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iBook 1.33 Case Discoloration & RAM ?????
Posted by: celliott
Date: April 14, 2006 01:26PM
I just bought a used but under warranty 12" iBook 1.33Ghz. It's the last model still produced by Apple, it's been in use since Aug or Sept.

Anyway, two questions:

1- There is a bluish cast discoloration on the wrist pad areas, the clicker button and several keys, mainly the A, S & D keys. Is this from normal wear, or has something gotten to the plastic? Anone else notice this type of discoloration? I'm just trying to figure out if it's normal wear or if something was spilled or rubbed onto the plastic. I haven't been able to clean it off.

2- The person also installed an extra 128 meg of ram. The normal ram calls for PC 2700, but he installed PC 2100 in the slot (used for older models). It power's up and seems to run fine so far on my quick evaluation (it just arrived a couple of hours ago). Is there a problem running this memory in it? Is it just slower RAM? ??????

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Re: iBook 1.33 Case Discoloration & RAM ?????
Posted by: BigGuynRusty
Date: April 14, 2006 02:05PM
CElliot says.:
"I just bought a used but under warranty 12" iBook 1.33Ghz. It's the last model still produced by Apple, it's been in use since Aug or Sept."

What does that mean?

Probably ink, try a Mr Clean Magic Eraser, works great.

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Re: iBook 1.33 Case Discoloration & RAM ?????
Posted by: celliott
Date: April 14, 2006 02:48PM
What it means is that I bought a used iBook- I've identified it as the 12" 1.33Ghz model, the latest model produced by Apple (likely the last since the next version is Intel and probably called MacBook). Since it's used, I said it has been in use since around Aug. or Sept.

I really didn't think it was that confusing. Thanks for the input. It's not ink.
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Re: iBook 1.33 Case Discoloration & RAM ?????
Posted by: BigGuynRusty
Date: April 14, 2006 10:24PM
celliott Wrote:
> I really didn't think it was that confusing.

It was real confusing, it was this part I was confused by.:
"12" iBook 1.33Ghz. It's the last model still produced by Apple"

Maybe you meant the last G4?
Is someone else producing an iBook?
Is Apple getting out of the iBook business?

Whatever the blue is, it penetrated the paint.
You sure it isn't machinist dye?
Did you even try the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser?

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Re: iBook 1.33 Case Discoloration & RAM ?????
Posted by: celliott
Date: April 14, 2006 11:49PM
Well, yep, to answer your question, it looks like Apple is getting out of the iBook business- the new one is likely going to be called the MacBook. Maybe I should have used the term (it was probably in my head but didn't come out when I hit the keys) "latest", but I think last works too. Also, if we're putting it on a time continuum, technically it is the last iBook made by Apple, and it will be until or if they make a new one. For now, it is the last.

Come now, I've used Macs since '86, we all know Apple is the only maker of iBooks- a little snipping aren't we?

And, you only just gave me the suggestion for the Magic Eraser this afternoon- I've never even heard of it before, so no, I haven't tried it yet.

And while we're at it, since we're getting technical and all, the blue isn't into the paint, the iBook isn't even painted. Maybe you're confusing it with the former PowerBook Titanium which was painted, but also is not being made anymore by Apple. The iBook is solid plastic. :-)

Just having some fun, I'm not a total moran! winking smiley
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Re: iBook 1.33 Case Discoloration & RAM ?????
Posted by: Mac1337
Date: April 15, 2006 06:47AM
you can use either 2700 or 2100, both will run at 2100 speed.
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