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Stahl interview released by the WH - not making the Orange Emperor look good so far
Posted by: sekker
Date: October 22, 2020 10:59AM
Follow Daniel Dale if you want some perspective.
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Re: Stahl interview released by the WH - not making the Orange Emperor look good so far
Posted by: deckeda
Date: October 22, 2020 11:14AM
There’s been plenty of time all week and up until Sunday for CBS to edit the segment, as well as include ample time for Stahl to comment on it on the broadcast.

It’s a safe bet they’ll do so, which will not help Trump’s portrayal here. Stahl’s reputation is essentially unimpeachable, unlike Trump’s.
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Re: Stahl interview released by the WH - not making the Orange Emperor look good so far
Posted by: Speedy
Date: October 22, 2020 11:55AM
I think the great fear in the alt.White House is that the edit will be Stahl asking a question, then a cut to the president answering it.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Stahl interview released by the WH - not making the Orange Emperor look good so far
Posted by: samintx
Date: October 22, 2020 01:15PM
Where is it? On UTube?
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Re: Stahl interview released by the WH - not making the Orange Emperor look good so far
Posted by: sekker
Date: October 22, 2020 01:24PM
Where is it? On UTube?

I think the White House 38min recording was released on facebook
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Re: Stahl interview released by the WH - not making the Orange Emperor look good so far
Posted by: Steve G.
Date: October 22, 2020 02:32PM
It's probably a good preview of the same-old-same-old rally lies we'll be hearing on the ridiculous debate tonight.
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Re: Stahl interview released by the WH - not making the Orange Emperor look good so far
Posted by: Lemon Drop
Date: October 22, 2020 03:12PM
60 minutes is a sleepy show that hasn't had this much free publicity in a long time. Good for them They probably released the interview.
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Re: Stahl interview released by the WH - not making the Orange Emperor look good so far
Posted by: CJsNvrUrly
Date: October 22, 2020 03:21PM
I think Donald was just mad at 60 Minutes because of Fauci's interview the week before.

bunny smileyCentral VA
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Re: Stahl interview released by the WH - not making the Orange Emperor look good so far
Posted by: deckeda
Date: October 22, 2020 09:51PM
Didn't and won't watch it, nor will I the 60 Minutes episode. But what's interesting is how ostensibly the same or similar material will shown by him to be media=bad whereas the "media" will show him to be Trump.
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Re: Stahl interview released by the WH - not making the Orange Emperor look good so far
Posted by: pdq
Date: October 22, 2020 11:02PM
Tweet from you-know-who Thursday morning:


I will soon be giving a first in television history full, unedited preview of the vicious attempted “takeout” interview of me by Lesley Stahl of @60Minutes. Watch her constant interruptions & anger. Compare my full, flowing and “magnificently brilliant” answers to their “Q’s”.

I am constantly amazed that people follow his tweets and still support this clown.
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Re: Stahl interview released by the WH - not making the Orange Emperor look good so far
Posted by: $tevie
Date: October 22, 2020 11:29PM
The infamous walk-out wasn't much of a big deal. When told there was 5 minutes left and then Pence would be on, Trump declared that he thought they were done and said goodbye. The stories had made it sound like he arbitrarily leaped out of his chair and stomped out. Honestly, the interview was a lot worse than the ending was.

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