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installing Tony Hawk 4 from ibook on another machine
Posted by: freescotland
Date: December 22, 2005 08:18PM
I was doing some maintence for a friend on his ibook 1.25 and he asked me to delete everything I could. I asked him about Tony Hawk and he said he never played games.

My 10-year-old, who I've taught to help (he repairs permissions and runs disk warrior for me) asked if he could have the Tony Hawk 4 for his Powermac G4 upgraded to 1.4 ghz machine.

He copied the Tony Hawk install folder via target mode, but it won't launch.

Is there a workaround or hidden file we need from the ibook?
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Re: installing Tony Hawk 4 from ibook on another machine
Posted by: Markintosh
Date: December 22, 2005 09:02PM
I'm hoping someone answers this too.
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Re: installing Tony Hawk 4 from ibook on another machine
Anonymous User
Date: December 22, 2005 10:31PM
Some of those programs are modded to only work on ibooks, emacs, imacs.

From my experience anyway.

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Re: installing Tony Hawk 4 from ibook on another machine
Posted by: Speedy
Date: December 23, 2005 11:10AM
Disc image the CD or DVD to the hard drive.
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Re: installing Tony Hawk 4 from ibook on another machine
Posted by: BLeonard
Date: December 23, 2005 11:48AM
Check the "Receipts" folder and copy over the appropriate file to the Receipts folder on the new Mac.
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