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Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Anthony
Date: April 05, 2006 08:02AM
Through Boot Camp. Saw it on a news release on a stock trading forum. Will be included in Leopard and as a download for Tiger...

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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: samintx
Date: April 05, 2006 08:05AM
Well, well....why are they doing this? I thought no one wanted to run XP ! or have anything to do with WIN....
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: papercup
Date: April 05, 2006 08:10AM
Official link?
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Anthony
Date: April 05, 2006 08:14AM
here is the article

News 61.19 0.02Apple Introduces Boot Camp
April 05, 2006 08:31:00 (ET)

CUPERTINO, Calif., April 5, 2006 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Apple(R) today introduced Boot Camp, public beta software that enables Intel-based Macs to run Windows XP. Available as a download beginning today, Boot Camp allows users with a Microsoft Windows XP installation disc to install Windows XP on an Intel-based Mac(R), and once installation is complete, users can restart their computer to run either Mac OS(R) X or Windows XP. Boot Camp will be a feature in "Leopard," Apple's next major release of Mac OS X, that will be previewed at Apple's Worldwide Developer Conference in August.

"Apple has no desire or plan to sell or support Windows, but many customers have expressed their interest to run Windows on Apple's superior hardware now that we use Intel processors," said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. "We think Boot Camp makes the Mac even more appealing to Windows users considering making the switch."

Boot Camp simplifies Windows installation on an Intel-based Mac by providing a simple graphical step-by-step assistant application to dynamically create a second partition on the hard drive for Windows, to burn a CD with all the necessary Windows drivers, and to install Windows from a Windows XP installation CD. After installation is complete, users can choose to run either Mac OS X or Windows when they restart their computer.

Pricing & Availability

The public beta of Boot Camp is available immediately as a download at, and is preview software licensed for use on a trial basis for a limited time. The final version of Boot Camp will be available as a feature in the upcoming Mac OS X version 10.5 "Leopard." Apple does not provide support for installing or running Boot Camp and does not sell or support Microsoft Windows software. Apple welcomes user feedback on Boot Camp at

System Requirements

Boot Camp requires an Intel-based Mac with a USB keyboard and mouse, or a built-in keyboard and TrackPad; Mac OS X version 10.4.6 or later; the latest firmware update; at least 10GB of free space on the startup disk; a blank recordable CD or DVD; and single-disc version of Windows XP Home Edition or Professional with Service Pack 2 or later.
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: spacescape
Date: April 05, 2006 08:16AM
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Anthony
Date: April 05, 2006 08:17AM
Wild huh!

seems like investors think it's a good idea...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/05/2006 08:21AM by Anthony.
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Grumpyguy
Date: April 05, 2006 08:17AM

Wither OS X?

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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: papercup
Date: April 05, 2006 08:19AM
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Grumpyguy
Date: April 05, 2006 08:21AM

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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: April 05, 2006 08:29AM
More like "Enter the CTL-ALT-DEL reality."

Wouldn't it be grandly ironic if this were the 30th anniversary gift Apple has been rumored to have in store for its customers?

It is what it is.
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: incognegro
Date: April 05, 2006 08:30AM
i thought for sure this was a 4-day late April Fools post!
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: jimbrady
Date: April 05, 2006 08:31AM
>Well, well....why are they doing this? I thought no one wanted to run XP ! or have anything to do with WIN....

Because there is such a staggering number of morons out there who equate market dominance with quality.

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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: MGS_forgot_password
Date: April 05, 2006 08:44AM
Word to the Wise

Windows running on a Mac is like Windows running on a PC. That means it’ll be subject to the same attacks that plague the Windows world. So be sure to keep it updated with the latest Microsoft Windows security fixes.
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: tronnei
Date: April 05, 2006 08:46AM
Watch how many times you see this mis-reported as "Apple has switched to Windows."
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: StingMe
Date: April 05, 2006 08:50AM
Hmmm...WinXP has to be installed on a partition of the internal startup disk. I think I'd rather keep it more isolated than that winking smiley
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: ztirffritz
Date: April 05, 2006 09:02AM
This really isn't a problem unless the mac partition is visible and writable from the Windows partition. I'd sure hate to have my OS X install get eaten be a Windows virus, and I'm sure that someone will write one for just that purpose if it is possible. On the flip-side, it might introduce more users to OS X because they'll use Windows, then when it gets hosed they'll think "hmmm, what's that there OS Ecks thingy that I see each time I boot my compooter? It seems to always work no matter what. That dagnabit Windows crap 'as got more cooties than a round-heeled woman in a port of call the day an aircraft carrier docks."

MacResource User Map: []#
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Sam3
Date: April 05, 2006 09:11AM
Now it shouldn't be too difficult to get Linux dual booted either. Goody!
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Jem
Date: April 05, 2006 09:12AM

It sounds like the Mac OS X partition IS available to the Windows Environment if you read the BootCamp install process. They specifically warn you NOT to select your MacOS Drive as the "C:" drive for the windows installation, or you could hose all your Mac OS files.

I'm actually more excited about this because of the increased potential for an inexpensive "virtualization" that will run side-by-side with the MacOS... like VirtualPC.

If Apple is officially NOT standing in the way of this kind of thing, I think the next natural step in terms of convenience, would be to be able to run BOTH OSes simultaneously. Such a move would also continue to drive demand for more expensive and more capable Mac configurations (the power Macs with Dual, Quad or greater cores). Dedicate one core to XP and the others to the others to OS X.

Running BOTH and being able to transfer files back and forth between the two environments on the fly would be a huge benefit over the simple dual-boot capability that is possible with Boot Camp.

Exciting times... can't wait to see what comes next.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/05/2006 09:14AM by Jem.
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: michaelb
Date: April 05, 2006 09:15AM
I think this is great news. I wish I had an intel mac to try it out. I don't need to do much with windows, but there are somethings, installing garmin maps on a GPS for example, that can't be done any other way.
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: mattkime
Date: April 05, 2006 09:22AM
I think this is a great idea because a lot of people like Apple quality but need to run windows. Now your executive can have both.

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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: troywellbuilt
Date: April 05, 2006 09:23AM
Think Different?
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Zoidberg
Date: April 05, 2006 09:27AM
Apple is going to take over the world. Soon it'll be selling OS X for all Intel processors.
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: papercup
Date: April 05, 2006 09:38AM
I just want AAPL to hit 80 again...(sigh)
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: mikebw
Date: April 05, 2006 09:47AM
Go Apple! Way to stick it to Microsoft's Virtual PC product... oh wait.
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: spearmint
Date: April 05, 2006 09:48AM
There are several things I need a PC for, like downloading my old PDA and cellphone info. I would bite when they come out with the Core ibook.

However the threat of viruses and spyware scares the crp out of me. I guess I would have to make sure I was not online when I used it. Seems sad though giving in to the enemy, Satan.

Da Good Life
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Will Collier
Date: April 05, 2006 09:50AM
So Ralph, I'm assuming you're already on eBay looking for Windoze copies of X-Wing and Tie Fighter...?
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: MacGurl
Date: April 05, 2006 10:43AM
samintx Wrote:
> Well, well....why are they doing this? I thought
> no one wanted to run XP ! or have anything to do
> with WIN....

Most of us here don't, but the PC drones already out there sure would like to have a wack at running their precious XP on an Apple machine.


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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Zoidberg
Date: April 05, 2006 10:43AM
smiling smiley Nah, not yet and not planning on ever, Will. If Apple sells some kind of gateway/emulator I might.

"Because there is such a staggering number of morons out there who equate market dominance with quality." jimbrady wins the thread. I have a staggering amount of family/friends who think this very thought, and tell me things like "If Macs are so much better why doesn't everyone have one?" Rap music is staggeringly popular and sells well; does that mean it's quality music?
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Seacrest
Date: April 05, 2006 10:55AM
This is OK, but I'd much rather run WinXP in a virtualization layer, a capability which is on the way.

I would much rather stay in Mac OS, but be able to pull up Exploder for testing my code as well as the nincompoops who still insist coding pages *only* for IE.

I am not Ryan Seacrest, and I do not approve this message.
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: samintx
Date: April 05, 2006 11:07AM
Spearmint: In all the years I have run PCs I have never had any problems with viruses etc. The only viruses or problems I have ever had with a computer was in the days when we used Floppies on Macs and I got that W??? whatever on 90% of my floppies.

The stories you read are people who don't use precautions like Norton's etc, Don't keep a clean computer and use the same care about files backing up and care in downloading.

XP is stable and I like it. Whether it will run real time on the intel mac or not...remains to be seen. I'll wait for the reports on same.

I wonder what will happen to the programs that allow you to run Windows now. So many of our software programs are hitting the dust...remember Casedy Green the font people..then bombed with their next venture. Berkley Systems?
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Silencio
Date: April 05, 2006 11:21AM
You want your virtualization? Apparently it's coming sooner than you think:


The whole point about malware on Windows isn't that it can be stopped or avoided, it's about all the effort one has to go through to do so: install, run, update antivirus software; install, run, update AdAware; install, run, update Spybot S&D or SpySweeper. It's not *that* difficult, but the average PC user has no clue about all of this, and therefore gets hit by the malware du jour.

Cassady & Greene? They failed to come up with a new cash cow after Conflict Catcher was rendered moot by Mac OS X, and their lead programmer went to Apple to head up iTunes development. Berkeley Systems? Last I checked, the founders of that company are still multimillionaires.

Conversely: before Mac OS X, had many Mac users ever heard of, say, OmniGroup? There's still loads of amazing Mac software out there, I'd say more than there ever has been.
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: jdc
Date: April 05, 2006 11:40AM
LOL -- I love these quotes from Apple:

Word to the Wise
Windows running on a Mac is like Windows running on a PC. That means it’ll be subject to the same attacks that plague the Windows world. So be sure to keep it updated with the latest Microsoft Windows security fixes.

A printer for the instructions (You’ll want to print them before installing Windows, really.)

"Sadly, Windows XP, and even the upcoming Vista, are stuck in the 1980s with old-fashioned BIOS. But with Boot Camp, the Mac can operate smoothly in both centuries."
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: elmo3
Date: April 05, 2006 12:29PM
mikebw Wrote:
> Go Apple! Way to stick it to Microsoft's Virtual
> PC product... oh wait.

I prefer a VPC approach to this, frankly. I'd rather have my Windows environment isolated further, and containerized so that I can quit VPC and back up its container before I upgrade it or whatever. Maybe I'm a product tester and I want a golden environment I can restore to by simply dragging a file back over--that's what VPC offers.

What Boot Camp offers today is dual boot, and tomorrow might be simultaneous running of X and Windows. As long as the Windows environment is containerized like VPC does it, that's fine. Otherwise, it's not sufficient.


In the words of DharmaDog: "it may or may not be utter horse@#$%&, but it shouldn't be dismissed simply because it doesn't agree with your opinion."

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Trying is the first step to failure. -- Homer Simpson
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: elmo3
Date: April 05, 2006 12:32PM
Zoidberg Wrote:
> "Because there is such a staggering number of
> morons out there who equate market dominance with
> quality." jimbrady wins the thread.

And if he drives an SUV, chances are he wins the irony award, too.

(I'll give y'all a minute to think about that one.)

Glass houses, stones--folks, be careful about how you approach this whole situation. Chances are you are one of those you think you're denigrating.


In the words of DharmaDog: "it may or may not be utter horse@#$%&, but it shouldn't be dismissed simply because it doesn't agree with your opinion."

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Trying is the first step to failure. -- Homer Simpson
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: elmo3
Date: April 05, 2006 12:33PM
In addition, it looks like virtualization software may have a very short shelf life if what Mac Daily News is reporting is true.


In the words of DharmaDog: "it may or may not be utter horse@#$%&, but it shouldn't be dismissed simply because it doesn't agree with your opinion."

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Trying is the first step to failure. -- Homer Simpson
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: JEBB
Date: April 05, 2006 12:50PM
Wouldn't the WINE solution be a better approach? If I understand it correctly, using WINE you can run Windows programs without Windows. Since you wouldn't be running Windows operating system you wouldn't be subject to the Windows malware.

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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: jimbrady
Date: April 05, 2006 12:59PM
>And if he drives an SUV, chances are he wins the irony award, too.

I do: a Subaru Forrester that barely seats 4.

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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Ken Sp.
Date: April 05, 2006 01:20PM
Rather than partitioning an existing drive-anyone know if you can boot XP from and external Firewire drive?
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Racer X
Date: April 05, 2006 09:07PM
papercup Wrote:
> I just want AAPL to hit 80 again...(sigh)

you are just greedy, (and bummed that you didn't buy in big at under $20 pre split winking smiley
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: Racer X
Date: April 05, 2006 09:09PM
elmo3 Wrote:
> mikebw Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Go Apple! Way to stick it to Microsoft's
> Virtual
> > PC product... oh wait.
> I prefer a VPC approach to this, frankly. I'd
> rather have my Windows environment isolated
> further, and containerized so that I can quit VPC
> and back up its container before I upgrade it or
> whatever. Maybe I'm a product tester and I want a
> golden environment I can restore to by simply
> dragging a file back over--that's what VPC
> offers.
> What Boot Camp offers today is dual boot, and
> tomorrow might be simultaneous running of X and
> Windows. As long as the Windows environment is
> containerized like VPC does it, that's fine.
> Otherwise, it's not sufficient.
> ---
> Never underestimate the power of stupid people in
> large groups.

I agree 100%. I want to be able to dump the image, and drag a fresh one over to the drive and be perfectly clean of any malware.
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Re: Apple officially supports Windows XP
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: April 05, 2006 10:27PM
JEBB Wrote:
> Wouldn't the WINE solution be a better approach?

Yes. This is what I'm waiting for.

It is what it is.
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