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OT, One year anniversary both knees replaced
Posted by: Ironhorse
Date: December 23, 2005 05:48PM
It has been a year since both my knees were replaced. It was the best thing other than a visectomy I have ever had medically done to me.

iron horse
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Re: OT, One year anniversary both knees replaced
Posted by: Racer X
Date: December 23, 2005 05:51PM
Congrats! how was the recovery if I may ask?

My wife's knees are pretty thrashed, and she is only 34.
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Re: OT, One year anniversary both knees replaced
Posted by: Otto Boners
Date: December 23, 2005 06:13PM
Tough when you earn your living on your knees.
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Re: OT, One year anniversary both knees replaced
Posted by: Jack D.
Date: December 23, 2005 06:54PM
Carpet installer???

- Jack D.

New tasteless sig coming soon!
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Re: OT, One year anniversary both knees replaced
Posted by: New.Dad
Date: December 23, 2005 09:44PM
iron horse, how old are you, if you don't mind me asking??? I got a friend at work, 38, and he has a bad knee, the doctor told him to consider a replacement ...

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Re: OT, One year anniversary both knees replaced
Posted by: mjgkramer
Date: December 23, 2005 09:53PM
Congratulations IronHorse. After 13 or so years of suffering and limping I had my left knee replaced on October 6. Three weeks later I had given up both the walker and the cane and in fact had carried them during initial recovery rather than use them for support. I experienced no pain after the surgery and can now can walk the dogs, shop, and do other things I could do only with pain and difficulty before the surgery. I still have some swelling that gets worse toward the end of the day, especially if I have been sitting at the computer too long or done too much walking. How old are you? I'm 66.

RacerX - The hospital where my surgery was done put on a three hour seminar describing the surgery and the recovery that was a big help. If you would like to have a copy I would be happy to make one and send it to you. Let me know by private email. I would also be willing to talk to her on the phone and answer any questions she might have.

My surgeon supposedly used one of the better knee joints, the Profix, made by Smith & Nephew, a British company. Call up their site for information on knee replacement and their products. They tout that the materials they use and their joint design allow significantly longer life than other products.


Here is a link to interactive pages on the anatomy of the knee and the surgery itself using the Profix.

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Re: OT, One year anniversary both knees replaced
Posted by: chipste®
Date: December 24, 2005 09:50AM
Congrats ironhorse. I had bilateral TKR in 2002. I can walk again although I still have a lot of stiffness and swelling at times. Doc says the implants are fine but surrounding tissues are the culprit. Vicodin is a wonderful thing. I am 55 and went for too long with zero cartiledge in my knee joints. Funny that I see this thread today when I am experiencing substantial pain in my left knee. I sat too long, stood up wrong, walked wrong, or something. One thing that always concerns me is that I cannot run. Not for exercise, but to get out of the way of something. It's like that dog just don't hunt anymore. I've talked with folks that are thrilled with the results and heard horror stories. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. Still glad I got it done though. As you know, it's all in the rehab. If any of you have severe knee problems you should opt for this rather than wait. Waiting could lead to other problems (hip, etc.) I can't believe how bowlegged I had become before surgery. Best of luck to all. You mileage may vary.

"Enjoy every sandwich." Warren Zevon

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Re: OT, One year anniversary both knees replaced
Posted by: h'
Date: December 24, 2005 01:37PM
chipste® Wrote:
One thing that always concerns me is
> that I cannot run. Not for exercise, but to get
> out of the way of something. It's like that dog
> just don't hunt anymore.

Thought about working up to it with a treadmill?

I've been to where I couldn't stand or walk (after a bad neck injury) and the running program's still tickin'. It's miraculous when you stop to think about it. As I'm sure you would agree.

I suffer from the same sensitivity that you do. A few nuggets of wisdom were shared with me and I'm "trying" to incorporate them into my life. First, remember that nobody can hurt your feelings unless you let them. You can always reject what is being forced on you emotionally.
Second, nothing changes unless you change it. If you don't want the behavior to be repeated then you need to take action. Otherwise the kid has learned that his behavior is the way to get things done, because everyone lets him get away with it.
In the meantime I sympathize because I've been there.
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Re: OT, One year anniversary both knees replaced
Posted by: Grateful11
Date: December 24, 2005 06:49PM
That sounds great IH! My best friend just had both of his
replaced 5 months ago. He was back at work in 4 months and
says he feels 15 years younger. He let his go so long that
his were bone to bone, nothing left at all. He had me put my
hand on his knee while he stood up one day and you could
actually feel it grinding and popping. I saw his X-ray and
sure enough nothing left. He could barely manage 4 steps at
work. Now he can scale 90 some without even using a hand
rail, Amazing! I thought he was making a mistake getting both
done at the same time but now I see it was the best thing to
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Re: OT, One year anniversary both knees replaced
Posted by: Ironhorse
Date: December 25, 2005 07:51AM
Thanks to everyone replay, I was 60 when I had the operation. I went to 3 different Dr.s before I found one that would do both at the same time. I had been a runner until about 10 years ago and had to stop. I suffered for at least 2 years using medication voodo and everything else. I too was bone on bone couldn't sleep, walk or much of anything else. Finally I found the center for hip and knee replacement in Mooresville, Indiana. One look at me walking and the x rays the Dr. said you need both done. I had it scheduled the next available date and never looked back.

The didn't go to rehad I just followed the instructions they gave when I left the Hospital. I was back to work in 3 weeks and pain free in 2 weeks. I suffered more from constipation taking Vicoden than I did from the surgery.

Thanks for everyones interest.

Iron horse
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Re: OT, One year anniversary both knees replaced
Posted by: elmo3
Date: December 27, 2005 06:35PM
Otto @#$%& Wrote:
> Tough when you earn your living on your knees.

says the voice of experience.

I understand your Christmas visits to the local prison are the event they all await.
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