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And the ladybugs just keep coming!
Posted by: DaviDC.
Date: January 22, 2009 02:07PM
I've always had ladybugs in the house in winter but nothing like this year! Several times a week I suck 'em up with the DustBuster then set them free outside. My bedroom & bathroom are their favorite places to stay & they're usually on the ceiling or along the top of the walls.

Tuesday I captured about 50 & this morning another 30 or so. I've never seen this many of these critters!

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Re: And the ladybugs just keep coming!
Posted by: vision63
Date: January 22, 2009 03:39PM
You could find the source, collect them and sell them since they're highly valuable. But seriously, how are they finding their way into the house?
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Re: And the ladybugs just keep coming!
Posted by: wolfcry911
Date: January 22, 2009 03:52PM
I'm curious, what color is your house? I worked in a new development under construction once and one house on the street had an infestation of ladybugs. A painter said it was the color of the house, but I remain skeptical. Still, hard to explain...
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Re: And the ladybugs just keep coming!
Posted by: billb
Date: January 22, 2009 04:04PM
This year hasn't been too bad.
I used to catch and r release, but they're an introduced species, so I don't bother any more.
The indigeneous lady bug species supposedly winter over in trees and wood piles, etc.
My house is white and is the only white house on the street and I've been told that is why I get so many.

They supposedly are finding thier way all the way in accidently.

Based on the numbers I see on the outside of the house in the Fall, not too many make it inside, but they are under every shingle and in every crack waiting for Spring.

I had a really bad infestation 94,95 then the population collapsed.
Same withgypsy moth and oak caterpillars. After several years of not being able to step outside with out being splatted with green caterpillar $h!t, two years of none.

Hope for a population collapse.
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Re: And the ladybugs just keep coming!
Posted by: DaviDC.
Date: January 22, 2009 04:38PM
I live in a beige wooden frame Sears kit house built in 1940.
I have no idea how they're getting in, especially in the bathroom since it's the most tightly sealed room in the place.

My front porch is a favorite spot for them to hang out & I can understand a few finding their way in when I open the door, but not this many!

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Re: And the ladybugs just keep coming!
Posted by: billb
Date: January 22, 2009 05:30PM
They supposedly can go right by the vinyl wedge seals and rubber window and door gaskets. A bathroom exhaust fan would be a superhighway (except for when its on).

I still have some old fashioned double hungs with triple track storms and they meander through them like they are amusement parks.

I don't think they want to be in the warm house though because they also seem to be searching for a way out, especially those confused by the lites of glass. I get dead ones on the window sills.

I thought I had my place sealed up for the wind and cold fairly well, but they can squeeze through. A crack they can fit through without breaking thier "shell" is like leaving the front door open.
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