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"Most Kids Who Died of Flu Weren't Vaccinated, Study Finds" Anti-Vaxxer Death Sentence
Posted by: Steve G.
Date: April 03, 2017 05:27PM
Anti-vaxxers continue to sentence their children to death.

Most Kids Who Died of Flu Weren’t Vaccinated, Study Finds
by Maggie Fox []
Most children who have died of flu in recent years were not vaccinated against the virus, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention researchers reported Monday. They found that at least three-quarters of kids who died from influenza between 2010 and 2014 had not been vaccinated in the months before they got sick. And while kids with asthma, developmental disorders and other conditions are at especially high risk, fully half the kids who died were considered healthy before they became infected, the researchers found.

"This study highlights the importance of annual influenza vaccination for children, especially those with underlying high-risk medical conditions," the report, authored by the CDC's Dr. Alicia Fry and colleagues, said. "Because of the higher risk of severe complications and influenza-associated death among children with underlying conditions, vaccination is especially important for these children."
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Re: "Most Kids Who Died of Flu Weren't Vaccinated, Study Finds" Anti-Vaxxer Death Sentence
Posted by: Speedy
Date: April 03, 2017 06:44PM
"Under the Affordable Care Act, flu vaccines must be made available free of charge to most anyone with insurance. And the most surefire way to get one is to visit your own doctor or nearest health clinic. The shot will be free as long as the provider is covered by your plan."

We four got our free shots at Walgreens which accepts BCBS, at least in my state.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: "Most Kids Who Died of Flu Weren't Vaccinated, Study Finds" Anti-Vaxxer Death Sentence
Posted by: S. Pupp
Date: April 04, 2017 09:14PM
I expect that most anti-vaxxers will not be swayed by data. The anti-vaccination movement is a religion.
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