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NPR ombudsman says Williams firing was poorly handled
Posted by: Grace62
Date: October 22, 2010 12:27PM

This is the most well-reasoned piece I've read about this whole thing. She agrees that Williams violated the terms of his contract and NPR standards, but also shows how they might have avoided the public relations nightmare.
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Re: NPR ombudsman says Williams firing was poorly handled
Posted by: $tevie
Date: October 22, 2010 12:33PM
These "PR nightmares" have a way of disappearing as soon as the next one comes along. The country is ADD so wait a week and nobody will even remember this happened.

I am wiling to bet that a hell of a lot of the people writing to NPR and claiming they give every year and from now on will stop are LYING.

Remember all the folks who would never listen to NPR again because they fired Bob Edwards? Now they are back claiming they will never listen to NPR again because they fired Juan Williams. Obviously "never" is a fairly short amount of time in Angry Non-Listener Ville.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2010 12:35PM by $tevie.
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Re: NPR ombudsman says Williams firing was poorly handled
Posted by: cbelt3
Date: October 22, 2010 12:46PM
I'll agree with both points.

Personally, the best way to handle a situation like this would have been to let his contract run out and just not put him on the air again. I also think they should have pulled him all the way out earlier, since he obviously did not fit into the culture.
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Re: NPR ombudsman says Williams firing was poorly handled
Posted by: billb
Date: October 22, 2010 01:00PM
Alicia does tough chit very well.
she's a keeper.
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Re: NPR ombudsman says Williams firing was poorly handled
Posted by: mick e
Date: October 22, 2010 01:04PM
She should be fired for writing that.

Unpaid Social Liaison
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Re: NPR ombudsman says Williams firing was poorly handled
Posted by: billb
Date: October 22, 2010 01:39PM
Nah, that other liberal cabal with strict journalistic standards Media Matters should get a turn to whine about Foxnews and fire someone.
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Re: NPR ombudsman says Williams firing was poorly handled
Posted by: gringamarimacha
Date: October 22, 2010 02:49PM
Juan was just the Left's token black guy, and the left had absolutely no regard for Juan.
Just do as we say, fella. But one fair evening Juan wandered out of his box and spoke
of a basic human fear, and under the bus he went. Juan you already possess a good
heart, so may your eyes be opened. Liberalism IS a mental disorder. No, it's not just
a catchy saying. It's true. The overt liberal message is beguiling and seductive, and
especially to young people. It takes a while to see its consequences and to personally
feel its sting when directed at you.
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Re: NPR ombudsman says Williams firing was poorly handled
Posted by: Dakota
Date: October 22, 2010 02:54PM
NPR is now lilly white. Oh, sure, there are blacks and assorted minorities minding the microphones and arranging the chairs. But those in the limelight know too well where to stop promoting diversity.

After you discover you're riding a dead horse, your best strategy is to dismount.
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Re: NPR ombudsman says Williams firing was poorly handled
Posted by: mick e
Date: October 22, 2010 02:56PM
Keep posting.

Unpaid Social Liaison
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