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Appleworks Mail Merge Crashing in SL - Need alternative suggestions
Posted by: magicmikey
Date: January 13, 2010 10:10AM
Okay, I knew eventually I would have to move out of Appleworks into other applications to do my work. That time has come. Since upgrading to Snow Leopard (10.6.2), Appleworks is crashing on a regular basis. I have been using the database module and mail merge for years. Now, I need an alternative. Bento doesn't do mail merge (which is useless) so I need suggestions. I've thought of converting my databases to Excel spreadsheets and my AW letters to MS Word files since I recall seeing that you can do a merge that way (I already own both Word & Excel) but is there a better way?

Frankly, the ideal program for me would be a Mac version of ACT! It does mail merge and combines database and contact management into one application. (I work at an office that uses ACT! for everything.) Is there anything that works like that on a Mac?

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Re: Appleworks Mail Merge Crashing in SL - Need alternative suggestions
Posted by: rich in distress
Date: January 13, 2010 10:22AM
I'm in the same spot...
Pages does mail merge with the DB in the system, and I believe Bento can interface with that. I will also have to start looking into it very soon.

• back to confinement

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Re: Appleworks Mail Merge Crashing in SL - Need alternative suggestions
Posted by: JEBB
Date: January 13, 2010 10:38AM
Maybe it is a bug in 10.6. Since a lot of people still use AW, maybe an email campaign to the Feedback site [] would get Apple to fix it.
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Re: Appleworks Mail Merge Crashing in SL - Need alternative suggestions
Posted by: Article Accelerator
Date: January 13, 2010 12:05PM
I have been using the database module and mail merge for years. Now, I need an alternative...Frankly, the ideal program for me would be a Mac version of ACT! It does mail merge and combines database and contact management into one application.

Take a look at Daylite. Mail handling functions are native and extendible through third-party plug-ins:

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Re: Appleworks Mail Merge Crashing in SL - Need alternative suggestions
Posted by: Dick Moore
Date: January 13, 2010 12:27PM
Or, for now, try booting Snow Leopard in 32-bit mode. There are several apps to do this easily. You'll really not notice a difference in performance unless you're gaming or use very high processor loading apps.

What it is, man, a low-down and funky feelin'
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