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Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: PeterB
Date: June 07, 2021 05:48PM

... guess which five? Sure enough, mine is one. According to the article, in some areas of my state, fewer than 20% have received a first dose.

Freya says, 'Hello from NOLA, baby!' (Laissez bon temps rouler!)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2021 05:51PM by PeterB.
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: Ombligo
Date: June 07, 2021 06:59PM
Without looking.. I'll guess they all have teams in the SEC

“No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.” -- François de La Rochefoucauld

"Those who cannot accept the past are condemned to revise it." -- Geo. Mathias

The German word for contraceptive is “Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel”. By the time you finished saying that, it’s too late
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: Speedy
Date: June 07, 2021 07:11PM
Without looking.. I'll guess they all have teams in the SEC

Close! Wyoming messed it up for you.

The top 15 states for fewest vaccinated voted red for president. One man could have saved so many from illness and death by simply sacrificing his narcissism. Pathetic and tragic.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: Dennis S
Date: June 07, 2021 07:17PM
Oklahoma is not in the SEC. Alabama just extended its football coach's contract to 2029 at at least least 8 million per year, so they know their priorities.
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: PeterB
Date: June 07, 2021 09:35PM
Without looking.. I'll guess they all have teams in the SEC

Close! Wyoming messed it up for you.

The top 15 states for fewest vaccinated voted red for president. One man could have saved so many from illness and death by simply sacrificing his narcissism. Pathetic and tragic.

That's a chicken-and-the-egg argument to me. Dump has persisted and been superficially successful in part because he gives voice to the roughly half of the country who otherwise don't usually say what's really on their mind, either because they can't, or they're afraid to. Included in that lovely group are, amongst others, the antivaxxers, the corona deniers, and the Q crowd; these characters were all already around long before Dump came along. Of course, Dump's narcissism fed into all of it and reinforced these folks and their views... and they in turn fed his narcissism; like most narcissists, he has to be constantly bathed in approval and adoration.

Good analysis:


... and of course: []

Freya says, 'Hello from NOLA, baby!' (Laissez bon temps rouler!)
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: hal
Date: June 07, 2021 09:40PM
I guessed MISS, AL, WY, LA & TN - not bad...
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: space-time
Date: June 07, 2021 09:53PM
What is SEC?
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: Filliam H. Muffman
Date: June 07, 2021 10:30PM
The SouthEastern Conference in the NCAA.

In tha 360. MRF User Map
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: RgrF
Date: June 07, 2021 10:46PM
Latest California figures are that of 17 million fully vaccinated about 5300 have then contracted COVD with 300+ hospitalized and 40 deceased. So although the numbers are infinitesimal compared to this time last year, it's still out there and you can still contract it.
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: Speedy
Date: June 07, 2021 11:01PM
My nephew and his wife (age: 28) had their first child today. He is my antivaxxer sister’s son. Her four kids follow her idiotic beliefs. The mother tested positive for COVID45 this past Tuesday. She was due in July and her baby weighed 4 lbs 13 oz. Roughly one quarter of pregnancies deliver prematurely when mom is infected with COVID45. Good thing mom didn’t get infected a month earlier.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: testcase
Date: June 08, 2021 01:20AM
Paywall. "Regular" people can NOT access. angry villagers smiley
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: JoeH
Date: June 08, 2021 01:58AM
Paywall. "Regular" people can NOT access. angry villagers smiley

What paywall? The NY Times has all of their COVID-19 coverage outside their paywall. Seems they think it more important to get that information out than collect subscription fees.
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: Sam3
Date: June 08, 2021 03:49AM
Paywall. "Regular" people can NOT access. angry villagers smiley

What paywall? The NY Times has all of their COVID-19 coverage outside their paywall. Seems they think it more important to get that information out than collect subscription fees.

Nope. It is paywalled.

The arts are not luxuries but assets that give way more than they cost.
--Ronald Tucker on YouTube

A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.
--Frank Zappa
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: cbelt3
Date: June 08, 2021 06:56AM
Vaccine access does not seem to be an issue much any more. Ohio has actually shifted to walk in, no appointment needed models. Now it’s a function of denial, inability to travel to get vaccinated, or a general opinion that “It’s over”.

And yes, most folks are ditching their masks. I carry my vax card with me (in a little lanyard badge pocket thing) . But if people are close, or when interacting with staff, the mask goes on.

You can still get COVID-19 after being vaccinated. It’s less likely and less virulent, but still possible. The fat lady has not sung, and the show ain’t over yet.
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: PeterB
Date: June 08, 2021 07:54AM
Paywall. "Regular" people can NOT access. angry villagers smiley

What paywall? The NY Times has all of their COVID-19 coverage outside their paywall. Seems they think it more important to get that information out than collect subscription fees.

Nope. It is paywalled.

Not on my end ... and just using Safari, though it does give me the nag notice at the bottom about becoming a subscriber.

Vaccine access does not seem to be an issue much any more. Ohio has actually shifted to walk in, no appointment needed models. Now it’s a function of denial, inability to travel to get vaccinated, or a general opinion that “It’s over”.

And yes, most folks are ditching their masks. I carry my vax card with me (in a little lanyard badge pocket thing) . But if people are close, or when interacting with staff, the mask goes on.

You can still get COVID-19 after being vaccinated. It’s less likely and less virulent, but still possible. The fat lady has not sung, and the show ain’t over yet.

There's also the fact that the vaccines are less effective against the variants, and the longer that people take to get vaccinated, the more this virus will replicate, giving it more time to cook and develop into a variant against which the current vaccines are mostly or wholly ineffective.

Freya says, 'Hello from NOLA, baby!' (Laissez bon temps rouler!)
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: Lemon Drop
Date: June 08, 2021 09:00AM
Latest California figures are that of 17 million fully vaccinated about 5300 have then contracted COVD with 300+ hospitalized and 40 deceased. So although the numbers are infinitesimal compared to this time last year, it's still out there and you can still contract it.

IMO it's very important to present this information in context and without leaving out significant details.

"Out of more than 17 million fully vaccinated Californians, there have been 5,305 post-vaccination COVID-19 cases identified as of May 26 – a “breakthrough” rate of 0.03%, according to the state Department of Public Health.

Of these, at least 373 people were hospitalized and least 40 have died. It is not known if the primary cause of hospitalization or death was COVID-19 or if there were other causes, CDPH said"


My brother has daily conversations with patients who are afraid to get the vaccine because they heard things like "thousands of people have died after getting the vaccine."

Needs to be compared to the unvaccinated. that's the group still getting infected, hospitalized and dying. Risk is minimal for vaccinated people. This cannot be emphasized enough.
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: JoeH
Date: June 08, 2021 10:15AM
We may never know the full breakthrough rate as many will have very mild or no symptoms. But even if it is many times higher than they have found through testing, it will still be much, much less than not being vaccinated at all.

Various state health departments may keep more comprehensive track of the breakthrough cases. But the CDC has decided to only track serious cases that result in hospitalization or death going forward. That was announced sometime in the last few weeks.
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: AllGold
Date: June 08, 2021 01:37PM
Lemon Drop
My brother has daily conversations with patients who are afraid to get the vaccine because they heard things like "thousands of people have died after getting the vaccine."

I'm sure thousands of people have died after getting vaccinated. But not from Covid; the vaccine isn't going to protect you from a heart attack or car crash. wink smiley
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: DeusxMac
Date: June 08, 2021 01:45PM
"thousands of people have died after getting the vaccine watching television."
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: NewtonMP2100
Date: June 08, 2021 02:01PM
....what about the the dark.....???


I reject your reality and substitute my own!
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: Lemon Drop
Date: June 08, 2021 02:20PM
Lemon Drop
My brother has daily conversations with patients who are afraid to get the vaccine because they heard things like "thousands of people have died after getting the vaccine."

I'm sure thousands of people have died after getting vaccinated. But not from Covid; the vaccine isn't going to protect you from a heart attack or car crash. wink smiley

It's not quite that silly. The number they are hearing is people who are fully vaccinated, then test positive for Covid, get hospitalized and die. That number gets presented without full context or explantation, leading some to think the vaccine is more risky than it is.
It is very safe and effective. We need the emphasis there, not on the tiny number of exceptions.
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: hal
Date: June 08, 2021 03:26PM
Lemon Drop
Lemon Drop
My brother has daily conversations with patients who are afraid to get the vaccine because they heard things like "thousands of people have died after getting the vaccine."

I'm sure thousands of people have died after getting vaccinated. But not from Covid; the vaccine isn't going to protect you from a heart attack or car crash. wink smiley

It's not quite that silly. The number they are hearing is people who are fully vaccinated, then test positive for Covid, get hospitalized and die. That number gets presented without full context or explantation, leading some to think the vaccine is more risky than it is.
It is very safe and effective. We need the emphasis there, not on the tiny number of exceptions.

I have these conversations with my neighbor - also conversations about health insurance. He's heard SO MANY stories of people being screwed over by insurance (Obamacare specifically), but seems completely unaware of the fate of people that have zero insurance. 'Most bankruptcies are because of health issues and no insurance' - blank stare...
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: PeterB
Date: June 08, 2021 03:46PM
Lemon Drop
Lemon Drop
My brother has daily conversations with patients who are afraid to get the vaccine because they heard things like "thousands of people have died after getting the vaccine."

I'm sure thousands of people have died after getting vaccinated. But not from Covid; the vaccine isn't going to protect you from a heart attack or car crash. wink smiley

It's not quite that silly. The number they are hearing is people who are fully vaccinated, then test positive for Covid, get hospitalized and die. That number gets presented without full context or explantation, leading some to think the vaccine is more risky than it is.
It is very safe and effective. We need the emphasis there, not on the tiny number of exceptions.

But... but... that'd conflict with our predetermined judgments based on irrational, nonscientific thinking! grinning smiley

Freya says, 'Hello from NOLA, baby!' (Laissez bon temps rouler!)
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: N-OS X-tasy!
Date: June 14, 2021 06:34PM

... guess which five? Sure enough, mine is one. According to the article, in some areas of my state, fewer than 20% have received a first dose.

There are actually six.

It is what it is.
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Re: Fewer than half of all adults have received at least one shot in these five states.
Posted by: PeterB
Date: June 14, 2021 10:45PM
N-OS X-tasy!

... guess which five? Sure enough, mine is one. According to the article, in some areas of my state, fewer than 20% have received a first dose.

There are actually six.

It depends on which data sources you're looking at... two states are borderline there.

Freya says, 'Hello from NOLA, baby!' (Laissez bon temps rouler!)
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