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: lafinfil
Date: August 18, 2008 01:46PM
WD-40 is worth trying

It will remove many adhesive residues but I'm not sure about double stick tape

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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: samintx
Date: August 18, 2008 02:29PM
Love GOO GONE. Doesn't stain and I use it on everything. Never without a bottle. Doesn't stain paper like those stickies on rental movies....great stuff.
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: Mike Johnson
Date: August 18, 2008 02:33PM
Goo Gone and Goof Off are totally different. Goof Off has toluene and xylene -- I wouldn't use it on finished wood. Goo Gone is supposed to be much less harsh.
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: August 18, 2008 02:38PM
Mike Johnson
Goo Gone and Goof Off are totally different. Goof Off has toluene and xylene -- I wouldn't use it on finished wood. Goo Gone is supposed to be much less harsh.

Thank you. I won't bother finding the Goof Off then.
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: rgG
Date: August 18, 2008 02:47PM
Do you have any rubber cement thinner?

Roswell, GA (Atlanta suburb)
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: artie67
Date: August 18, 2008 02:51PM
After installations, we use just paint thinner to remove masking tape. When the tape has aged it must be soaked and will eventually be removable. We do this on "formica" and varnished finishes. Be careful of the lemon and orange removers because they might dull the finish. Always start with the mildest and work your way up. If you don't have paint thinner I would try WD40. It won't hurt the finish.
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: mjgkramer
Date: August 18, 2008 03:05PM
You're all getting too exotic. Windex will usually take off "rubber" adhesives. I have used it to clean windshields when changing registration stickers. Another thing to try is mineral spirits. Will not hurt painted finishes and can be washed off with soap and water.

On the subject of Windex, it is one of the best things to use to unclog stopped up inkjet print heads. Just stand the cartridge or print head in a container with enough Windex to cover the jets.
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: StarGlazer
Date: August 18, 2008 05:23PM
Another vote for Goo Gone.
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: Buzz
Date: August 18, 2008 07:20PM
mayo and some fine sawdust, rub gently.

Sometimes it is what it is...
and then there's times when it's really better.

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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: August 18, 2008 07:57PM
mayo and some fine sawdust, rub gently.

Ah, I have mayo, but there isn't much fine sawdust laying around! Would regular housedust do? smiling smiley
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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: M>B>
Date: August 18, 2008 11:44PM
As above, Goo Gone, WD-40 or Goff Off, seriously!

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Re: What do I use to get tape residue off of wood finish?
Posted by: AlphaDog
Date: August 19, 2008 10:24AM
I had Goof Off, so I tried it. Perfect. It not only got the adhesive residue off of the varnished furniture surface, it also took a small smear of white latex paint off of the brick step. smiling smiley And you can get high while using it, so it's fun to clean! Now to get more, because my can is almost empty.
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